The fourth part of the graduate course on inequalities and povertywill be based on the slides below
Tag Archives: welfare
Inequality, Poverty and Welfare
For the fourth cours on Inequalities, we will get back on the quantile regression, and discuss welfare functions as well as poverty indices. Slides are now online
To illustrate, we will use the following datasets
uk88 <- read.csv("",sep=";",header=FALSE)$V1 uk92 <- read.csv("",sep=";",header=FALSE)$V1 uk96 <- read.csv("",sep=";",header=FALSE)$V1 cpi <- c(421.7, 546.4, 602.4) y88 <- uk88/cpi[1] y92 <- uk92/cpi[2] y96 <- uk96/cpi[3]
and for the part on applications of quantile regression
salary <- read.table("",header=TRUE)
Welfare, Inequality and Poverty
This week, we will start the crash course on Welfare, Inequality and Poverty. I will upload the slides soon. Reference for the course are the following,
- Atkinson Measuring top incomes: Methodological issuesis
- Atkinson & Morelly Chartbook of economic inequality
- Burricand, Houdré & Seguin Les niveaux de vie en 2010
- Amiel & Cowell Thinking about Inequality
- Cowell Measurement of inequality
- Cowell Measuring Inequality
- Cowell & Flachaire Statistical methods for distributional analysis
- Duclos, & Abdelkrim Poverty and Equity: Measurement, Policy and Estimation with DAD.
- Foster An Axiomatic Characterization of the Theil Measure of Income Inequality
- Haughton & Khandker Handbook on Poverty and Inequality
- Houdré, Missègue & Seguin Inégalités de niveau de vie et pauvreté
- Kahneman, Krueger, Schkade, Schwarz & Stone Would you be happier if you were richer? A focusing illusion
- Lewis & Ulph Poverty, Inequality and Welfare
- Piketty Capital in the Twenty-First Century
- Ravaillon Issues in Measuring and Modelling Poverty
- Sen From Income Inequality to Economic Inequality
- Sen Inequality Reexamined
See also Emmanuel Flachaire’s ECON-473 webpage, as well as Michel Lubrano’s notes. In the introductionary course, I will also mention Le Monde, 2012 (on poverty), with the pdf. An interesting video is based on Norton & Ariely, 2011