Tag Archives: OICA

“Family History” and Life Insurance

Today and tomorrow, I will attend the Online International Conference in Actuarial science, data science and finance, organised by colleagues in Lyon. But I won’t be in Lyon, I will be at home, in Montréal…

I will give a talk on wednesday afternoon, on a joint paper with Ewen Gallic and Olivier Cabrignac. Slides are available here, and if I can get a copy of the video, I will share it…

Telematics: a revolution ?

Tomorrow morning, Laurence Barry will present some joint work at the Online International Conference in Actuarial science, data science and finance, organised by colleagues in Lyon. The paper, “Personalization as a Promise: Can Big Data Change the Practice of Insurance?” is online, as a Working Paper of the PARI chair,

The purpose of this paper is to measure the impact of technologies from the Big Bang. data on thehe pricing ofhe products car insurance. The first part describes how the aggregated view buildsuit by statistics enables highlighting invisible regularities at the individual level. Despite a very granular segmentations in automobile insurance, the approach remained classificatory, hypothesizing the risk identity of individuals from the same class. The second part highlights the reversal of big data-induced perspective in the’analysis ofgiven ; awith theur volume and the new algorithms, the aggregate viewpoint is questioned.. The hypothesis of class homogeneity is becoming increasingly difficult to test. maintain, especially since predictive analysis boasts the ability to predict the rs results at the individual level. The third part is studying the’influence of telematics boxes able to import the new pinsurance aradigm automobile. However, a reading of the most recent research articles on a pricing automobile including this new monter that the epistemological leap, at least for now, has not taken place.