Tag Archives: simplex

Confidence Regions for Parameters in the Simplex

Consider here the case where, in some parametric inference problem, parameter  is a point in the Simplex,

For instance, consider some regression, on compositional data,

> library(compositions)
>  data(DiagnosticProb)
>  Y=DiagnosticProb[,"type"]-1
>  X=DiagnosticProb[,c("A","B","C")]
>  model = glm(Y~ilr(X),family=binomial)
>  b = ilrInv(coef(model)[-1],orig=X)
>  as.numeric(b)
[1] 0.3447106 0.2374977 0.4177917

We can visualize that estimator on the simplex, using

>  tripoint=function(s){
+    p=s/sum(s)
+    abc2xy(matrix(p,1,3))
+  }

>  lab=LETTERS[1:3]
>  xl=c(-.1,1.25)
>  yl=c(-.1,1.15)
>  library(trifield)
>  A=abc2xy(matrix(c(1,0,0),1,3)) 
>  B=abc2xy(matrix(c(0,1,0),1,3))
>  C=abc2xy(matrix(c(0,0,1),1,3)) 
>  plot(0:1,0:1,col="white",
+  xlim=xl,ylim=yl,xlab="",ylab="",axes=FALSE)
>  polygon(rbind(A,B,C),col="light yellow")
>  text(B[1],-.05,lab[2])
>  text(A[1],1.05,lab[1])
>  text(C[1],-.05,lab[3])
>  segments((A[1]+C[1])/2,(A[2]+C[2])/2,B[1],B[2],col="grey",lty=2)
>  segments((A[1]+B[1])/2,(A[2]+B[2])/2,C[1],C[2],col="grey",lty=2)
>  segments((B[1]+C[1])/2,(B[2]+C[2])/2,A[1],A[2],col="grey",lty=2)
>  points(tripoint(b),pch=19,cex=2,col="red")

If we want to compute a ‘confidence region’, we can either use Bayesian models (with a Dirichlet distribution as prior distribution), or use bootstrap. We will use here the second idea

>  MB=matrix(NA,1e4,2)
>  for(sim in 1:1e4){
+    idx=sample(1:nrow(DiagnosticProb),
+    size=nrow(DiagnosticProb),replace=TRUE)
+  Y=DiagnosticProb[idx,"type"]-1
+  X=DiagnosticProb[idx,c("A","B","C")]
+  model = glm(Y~ilr(X),family=binomial)
+  MB[sim,]=tripoint(as.numeric(
+    ilrInv(coef(model)[-1],orig=X)))}

To get some ‘confidence region’, we can then use the bagplot, to get either a region where 50% of the boostraped estimators are, or 95%,

>  library(aplpack)
> P1=bagplot(MB[,1],MB[,2], factor =1.96, cex=.9,
+ dkmethod=2,show.baghull=TRUE) 
> P2=bagplot(MB[,1],MB[,2], factor =0.67, cex=.9,
+ dkmethod=2,show.baghull=TRUE) 

Then we can easily plot those two regions,

>  plot(0:1,0:1,col="white")
>  polygon(rbind(A,B,C),col="light yellow")
>  text(B[1],-.05,lab[2])
>  text(A[1],1.05,lab[1])
>  text(C[1],-.05,lab[3])
>  polygon(P1$hull.loop,col="yellow",border=NA)
>  polygon(P2$hull.loop,col="orange",border=NA)
>  segments((A[1]+C[1])/2,(A[2]+C[2])/2,B[1],B[2],col="grey",lty=2)
>  segments((A[1]+B[1])/2,(A[2]+B[2])/2,C[1],C[2],col="grey",lty=2)
>  segments((B[1]+C[1])/2,(B[2]+C[2])/2,A[1],A[2],col="grey",lty=2)
>  points(tripoint(b),pch=19,cex=2,col="red")


Overview on Multivariate Distributions

In June 2016, with Olivier L’Haridon, we will organize a (small) conference, in Rennes, on risk models in a multi-attribute framework. In order to fully enjoy the workshop (more to come on the blog), we will organize every month an internal workshop on that topic. We will start tomorrow afternoon, 13:00-14:30, and I will give a brief talk on multivariate distributions, with an emphasis on spherical / elliptical distributions, distributions on the simplex, and copulas. Slides are now online,

the Dirichlet distribution

In the course, since we are still introducing some concepts of dependent distributions, we will talk about the Dirichlet distribution, which is a distribution over the simplex of http://freakonometrics.hypotheses.org/files/2017/07/diri11.gif. Let http://freakonometrics.hypotheses.org/files/2017/07/diri01.gif denote the Gamma distribution with density (on http://freakonometrics.hypotheses.org/files/2017/07/diri03.gif)


Let http://freakonometrics.hypotheses.org/files/2017/07/diri04.gif denote independent http://freakonometrics.hypotheses.org/files/2017/07/diri05.gif random variables, with http://freakonometrics.hypotheses.org/files/2017/07/diri06.gif. Then http://freakonometrics.hypotheses.org/files/2017/07/diri07.gif where


has a Dirichlet distribution with parameter


Note that http://freakonometrics.hypotheses.org/files/2017/07/diri10.gif has a distribution in the simplex of http://freakonometrics.hypotheses.org/files/2017/07/diri11.gif,


and has density


We will write http://freakonometrics.hypotheses.org/files/2017/07/diri13.gif.

The density for different values of http://freakonometrics.hypotheses.org/files/2017/07/diri20.gif can be visualized below, e.g. http://freakonometrics.hypotheses.org/files/2017/07/diri21.gif, with some kind of symmetry,
or http://freakonometrics.hypotheses.org/files/2017/07/diri22.gif and http://freakonometrics.hypotheses.org/files/2017/07/diri23.gif, below
and finally, below, http://freakonometrics.hypotheses.org/files/2017/07/diri24.gif

Note that marginal distributions are also Dirichlet, in the sense that if




if http://freakonometrics.hypotheses.org/files/2017/07/diri15.gif, and if http://freakonometrics.hypotheses.org/files/2017/07/diri16.gif, then http://freakonometrics.hypotheses.org/files/2017/07/diri17.gif‘s have Beta distributions,


See Devroye (1986) section XI.4, or Frigyik, Kapila & Gupta (2010) .This distribution might also be called multivariate Beta distribution. In R, this function can be used as follows

> library(MCMCpack)
> alpha=c(2,2,5)
> x=seq(0,1,by=.05)
> vx=rep(x,length(x))
> vy=rep(x,each=length(x))
> vz=1-x-vy
> V=cbind(vx,vy,vz)
> D=ddirichlet(V, alpha)
> persp(x,x,matrix(D,length(x),length(x))

(to plot the density, as figures above). Note that we will come back on that distribution later on so-called Liouville copulas (see also Gupta & Richards (1986)).