Tag Archives: US

The U.S. Has Been At War 222 Out of 239 Years

This morning, I discovered an interesting statistic, “America Has Been At War 93% of the Time – 222 Out of 239 Years – Since 1776“,  i.e. the U.S. has only been at peace for less than 20 years total since its birth. I wanted to check, get a better understanding and look at other countries in the world.

As always, we can try to extract information from wikipedia, since there are pages dedicated to that information

download.file(url,destfile = "warUS.html")
download.file(url,destfile = "warFR.html")
download.file(url,destfile = "guerre.html")
download.file(url,destfile = "warCAN.html")

If we look at the US page, there are tables, so it should be easy to extract it. For instance,

Even if the war did last 1 day, we will say that the US were at war in 1811. The information we want to confirm can be “there were 21 full years – from Jan 1st till Dec 31st – where the US were not at war, once, during those years“. From the row above, we can claim that the US were at war in 1811. Most of the time, we have

I.e. there is a beginning (here 1775) and an end (1783). So here, the US are said to be at war in 1775, 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, 1780, 1781, 1782, 1783. To extract the information, we look for regular expressions in the first column, with number, on 4 digits.


Well, sometimes it can be a bit tricky, since we have 3 dates, 1941, 1945 and (in the legend) 1944. But if we consider the minimal and the maximal dates, we have our range of dates.

Now that we we how to extract information, let’s do it. The code will be

#grep(pattern = dates2, x = col1[1])
for(j in 1:length(L))
if(length(L[[j]])==1) return_L[[j]]=as.numeric(L[[j]])
if(length(L[[j]])>=2) return_L[[j]]=seq(min(as.numeric(L[[j]])),max((as.numeric(L[[j]]))))

For the US, we get the following years

for(i in 1:length(tables)){

(red means at war, while green means no-war) and indeed,

> length(d)
[1] 222

there were 222 years with war.  Now, what about another country. Like France. Here I use the French wiki page, since information is not in tables in the English one.

for(i in 1:length(tables)){

On the same period of time (starting in 1775), France was also on war most of the time.

Less than the US, but still: 185 years with war,

> length(d[d>=1775])
[1] 185

And on a longer period of time? Why not start, say, around the Hundred Years’s War,

meaning that since 1337, there were (only) 174 years without a single war where France was involved.

Let’s try another one. Like Canada,

for(i in 1:length(tables)){

Guess what… there’s a lot of green on that graph. Surprised?

Modeling Incomes and Inequalities

Last week, in our Inequality course, we’ve been looking at data. We started with some simulated data, only a few of them

> library("ineq")
> load(url("http://freakonometrics.free.fr/income_5.RData"))
> (income=sort(income))
[1]  19233  23707  53297  61667 218662

How could we say that there is inequality in this sample? If we look at the wealth owned by the poorest, the poorest person (1 out of 5) owns 5% of the wealth; the bottom two (2 out of 5) own 11%, etc

> income[1]/sum(income)
[1] 0.05107471
> sum(income[1:2])/sum(income)
[1] 0.1140305
> sum(income[1:3])/sum(income)
[1] 0.2555648
> sum(income[1:4])/sum(income)
[1] 0.4193262

If we plot those values, we get Lorenz curve

> plot(Lc(income))
> points(c(0:5)/5,c(0,cumsum(income)/sum(income)),pch=19,col="blue")

Continue reading Modeling Incomes and Inequalities

Date of death, birthday and Elvis Presley

10 days ago, a study published on http://www.annalsofepidemiology.org/ mentioned that “Death has a preference for birthdays” (as claimed in the title). The conclusion of the paper is that, in general, birthdays do not evoke a postponement mechanism but appear to end up in a lethal way more frequently than expected (“anniversary reaction”). Well, this is not new, and several previous articles have mentioned that point, e.g. Angermeyer et al. (1987).

I found the idea interesting since in demography, there is a large literature trying to extrapolate death rates from discrete to continuous time. Extrapolation are usually extremely smooth. But none of them integrate that aspect of mortality precisely on the birthday. The problem is that it is rather difficult to say something since datasets with individual observations are rare, online.

But yesterday, @coulmont sent me a tweet mentioning a website. I do not know if this is legal (even if some explanations are given), but I will mention courtesy of http://ssdmf.info/. It is a so-called Social Security Death Master File, containing individual informations about deaths in the US, as well as geographic information (as described on http://www.ssa.gov/), for people having a social security number.

With R, it is possible to work on those files (even they are huge, with tens of millions observations). For instance, we can check who is inside.

> elvis=scan("ssdm2",skip=22371720,n=1,what="character",sep=",")
> elvis
[1] " 409522002PRESLEY         ELVIS     0800197701081935  "

If you believe that Elvis is dead, you might agree that this database can be accurate (or at least, not too bad). And further, we can see here how to read the result: Elvis was born on January 8, 1935 (8 last digits), and died on August 16, 1977 (8 digits before). Obviously here, there are some problems with the dataset (we do not have the day of the death of Elvis). So here, we remove all the observations that do not give us proper dates. Then, the idea is to assume that the person died in 2000 (or any year since the point is to focus on days and months). Then, we count the number of days between the day of death and the birthday in 2001 (that would have been after) and the one in 2000 (that was either before or after the death), so that we can derive the number of days after the birthday,

DIFF=apply(diffday,1,function(x) {min(x[x>=0])})

What we have here is the number of days following the previous birthday. If we look at the distribution of that number of days, we obtain

> counts["0"]/(mean(counts[100:200]))

Thus, the death excess on the day of birth was around 12%, which is rather close to the one obtained from the Swiss mortality statistics 1969–2008 (in Ajdacic-Gross et al. (2012)). Note that here, we just play with a small subset of the entire dataset,

That database is probably extremely interesting, except that it suffers a huge selection bias, since only dead people are in that database. So it might be useless if we wish to study life expectancy of people named Bill versus people named Georges (that was something I wanted to investigate initially). But we’ll see what else we can do with it (since Ewen have been able to write some code to go through that huge dataset).

Good old days, politics and mathematics

2012 will be, in several countries, a presidential election year. Some decades ago, candidates were not always supposed to spend months on some demagogicdemocratic debates, but had time to spend on more important problems. Like mathematics… For instance, a congressman, who became the 20th president of the United States, James Garfield, gave the following proof to the Pythagorean theorem (actually, he wrote that proof five years before he become President). The legend claims that he found this proof in 1876 during a mathematics discussion with some of the members of Congress… Those were good old days, when politicians were interested in mathematics, and sciences. The proof he suggested was the following


i.e. http://freakonometrics.blog.free.fr/public/perso5/pyth02.gif, since


I found that nice graph in Roger Nelsen’s book. For more details, Klebe (1995), or on wikipedia. And for those who love proofs without words, look at the 96 geometrical proofs of the Pythagorean theorem mentioned on http://www.cut-the-knot.org/.