Wednesday, I will be giving a talk at the seminar at the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS), to present our model on COVID-19 pandemic control: balancing detection policy and lockdown intervention under ICU sustainability. The slides can be downloaded from here.
Tag Archives: SIDUHR
Talk at CMAP on optimal Control and COVID-19
Friday, I will be giving a talk at the seminar at Ecole Polytechnique, on our model on COVID-19 pandemic control: balancing detection policy and lockdown intervention under ICU sustainability. The slides can be downloaded from here.
COVID19 pandemic control: balancing detection policy and lockdown intervention under ICU sustainability
After almost two months, with Romuald Elie, Chi (Tran Viet Chi) and Mathieu Laurière, we finally have a draft of the paper related to our recent work, entitled “COVID-19 pandemic control: balancing detection policy and lockdown intervention under ICU sustainability” (available on HAL ArXiv and MedrXiv)
Our model is an extention of the classical SIR model, but more realistic for the COVID-19 (pronounded “cider”)
We use scenarios to see the impact on various quantities
but also optimal control to see the best strategy, when it comes to lockdown, and testing. All comments are welcome…