I am flying to France tonight, to give some talks. On Monday, it will be at the Panorisk conference (slides are available). On Wednesday, it will be for the 30 years of the Institut Universitaire de France, on business interruption (slides are available). Finally, on Friday, I will be at the workshop on algorithms and discrimination (slides are available).
Tag Archives: Le Mans
Semaine Risques & Incertitude (Le Mans, 15-19 novembre)
Mi novembre, la semaine Risques & Incertitude sera organisée au Mans, en France. Je donnerai un exposé lundi matin, après l’exposé d’ouverture de Jean-Marc Tallon, pour la conférence de cloture de PanoRisk,
Mercredi, ça sera la conférence Risques & Incertitude qui commencera.
Le Mans Insurance & Finance Risk Colloquium
This Thursday and Friday, a Colloqium on Insurance and Finance risks will take place in the University of Le Mans. I will be giving a talk on non- and semi-parametric inference for risk measures, inspired by recent work with Emmanuel Flachaire. Our first paper log-transform kernel density estimationof income distribution is online on http://papers.ssrn.com/id=2514882, and should appear soon. The second one is still in progress, codes are still running. I will upload the slides once the working paper is available…