Tag Archives: knn

KNN and K-means in Gini Prametric Spaces

With Cassandra Mussard, intern last summer, and Stéphane Mussard, we uploaded a paper entitled KNN and K-means in Gini Prametric Spaces on ArXiv.

This paper introduces innovative enhancements to the K-means and K-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithms based on the concept of Gini prametric spaces. Unlike traditional distance metrics, Gini-based measures incorporate both value-based and rank-based information, improving robustness to noise and outliers. The main contributions of this work include: proposing a Gini-based measure that captures both rank information and value distances; presenting a Gini K-means algorithm that is proven to converge and demonstrates resilience to noisy data; and introducing a Gini KNN method that performs competitively with state-of-the-art approaches such as Hassanat’s distance in noisy environments. Experimental evaluations on 14 datasets from the UCI repository demonstrate the superior performance and efficiency of Gini-based algorithms in clustering and classification tasks. This work opens new avenues for leveraging rank-based measures in machine learning and statistical analysis.

Computational Time of Predictive Models

Tuesday, at the end of my 5-hour crash course on machine learning for actuaries, Pierre asked me an interesting question about computational time of different techniques. I’ve been presenting the philosophy of various algorithm, but I forgot to mention computational time. I wanted to try several classification algorithms on the dataset used to illustrate the techniques

> rm(list=ls())
> myocarde=read.table(
> levels(myocarde$PRONO)=c("Death","Survival")

But the dataset is rather small, with 71 observations and 7 explanatory variables. So I decided to replicate the observations, and to add some covariates,

> levels(myocarde$PRONO)=c("Death","Survival")
> idx=rep(1:nrow(myocarde),each=100)
> TPS=matrix(NA,30,10)
> myocarde_large=myocarde[idx,]
> k=23
> M=data.frame(matrix(rnorm(k*
+ nrow(myocarde_large)),nrow(myocarde_large),k))
> names(M)=paste("X",1:k,sep="")
> myocarde_large=cbind(myocarde_large,M)
> dim(myocarde_large)
[1] 7100   31
> object.size(myocarde_large)
2049.064 kbytes

The dataset is not big… but at least, it does not take 0.0001 sec. to run a regression.  Actually, to run a logistic regression, it takes 0.1 second

> system.time(fit< glm(PRONO~.,
+ data=myocarde_large, family="binomial"))
       user      system     elapsed 
      0.114       0.016       0.134 
> object.size(fit)
9,313.600 kbytes

And I was surprised that the regression object was 9Mo, which is more than four times the size of the dataset. With a large dataset, 100 times larger,

> dim(myocarde_large_2)
[1] 710000     31

it takes 20 sec.

> system.time(fit<-glm(PRONO~.,
+ data=myocarde_large_2, family="binomial"))
utilisateur     système      écoulé 
     16.394       2.576      19.819 
> object.size(fit)
90,9025.600 kbytes

and the object is ‘only’ ten times bigger.

Continue reading Computational Time of Predictive Models