Tag Archives: multicore

Parallelizing Linear Regression or Using Multiple Sources

My previous post was explaining how mathematically it was possible to parallelize computation to estimate the parameters of a linear regression. More speficially, we have a matrix \mathbf{X} which is n\times k matrix and \mathbf{y} a n-dimensional vector, and we want to compute \widehat{\mathbf{\beta}}=[\mathbf{X}^T\mathbf{X}]^{-1}\mathbf{X}^T\mathbf{y} by spliting the job. Instead of using the n observations, we’ve seen that it was to possible to compute “something” using the first n_1 rows, then the next n_2 rows, etc. Then, finally, we “aggregate” the m objects created to get our overall estimate.

Parallelizing on multiple cores

Let us see how it works from a computational point of view, to run each computation on a different core of the machine. Each core will see a slave, computing what we’ve seen in the previous post. Here, the data we use are

y = cars$dist
X = data.frame(1,cars$speed)
k = ncol(X)

On my laptop, I have three cores, so we will split it in m=3 chunks

ncl = detectCores()-1
cl = makeCluster(ncl)

This is more or less what we will do: we have our dataset, and we split the jobs,

We can then create lists containing elements that will be sent to each core, as Ewen suggested,

chunk = function(x,n) split(x, cut(seq_along(x), n, labels = FALSE))
a_parcourir = chunk(seq_len(nrow(X)), ncl)
for(i in 1:length(a_parcourir)) a_parcourir[[i]] = rep(i, length(a_parcourir[[i]]))
Xlist = split(X, unlist(a_parcourir))
ylist = split(y, unlist(a_parcourir))

It is also possible to simplify the QR functions we will use

compute_qr = function(x){
get_Vlist = function(j){
  Q3 = QR1[[j]]$Q %*% Q2list[[j]]
  t(Q3) %*% ylist[[j]]
clusterExport(cl, c("compute_qr", "get_Vlist"), envir=environment())

Then, we can run our functions on each core. The first one is

  QR1 = parLapply(cl=cl,Xlist, compute_qr)

note that it is also possible to use

  QR1 = pblapply(Xlist, compute_qr, cl=cl)

which will include a progress bar (that can be nice when the database is rather large). Then use

  R1 = pblapply(QR1, function(x) x$R, cl=cl) %>% do.call("rbind", .)
  Q1 = qr.Q(qr(as.matrix(R1)))
  R2 = qr.R(qr(as.matrix(R1)))
  Q2list = split.data.frame(Q1, rep(1:ncl, each=k))
  clusterExport(cl, c("QR1", "Q2list", "ylist"), envir=environment())
  Vlist = pblapply(1:length(QR1), get_Vlist, cl=cl)
  sumV = Reduce('+', Vlist)

and finally the ouput is

solve(R2) %*% sumV
X1 -17.579095
X2   3.932409

which is what we were expecting…

Using multiple sources

In practice, it might also happen that various “servers” have the data, but we cannot get a copy. But it is possible to run some functions on their server, and get some output, that we can use afterwards.

Datasets are supposed to be available somewhere. We can send a request, and get a matrix. Then we we aggregate all of them, and send another request. That’s what we will do here. Provider j should run f_1(\mathbf{X}) on his part of the data, that function will return R^{(1)}_j. More precisely, to the first provider, send

function1 = function(subX){
R1 = function1(Xlist[[1]])

and actually, send that function to all providers, and aggregate the output

for(j in 2:m) R1 = rbind(R1,function1(Xlist[[j]]))

The create on your side the following objects

Q1 = qr.Q(qr(as.matrix(R1)))
R2 = qr.R(qr(as.matrix(R1)))
for(j in 1:m) Q2list[[j]] = Q1[(j-1)*k+1:k,]

Finally, contact one last time the providers, and send one of your objects

return(t(Q1%*%Q2) %*% suby)}

Provider j should then run f_2(\mathbf{X},\mathbf{y},Q_j^{(2)}) on his part of the data, using also Q_j^{(2)} as argument (that we obtained on own side) and that function will return (\mathbf{Q}^{(2)}_j\mathbf{Q}^{(1)}_j)^{T}_j\mathbf{y}_j. For instance, ask the first provider to run

sumV = function2(Xlist[[1]],ylist[[1]], Q2list[[1]])

and do the same with all providers

for(j in 2:m) sumV = sumV+ function2(Xlist[[j]],ylist[[j]], Q2list[[j]])
solve(R2) %*% sumV
X1 -17.579095
X2   3.932409

which is what we were expecting…

Are parallel computations worth it ?

Yesterday, Daniel Marcelino published an interesting post on his blog, untitled Parallel Processing: When does it worth ? I was asking myself the same question for a chapter I am currently writing. And I did like his approach, so I tried, on my computer to do the same. I did use three packages to run parallel R codes,

> library(multicore)
> library(snow)
> library(snowfall)

and one to quantify time to run the code

> library(microbenchmark)

I ran the code on my mac, at the office,

> all=detectCores(all.tests=TRUE)
> all
[1] 4

which is a standard computer, with four cores. To run some codes, I had to generate datasets. Here, I consider a data frame, with https://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?n rows, and 100 columns. I generate values using a Gaussian distribution,

> gen=function(n) data.frame(matrix(rnorm(n*100),n,100))

The goal, here, will be to compute quantiles (or to be more specific quartiles) per column, and to replicate that 100 times. Here, the standard technique is to use lapply. But two (at least) parallel version of the function can be found. So, let us use it

> base=gen(n=100)
> microbenchmark(
+ mlapp=data.frame(lapply(base, quantile, probs = 1:3/4 )),
+ mclapp=data.frame(mclapply(base, quantile, probs = 1:3/4 , mc.cores = all)),
+ sflapp=data.frame(sfLapply(base, quantile, probs = 1:3/4 )),
+ times=100) -> m

For instance, with 100 rows, we have

> m
Unit: milliseconds
    expr      min       lq   median       uq       max
1 mclapp 50.19290 55.90364 57.99185 64.10619 266.88692
2  mlapp 26.94146 29.49396 31.20571 49.54824  75.60251
3 sflapp 27.54857 30.10224 31.41864 47.10688  59.28925

And with 500,000 rows, we have

> m
Unit: seconds
    expr       min         lq     median        uq      max
1 mclapp 42.999504 103.873919 161.989876 258.66887 660.2953
2  mlapp  3.720542   3.770319   4.070116  11.90181 166.9461
3 sflapp  3.587703   3.770399   4.027876  10.62654 181.0093

So yes, using parallel code would be very interesting ! Especially with very large datasets (I could not run it with 1 million rows). If we consider a loop, to see the evolution of the median time, for each of those three function, we can plot the time it took, as a function of the number of rows,

> i=1;vk=seq(1,6,by=.2)
> col=seq(i,3*2,by=3)
> plot(10^vk,db[2,col],ylim=range(db),col="white",log="x",
+     xlab="Number of rows",ylab="Time")
+ polygon(c(10^vk,rev(10^vk)),c(db[1,col],rev(db[3,col])),col="light blue",border=NA)
+ lines(10^vk,db[2,col],col="blue",lwd=2)

Here, we have the following, with the standard lapply on the left (the line if the median time, with quartiles, 25% and 75%), the multicore function in the middle, and the snowfall function, on the right,

If we zoom in, for small datasets (less than 10,000 rows and 100 columns), we do observe a gain, since the code ran two times faster

So clearly, it might be interesting to write codes to distribute on different cores. But here, I use a simple function (I compute quantiles on columns of a dataset). I should try with a more complex function…

On the other hand, I should mention that, usually, while I have have one (or two) codes running, I can do something else : seeking for recent papers for ongoing research projects, answer to emails that I should have answered a few weeks ago, checking for typos in the book and update the tex file, or type parts of a future posts on my blog, etc. The problem I got yesterday afternoon, when I ran the code, was that suddenly, all the cores on my computer were dedicated to that R code. I could not even finish an email I started before running the code… So finally I left earlier, decided to pick up the kids after school, and went to the park, to enjoy the sunny day we had ! So I have to admit that running parallel codes can have advantages you could not think of !