Tag Archives: data.gouv

Estimer la surmortalité

Ce matin, Baptiste Coulmont m’envoyait un tweet avec un joli graphique, présentant le nombre quotidien de décès en France.

Comme les données sont en ligne, je me suis dit que je pourrais jouer un peu avec. Pour les plus curieux, on a la liste de tous les décès depuis… longtemps ! (on a plus de 25 millions de décès). La seule chose qui nous intéresse, c’est la date, alors on la récupère. Puis on compte, par jour, combien de décès on a eu,

D = read.csv("insee_deces.csv",header=TRUE)
Vecteur_Dates = as.character(D[,8])
TV = table(Vecteur_Dates)
B = data.frame(dateC=names(TV),nb=as.numeric(TV))
B$year = format(B$date,"%Y")
B$month = format(B$date,"%m")
B$day = format(B$date,"%d")

Je crée ici une une variable qui me dit où je suis dans l’année en cours (0 pour le 1er janvier, et 1 pour pour 31 décembre). Ça me permet de contourner un petit problème technique : les années bissextiles. On peut ensuite représenter toutes les années,

plot(B2$dif[B2$year == "2020"],B2$NormCpte[B2$year == "2020"],type="l",xlim=0:1,ylim=c(1200,4000),col="white")
for(i in as.character(2000:2019)) lines(B2$dif[B2$year == i],B2$NormCpte[B2$year == i],col="light blue")

On veut ensuite avoir la tendance moyenne. Baptiste prenait la moyenne par jour (la courbe noire). Ici, on va lisser avec des splines

reg = gam(NormCpte~bs(dif,40),data=B2[B2$year != "2020",])
vx = seq(0,1,length=501)
vy = predict(reg,newdata=data.frame(dif=vx))

ce qui donne la courbe bleue. C’est l’écart à cette courbe qui donne la surmortalité. Par exemple (prenons un exemple bien connu, et largement visible sur le graphique précédant) l’année 2003, et les quinze premiers jours d’août, correspondant (plus ou moins) à la période de canicule.

i = 2003
x = B2$dif[(B2$year == i)&((B2$month == "08"))&(B2$day %in% c(paste("0",1:9,sep=""),10:15))]
y = B2$NormCpte[(B2$year == i)&((B2$month == "08"))&(B2$day %in% c(paste("0",1:9,sep=""),10:15))]
yp = predict(reg,newdata=data.frame(dif=x))
e = y-yp
[1] 14294.39

Plusieurs chiffres sont mentionnés sur wikipédia, dont le rapport de l’INSERM qui annonçait 14,802 morts. On n’est pas trop loin… On peut visualiser cette surmortalité sur le graphique ci-dessous

plot(B2$dif[B2$year == "2020"],B2$NormCpte[B2$year == "2020"],type="l",col="white",xlim=0:1,ylim=c(1200,4000))
for(i in as.character(2000:2019)) lines(B2$dif[B2$year == i],B2$NormCpte[B2$year == i],col="light blue")
lines(B2$dif[B2$year == 2003],B2$NormCpte[B2$year == 2003],col="red")
for(u in 1:length(x)) segments(x[u],y[u],x[u],yp[u],lwd=3,col="red")

Prenons un autre exemple qu’on voit bien sur le graphique de Baptiste, la grippe de 2017 (dite de 2016-2017). Si on prend les 45 premiers jours de 2017, on obtient les chiffres suivants

i = 2017
x=B2$dif[(B2$year == i)&((B2$month == "01")|
  ((B2$month == "02")&(B2$day %in% c(paste("0",1:9,sep=""),10:15))))]
y=B2$NormCpte[(B2$year == i)&((B2$month == "01")|
  ((B2$month == "02")&(B2$day %in% c(paste("0",1:9,sep=""),10:15))))]
yp = predict(reg,newdata=data.frame(dif=x))
e = y-yp
[1] 21177.33

Le rapport de Santé Publique France parle de 21,200 décès (pour la “surmortalité toute cause”) ce qui est là aussi comparable…

Maintenant, avant de conclure, et avant de me faire troller pendant quelques jours, je tiens à préciser que c’est juste un exercice de modélisation, et oui, j’ai exclu 2020. Je ne tiens pas à faire de comparaison avec la Covid-19, à qui 21,000 morts sont attribués, en France, ce soir. Si l’ordre de grandeur est le même, qu’on en me fasse pas dire qu’on est dans une situation comparable, et que la Covid-19 est finalement une simple grippe. Je ne me prononcerais pas sur ce point car je ne suis pas virologue. Mais surtout, on a 21,000 morts malgré des mesures incroyables de confinement. Je reviendrais probablement dans les jours qui viennent sur l’impact du contrôle par confinement, mais l’objet du court billet de ce soir était de voir comment on pouvait rapidement quantifier une surmortalité.

  • petite note technique : pour les 3 graphiques (mais pas pour les codes et les calculs) j’avais initialement normalisé les données. En effet, la population française a relativement pas mal changé en 20 ans, augmentant de 10%… Aussi, 1000 morts en 2003, ça n’est pas autant (relativement à la taille de la population) qu’en 2020.

Spatial and Temporal Viz of Gas Price, in France

A great think in France, is that we can play with a great database with gas price, in all gas stations, almost eveyday. The file is rather big, so let’s make sure we have enough memory to run our codes,

> rm(list=ls())

To extract the data, first, we should extract the xml file, and then convert it in a more common R object (say a list)

> year=2014
> loc=paste("http://donnees.roulez-eco.fr/opendata/annee/",year,sep="")
> download.file(loc,destfile="oil.zip")

Content type 'application/zip' length 15248088 bytes (14.5 MB)

> unzip("oil.zip", exdir="./")
> fichier=paste("PrixCarburants_annuel_",year,
> library(plyr)
> library(XML)
> library(lubridate)
> l=xmlToList(fichier)

We have a large dataset, with prices, for various types of gaz, for almost any gas station in France, almost every day, in 2014. It is a 1.4Gb list, with 11,064 elements (each of them being a gas station)

> length(l)
[1] 11064

There are two ways to look at the data. A first idea is to consider a gas station, and to extract the time series.

> time_series=function(no,type_gas="Gazole"){
+   prix=list()
+   date=list()
+   nom=list()
+   j=0
+   for(i in 1:length(l[[no]])){
+     v=names(l[[no]])
+     if(!is.null(v[i])){
+       if(v[i]=="prix"){
+         j=j+1
+  date[[j]]=as.character(l[[no]][[i]]["maj"])
+  prix[[j]]=as.character(l[[no]][[i]]["valeur"])
+  nom[[j]]=as.character(l[[no]][[i]]["nom"])
+       }}
+   }
+   id=which(unlist(nom)==type_gas)
+   n=length(id)
+   jour=function(j) as.Date(substr(date[[id[j]]],1,10),"%Y-%m-%d")
+   jour_heure=function(j) as.POSIXct(substr(date[[id[j]]],1,19), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "UTC")
+   ext_y=function(j) substr(date[[id[j]]],1,4)
+   ext_m=function(j) substr(date[[id[j]]],6,7)
+   ext_d=function(j) substr(date[[id[j]]],9,10)
+   ext_h=function(j) substr(date[[id[j]]],12,13)
+   ext_mn=function(j) substr(date[[id[j]]],15,16)
+   prix_essence=function(i) as.numeric(prix[[id[i]]])/1000
+   base1=data.frame(indice=no,
+            id=l[[no]]$.attrs["id"],
+            adresse=l[[no]]$adresse,
+            ville=l[[no]]$ville,
+  lat=as.numeric(l[[no]]$.attrs["latitude"])
+  lon=as.numeric(l[[no]]$.attrs["longitude"])
+       cp=l[[no]]$.attrs["cp"],
+       saufjour=l[[no]]$ouverture["saufjour"], 
+       Y=unlist(lapply(1:n,ext_y)),
+       M=unlist(lapply(1:n,ext_m)),
+       D=unlist(lapply(1:n,ext_d)),
+       H=unlist(lapply(1:n,ext_h)),
+       MN=unlist(lapply(1:n,ext_mn)),
+    prix=unlist(lapply(1:n,prix_essence)))
+   base1=base1[!is.na(base1$prix),]
+   date_d=paste(year,"-01-01 12:00:00",sep="")
+   date_f=paste(year,"-12-31 12:00:00",sep="")
+   vecteur_date=seq(as.POSIXct(date_d, format =
+                 "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
+                    as.POSIXct(date_f, format = 
+                 "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),by="days")
+   date=paste(base1$Y,"-",base1$M,"-",base1$D,
+   " ",base1$H,":",base1$MN,":00",sep="")
+   date_base=as.POSIXct(date, format = 
+                "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "UTC")
+   idx=function(t) sum(vecteur_date[t]>=date_base)
+   vect_idx=Vectorize(idx)(1:length(vecteur_date))
+   P=c(NA,base1$prix)
+   base2=ts(P[1+vect_idx],
+         start=year,frequency=365)
+   list(base=base1,
+        ts=base2)
+ }

To get the time series, extrapolation is necessary, since we have here observation at irregular dates. Here, for instance, for the second gas station, we get

> plot(time_series(2)$ts,ylim=c(1,1.6),col="red")
> lines(time_series(2,"SP98")$ts,col="blue")

An alternative is to study gas price from a spatial perspective. Given a date, we want the price in all stations. As previously, we keep the last price observed, in each station,

> spatial=function(dt){
+   base=NULL
+   for(no in 1:length(l)){  
+     prix=list()
+     date=list()
+     j=0
+     for(i in 1:length(l[[no]])){
+     v=names(l[[no]])
+     if(!is.null(v[i])){
+       if(v[i]=="prix"){
+   j=j+1
+   date[[j]]=as.character(l[[no]][[i]]["maj"])
+       }}
+   }
+   n=j
+   D=as.Date(substr(unlist(date),1,10),"%Y-%m-%d")
+   k=which(D==D[which.max(D[D<=dt])])
+ if(length(k)>0){
+   B=Vectorize(function(i) l[[no]][[k[i]]])(1:length(k))
+ if("nom" %in%  rownames(B)){  
+   k=which(B["nom",]=="Gazole")
+   prix=as.numeric(B["valeur",k])/1000
+   if(length(prix)==0) prix=NA
+   base1=data.frame(indice=no,
+   lat=as.numeric(l[[no]]$.attrs["latitude"])
+   lon=as.numeric(l[[no]]$.attrs["longitude"])
+   gaz=prix)
+   base=rbind(base,base1)
+ }}}
+ return(base)}

For instance, for the 5th of May, 2014, we get the following dataset

> B=spatial(as.Date("2014-05-05"))

To visualize prices, consider only mainland France (excluding islands in the Pacific, or close to the Caribeans)

> idx=which((B$lon>(-10))&(B$lon<20)&
+ (B$lat>35)&(B$lat<55))
> B=B[idx,]
> Q=quantile(B$gaz,seq(0,1,by=.01),na.rm=TRUE)
> Q[1]=0
> x=as.numeric(cut(B$gaz,breaks=unique(Q)))
> CL=c(rgb(0,0,1,seq(1,0,by=-.025)),
+ rgb(1,0,0,seq(0,1,by=.025)))
> plot(B$lon,B$lat,pch=19,col=CL[x])

Red dots are the most expensive gas stations, that particular day.

If we add contours of the French regions, we get

> library(maps)
> map("france")
> points(B$lon,B$lat,pch=19,col=CL[x])


We can also focus on some specific region, say the South of Brittany.

> library(OpenStreetMap)
> map <- openmap(c(lat= 48,   lon= -3),
+                c(lat= 47,   lon= -2))
> map <- openproj(map) 
> plot(map)
> points(B$lon,B$lat,pch=19,col=CL[x])

As we can see on that map, there are regions that are rather empty, where the closest gas station might be a bit far away. Actually, it is possible to add Voronoi sets on the map,

> dB=data.frame(lon=B$lon,lat=B$lat)
> idx=which(!duplicated(dB))
> dB=dB[idx,]


which could help to get the price of the closest gaz station.

> library(tripack)
> V <- voronoi.mosaic(dB$lon[id],dB$lat[id])
> plot(V,add=TRUE)

It is possible to plot each polygon with the color of the gaz station we add. Actually, it is a bit tricky, and I could not find a R function to to this. So I did it manually,

> plot(map)
> P <- voronoi.polygons(V)
> library(sp)
> point_in_i=function(i,point) point.in.polygon(point[1],point[2],P[[i]][,1],P[[i]][,2])
> which_point=function(i) which(Vectorize(function(j) point_in_i(i,c(dB$lon[id[j]],dB$lat[id[j]])))(1:length(id))>0)
> for(i in 1:length(P)) polygon(P[[i]],col=CL[x[id[which_point(i)]]],border=NA)

With this map, we can see that we have blue areas, i.e. all stations in a given area are cheap (because of competition), but in some places, a very expensive one is next to a very cheap one. I guess we should look closer at the dynamics… [to be continued….]

Inter-relationships in a matrix

Last week, I wanted to displaying inter-relationships between data in a matrix. My friend Fleur, from AXA, mentioned an interesting possible application, in car accidents. In car against car accidents, it might be interesting to see which parts of the cars were involved. On https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/, we can find such a dataset, with a lot of information of car accident involving bodily injuries (in France, a police report is necessary, and all of them are reported in a big dataset… actually several dataset, with information of people involved, cars, locations, etc). For 2014 claims, the dataset is

> base = read.csv("https://www.data.gouv.fr/s/resources/base-de-donnees-accidents-corporels-de-la-circulation-sur-6-annees/20150806-153355/vehicules_2014.csv")

Let us keep only claims involving two vehicules,

> T=table(base$Num_Acc)
> idx=names(T)[which(T==2)]

For 2014, we have 32,222 claims.

> length(idx)
[1] 32222

In this dataset, we have information about where cars were hit,

plus ‘9’ for multiple hot (in rollover accidents) and ‘0’ should be missing information.

> nom=c("NA","Front","Front R",'Front L',"Back","Back R","Back L","Side R","Side L","Multiple")

Now, we simply have to go through our dataset, and get the matrix. My first idea was to get a symmetric one,

> B=base[base$Num_Acc %in% idx,]  
> B=B[order(B$Num_Acc),]
> M=matrix(0,10,10)
> for(i in seq(1,nrow(B),by=2)){
+   a=B$choc[i]+1
+   b=B$choc[i+1]+1
+   M[a,b]=M[a,b]+1
+   M[b,a]=M[b,a]+1
+ }
> rownames(M)=nom
> colnames(M)=nom

The problem, when we ask for a symmetric chord diagram, is that we cannot have Front – Front claims (since values on the diagonal are removed)

> library(circlize)
> chordDiagramFromMatrix(M,symmetric=TRUE)

So let’s pretend that there could be some possible distinction in the dataset, between the first and the second row. Like the first one is the ‘responsible’ driver. Or like, for insurer, the first one is your insured. Just to avoid this symmetry problem

> M=matrix(0,10,10)
> for(i in seq(1,nrow(B),by=2)){
+   a=B$choc[i]+1
+   b=B$choc[i+1]+1
+ M[a,b]=M[a,b]+1
+ }
> rownames(M)=paste("A",nom,sep=" ")
> colnames(M)=paste("B",nom,sep=" ")

If we visualize the chord diagram, this time it is more complex to analyze,

> chordDiagram(M)

Below we have the first row (say our driver, letter A) and on top, the second row (say the other driver, letter B),

In bodily injury claims, we observe a large proportion of Front – Front claims, as well as Front – Back. And as expected Back-Back are not that common….