Tag Archives: boosting

ACT6100, analyse supervisée

On avance dans le cours ACT6100 d’analyse des données en actuariat. Les supports de cours sont en ligne sur https://github.com/freakonometrics/ACT6100. Les capsules présentant les principales méthodes d’analyse supervisée sont maintenant en ligne

  1. Risque video pdf (45:06)
  2. Validation Croisée video pdf (32:00)
  3. Fonction de perte video pdf (20:04)
  4. Règle de Bayes et analyse discriminante video pdf (37:23)
  5. Dimension de Vapnik-Chervonenkis video pdf
  6. Régularisation et pénalisation video pdf (27:17)
  7. Régularisation – Ridge video pdf (36:46)
  8. Régularisation – Lasso (1) video pdf (41:23)
  9. Régularisation – Lasso (2) video pdf (32:24)
  10. Régularisation – GLM (Ridge et Lasso) video pdf (20:57)
  11. Régularisation – SVM video pdf (38:25)
  12. Simulations et monte carlo video pdf (50:29)
  13. Simulations et bootstrap video pdf (36:03)
  14. Arbres (1) video pdf (44:15)
  15. Arbres (2) video pdf (39:35)
  16. Arbres (3) video pdf (37:30)
  17. Interprétabilité video pdf (36:14)
  18. Méthode d’ensembles video pdf (41:17)
  19. Stacking & bagging video pdf (40:15)
  20. Forêts aléatoires video pdf (31:55)
  21. Agrégation séquentielle et boosting (1) video pdf (17:46)
  22. Agrégation séquentielle et boosting (2) video pdf (46:06)
  23. Réseaux de neurones (1) video pdf (45:43)
  24. Réseaux de neurones (2) video pdf (32:40)
  25. Réseaux de neurones (3) video pdf (31:44)
  26. Réseaux de neurones (4) video pdf (35:54)

Si les liens des vidéos ne marchent pas, je renvoie vers l’ensemble des capsules du cours, ici.

Foundations of Machine Learning, part 3

This post is the seventh one of our series on the history and foundations of econometric and machine learning models. The first fours were on econometrics techniques. Part 6 is online here.

Boosting and sequential learning

As we have seen before, modelling here is based on solving an optimization problem, and solving the problem described by equation (6) is all the more complex because the functional space \mathcal{M} is large. The idea of boosting, as introduced by Shapire & Freund (2012), is to learn, slowly, from the errors of the model, in an iterative way. In the first step, we estimate a model m_1 for y, from \mathbf{X}, which will give an error \varepsilon_1. In the second step, we estimate a model m_2 for \varepsilon_1, from X, which will give an error \varepsilon_2, etc. We will then retain as a model, after k iterations m^{(k)}(\cdot)=\underbrace{m_1(\cdot)}_{\sim y}+\underbrace{m_2(\cdot)}_{\sim \epsilon_1}+\underbrace{m_3(\cdot)}_{\sim \epsilon_2}+\cdots+\underbrace{m_k(\cdot)}_{\sim \epsilon_{k-1}}=m^{(k-1)}(\cdot)+m_k(\cdot)~~~(7)Here, the error \varepsilon is seen as the difference between y and the model m(\mathbf{x}), but it can also be seen as the gradient associated with the quadratic loss function. Formally, \varepsilon can be seen as \nabla\ell in a more general context (here we find an interpretation that reminds us of residuals in generalized linear models).

Equation (7) can be seen as a descent of the gradient, but written in a dual way. The problem will then be rewritten as an optimization problem: m^{(k)}=m^{(k-1)}+\underset{h\in\mathcal{H}}{\text{argmin}}\left\lbrace \sum_{i=1}^n \ell(\underbrace{y_i-m^{(k-1)}(\boldsymbol{x}_i)}_{\varepsilon_{k,i}},h(\boldsymbol{x}_i))\right\rbrace~~~(8)where the trick is to consider a relatively simple space \mathcal{H} (we will speak of “weak learner”). Classically, \mathcal{H} functions are step-functions (which will be found in classification and regression trees) called “stumps”. To ensure that learning is indeed slow, it is not uncommon to use a shrinkage parameter, and instead of setting, for example, \varepsilon_1=y-m_1 (\mathbf{x}), we will set \varepsilon_1=y-\alpha\cdot m_1 (\mathbf{x}) with \alpha\in[0.1]. It should be noted that it is because a non-linear space is used for \mathcal{H}, and learning is slow, that this algorithm works well. In the case of the Gaussian linear model, remember that the residuals \varepsilon=y-\mathbf{x}^T\beta are orthogonal to the explanatory variables, \mathbf{X}, and it is then impossible to learn from our errors. The main difficulty is to stop in time, because after too many iterations, it is no longer the m function that is approximated, but the noise. This problem is called overlearning.

This presentation has the advantage of having a heuristic reminiscent of an econometric model, by iteratively modelling the residuals by a (very) simple model. But this is often not the presentation used in the learning literature, which places more emphasis on an optimization algorithm heuristic (and gradient approximation). The function is learned iteratively, starting from a constant value, m^{(0)}=\underset{m\in\mathbb{R}}{\text{argmin}}\left\lbrace\sum_{i=1}^n \ell(y_i,m)\right\rbracethen we consider the following learning procedure{\displaystyle m^{(k)}=m^{(k-1)}+{\underset{h\in {\mathcal {H}}}{\text{argmin}}}\sum _{i=1}^{n}\ell(y_{i},m^{(k-1)}(\mathbf{x}_{i})+h(\mathbf{x}_{i}))}~~~(9)which can be written, if \mathcal{H} is a set of differentiable functions, {\displaystyle m^{(k)}=m^{(k-1)}-\gamma_{k}\sum _{i=1}^{n}\nabla _{m^{(k-1)}}\ell(y_{i},m^{(k-1)}(\mathbf{x}_{i})),} where {\displaystyle \gamma _{k}=\underset{\gamma }{\text{argmin }}\sum _{i=1}^{n}\ell\left(y_{i},m^{(k-1)}( \mathbf{x}_{i})-\gamma \nabla _{m^{(k-1)}}\ell(y_{i},m^{(k-1)}( \mathbf{x}_{i}))\right).} To better understand the relationship with the approach described above, at step k, pseudo-residuals are defined by setting r_{i,k}=-\left.\frac{\partial \ell(y_i,m(\mathbf{x}_i))}{\partial m(\mathbf{x}_i)}\right\vert_{m(\mathbf{x})=m^{(k-1)}( \mathbf{x})}\text{ where }i=1,\cdots,nA simple model is then sought to explain these pseudo-residuals according to the explanatory variables \mathbf{x}_i, i.e. r_{i,k}=h^\star(\mathbf{x}_i) , where h^\star\in\mathcal{H}. In a second step, we look for an optimal multiplier by solving\gamma_k = \underset{\gamma\in\mathbb{R}}{\text{argmin}}\left\lbrace\sum_{i=1}^n \ell(y_i,m^{(k-1)}( \mathbf{x}_i)+\gamma h^\star(\mathbf{x}_i))\right\rbrace then update the model by setting m_k (\cdot)=m_(k-1) (\cdot)+\gamma_k h^\star (\cdot) . More formally, we move from equation (8) – which clearly shows that we are building a model on residuals – to equation (9) – which will then be translated as a gradient calculation problem – noting that \ell(y,m+h)=\ell(y-m,h) . Classically, class \mathcal{H} of functions consists in regression trees. It is also possible to use a form of penalty by setting m_k (\cdot)=m_(k-1) (\cdot)+\nu\gamma_k h^\star (\cdot) , with \nu\in(0,1) . But let’s go back  a little further – in our next post – on the importance of penalization before discussing the numerical aspects of optimization.

To be continued (keep in mind that references are online here)…

Classification from scratch, boosting 11/8

Eleventh post of our series on classification from scratch. Today, that should be the last one… unless I forgot something important. So today, we discuss boosting.

An econometrician perspective

I might start with a non-conventional introduction. But that’s actually how I understood what boosting was about. And I am quite sure it has to do with my background in econometrics.

The goal here is to solve something which looks likem^\star=\underset{m\in\mathcal{M}}{\text{argmin}}\left\lbrace\sum_{i=1}^n \ell(y_i,m(\mathbf{x}_i))\right\rbracefor some loss function \ell, and for some set of predictors \mathcal{M}. This is an optimization problem. Well, optimization is here in a function space, but still, that’s simply an optimization problem. And from a numerical perspective, optimization is solve using gradient descent (this is why this technique is also called gradient boosting). And the gradient descent can be visualized like below

Again, the optimum is not some some real value x^\star, but some function m^\star. Thus, here we will have something likem^{(k)}=m^{(k-1)}+\underset{h\in\mathcal{H}}{\text{argmin}}\left\lbrace \sum_{i=1}^n \ell(y_i,m^{(k-1)}(\mathbf{x}_i)+h(\mathbf{x}_i))\right\rbrace(as they write it is serious articles) where the term on the right can also be writtenm^{(k)}=m^{(k-1)}+\underset{h\in\mathcal{H}}{\text{argmin}}\left\lbrace \sum_{i=1}^n \ell(\underbrace{y_i-m^{(k-1)}(\mathbf{x}_i)}_{\varepsilon_{k,i}},h(\mathbf{x}_i))\right\rbraceI prefer the later, because we see clearly that f is some model we fit on the remaining residuals.

We can rewrite it like that: definer_{i,k}=-\left.\frac{\partial \ell(y_i,m(\mathbf{x}_i))}{\partial m(\mathbf{x}_i)}\right\vert_{m(\mathbf{x}_i)=m^{(k-1)}(\mathbf{x}_i)}for all i=1,\cdots,n. The goal is to fit a model so that r_{i,k}=h^\star(\mathbf{x}_i), and when we have that optimal function, set m_k(\mathbf{x})=m_{k-1}(\mathbf{x})+\gamma_k h^\star(\mathbf{x}) (yes, we can include some shrinkage here).

Two important comments here. First of all, the idea should be weird to any econometrician. First, we fit a model to explain y by some covariates \mathbf{x}. Then consider the residuals \widehat{\varepsilon}, and to explain them with the same covariate \mathbf{x}. If you try that with a linear regression, you’d done at the end of step 1, since residuals \widehat{\varepsilon} are orthogonal to covariates \mathbf{x}: no way that we can learn from them. Here it works because we consider simple non linear model. And actually, something that can be used is to add a shrinkage parameter. Do not consider \widehat{\varepsilon}=y-\widehat{m}(\mathbf{x}) but \widehat{\varepsilon}=y-\gamma\widehat{m}(\mathbf{x}). The idea of weak learners is extremely important here. The more we shrink, the longer it will take, but that’s not (too) important.

I should also mention that it’s nice to keep learning from our mistakes. But somehow, we should stop, someday. I said that I will not mention this part in this series of posts, maybe later on. But heuristically, we should stop when we start to overfit. And this can be observed either using a split training/validation of the initial dataset or to use cross validation. I will get back on that issue later one in this post, but again, those ideas should probably be dedicated to another series of posts.

Learning with splines

Just to make sure we get it, let’s try to learn with splines. Because standard splines have fixed knots, actually, we do not really “learn” here (and after a few iterations we get to what we would have with a standard spline regression). So here, we will (somehow) optimize knots locations. There is a package to do so. And just to illustrate, use a Gaussian regression here, not a classification (we will do that later on). Consider the following dataset (with only one covariate)


For an optimal choice of knot locations, we can use

xy.freekt=freelsgen(df$x, df$y, degree = 1, numknot = 2, 555)

With 5% shrinkage, the code it simply the following

 xy.freekt=freelsgen(df$x, df$y, degree = 1, numknot = 2, 555)
 df$yr=df$y - v*yp
 for(t in 1:200){
   xy.freekt=freelsgen(df$x, df$yr, degree = 1, numknot = 2, 555)
   df$yr=df$yr - v*yp
    if(M==1)  y=YP[,1]
    if(M>1)   y=apply(YP[,1:M],1,sum)

To visualize the ouput after 100 iterations, use


Clearly, we see that we learn from the data here… Cool, isn’t it?

Learning with stumps (and trees)

Let us try something else. What if we consider at each step a regression tree, instead of a linear-by-parts regression (that was considered with linear splines).

df$yr=df$y - v*yp
for(t in 1:100){
  df$yr=df$yr - v*yp

Again, to visualise the learning process, use


This time, with those trees, it looks like not only we have a good model, but also a different model from the one we can get using a single regression tree.

What if we change the shrinkage parameter?

  df$yr=df$y - v*yp
  for(t in 1:100){
    df$yr=df$yr - v*yp

There is clearly an impact of that shrinkage parameter. It has to be small to get a good model. This is the idea of using weak learners to get a good prediction.

Classification and Adaboost

Now that we understand how bootsting works, let’s try to adapt it to classification. It will be more complicated because residuals are usually not very informative in a classification. And it will be hard to shrink. So let’s try something slightly different, to introduce the adaboost algorithm.

In our initial discussion, the goal was to minimize a convex loss function. Here, if we express classes as \{-1,+1\}, the loss function we consider is e^{-y\cdot m(\mathbf{x})} (this product y\cdot m(\mathbf{x})) was already discussed when we’ve seen the SVM algorithm. Note that the loss function related to the logistic model would be \log(1+e^{-y\cdot m(\mathbf{x})}).

What we do here is related to gradient descent (or Newton algorithm). Previously, we were learning from our errors. At each iteration, the residuals are computed and a (weak) model is fitted to these residuals. The the contribution of this weak model is used in a gradient descent optimization process. Here things will be different, because (from my understanding) it is more difficult to play with residuals, because null residuals never exist in classifications. So we will add weights. Initially, all the observations will have the same weights. But iteratively, we ill change them. We will increase the weights of the wrongly predicted individuals and decrease the ones of the correctly predicted individuals. Somehow, we want to focus more on the difficult predictions. That’s the trick. And I guess that’s why it performs so well. This algorithm is well described in wikipedia, so we will use it.

We start with \mathbf{\omega}_0=\mathbf{1}/n, then at each step fit a model (a classification tree) with weights \mathbf{\omega}_k(we did not discuss weights in the algorithms of trees, but it is straigtforward in the formula actually). Let \widehat{h}_{\mathbf{\omega}_k} denote that model (i.e. the probability in each leaves). Then consider the classifier 2~\mathbf{1}[\widehat{h}_{\mathbf{\omega}_k}(\cdot)>0.5]-1 which returns a value in \{-1,+1\}. Then set \varepsilon_k=\sum_{i\in\mathcal{I}_k}\omega_i where \mathcal{I}_k is the set of misclassified individuals,\mathcal{I}_k=\big\lbrace i:2~\mathbf{1}[\widehat{h}_{\mathbf{\omega}_k}(\mathbf{x}_i)>0.5]-1\neq y_i\big\rbrace Then set \alpha_k = \frac{1}{2} \ln \left(\frac{1-\epsilon_k}{\epsilon_k}\right)and update finally the model usingm_{k=1}=m_k+\alpha_k\widehat{h}_{\mathbf{\omega}_k}as well as the weights\mathbf{\omega}_{k+1}=\mathbf{\omega}_k e^{-\mathbf{y} \alpha_k \widehat{h}_{\mathbf{\omega}_k}(\mathbf{x}_i)}(of course, devide by the sum to insure that the total sum is then 1). And as previously, one can include some shrinkage. To visualize the convergence of the process, we will plot the total error on our dataset.

n_iter = 100
y = (myocarde[,"PRONO"]==1)*2-1
x = myocarde[,1:7]
error = rep(0,n_iter) 
f = rep(0,length(y)) 
w = rep(1,length(y)) #
alpha = 1
for(i in 1:n_iter){
  w = exp(-alpha*y*f) *w 
  w = w/sum(w)
  rfit = rpart(y~., x, w, method="class")
  g = -1 + 2*(predict(rfit,x)[,2]>.5) 
  e = sum(w*(y*g<0))
  alpha = .5*log ( (1-e) / e )
  alpha = 0.1*alpha 
  f = f + alpha*g
  error[i] = mean(1*f*y<0)
     ylab="Error Rate",xlab="Iterations",lwd=2)

Here we face a classical problem in machine learning: we have a perfect model. With zero error. That is nice, but not interesting. It is also possible in econometrics, with polynomial fits: with 10 observations, and a polynomial of degree 9, we have a perfect fit. But a poor model. Here it is the same. So the trick is to split our dataset in two, a training dataset, and a validation one

id_train = sample(1:nrow(myocarde), size=45, replace=FALSE)
train_myocarde = myocarde[id_train,]
test_myocarde = myocarde[-id_train,]

We construct the model on the first one, and we check on the second one that it’s not that bad…

y_train = (train_myocarde[,"PRONO"]==1)*2-1
x_train =  train_myocarde[,1:7]
y_test = (test_myocarde[,"PRONO"]==1)*2-1
x_test = test_myocarde[,1:7]
train_error = rep(0,n_iter) 
test_error = rep(0,n_iter)
f_train = rep(0,length(y_train))
f_test = rep(0,length(y_test)) 
w_train = rep(1,length(y_train)) 
alpha = 1
for(i in 1:n_iter){
  w_train = w_train*exp(-alpha*y_train*f_train) 
  w_train = w_train/sum(w_train)
  rfit = rpart(y_train~., x_train, w_train, method="class")
  g_train = -1 + 2*(predict(rfit,x_train)[,2]>.5)
  g_test = -1 + 2*(predict(rfit,x_test)[,2]>.5)
  e_train = sum(w_train*(y_train*g_train<0))
  alpha = .5*log ( (1-e_train) / e_train )
  alpha = 0.1*alpha 
  f_train = f_train + alpha*g_train
  f_test = f_test + alpha*g_test
  train_error[i] = mean(1*f_train*y_train<0)
  test_error[i] = mean(1*f_test*y_test<0)}

Here, as previously, after 80 iterations, we have a perfect model on the training dataset, but it behaves badly on the validation dataset. But with 20 iterations, it seems to be ok…

R function

Of course, it’s possible to use R functions,

gbmWithCrossValidation = gbm(PRONO ~ .,distribution = "bernoulli",
data = myocarde,n.trees = 2000,shrinkage = .01,cv.folds = 5,n.cores = 1)
bestTreeForPrediction = gbm.perf(gbmWithCrossValidation)

Here cross-validation is considered, and not training/validation, as well as forests instead of single trees, but overall, the idea is the same… Off course, the output is much nicer (here the shrinkage is a very small parameter, and learning is extremely slow)

“Improving Segmentation” (using Lorenz curves, or sort of)

This afternoon, André did send me an interesting graph about the use of Lorenz curve in the context of insurance pricing (and modeling)

It is some sort of Lorenz curve, upside-down, with on the x-axis the proportion of the population, and on the y-axis the proportion of the losses. The important point is that the population is sorted according the their risk, i.e. their premium. The code to generate such a curve is actually quite simple,

L <- function(u,varx="premium",vary="losses"){
vv=Vectorize(function(u) L(u))(vu)

My concern was more on two labels on the figure, with on the top-left “perfect pricing” and on the first diagonal “average pricing“. What could that possibly mean? Is there even such a thing as a “perfect pricing“? In order to understand what we plot here, let us generate some dataset, and fit some model. Including things that might be seen as the “perfect model“: the price base on the parameters used to generate the data, and the model used to generate the data, fitted on the data.

Continue reading “Improving Segmentation” (using Lorenz curves, or sort of)

Choosing a Classifier

In order to illustrate the problem of chosing a classification model consider some simulated data,

> n = 500
> set.seed(1)
> X = rnorm(n)
> ma = 10-(X+1.5)^2*2
> mb = -10+(X-1.5)^2*2
> M = cbind(ma,mb)
> set.seed(1)
> Z = sample(1:2,size=n,replace=TRUE)
> Y = ma*(Z==1)+mb*(Z==2)+rnorm(n)*5
> df = data.frame(Z=as.factor(Z),X,Y)

A first strategy is to split the dataset in two parts, a training dataset, and a testing dataset.

> df1 = training = df[1:300,]
> df2 = testing  = df[301:500,]
  • The Holdout Method: Training and Testing Datasets

The two datasets can be visualised below, with the training dataset on top, and the testing dataset below

> plot(df1$X,df1$Y,pch=19,col=c(rgb(1,0,0,.4),
+ rgb(0,0,1,.4))[df1$Z])

Continue reading Choosing a Classifier

An Update on Boosting with Splines

In my previous post, An Attempt to Understand Boosting Algorithm(s), I was puzzled by the boosting convergence when I was using some spline functions (more specifically linear by parts and continuous regression functions). I was using

> library(splines)
> fit=lm(y~bs(x,degree=1,df=3),data=df)

The problem with that spline function is that knots seem to be fixed. The iterative boosting algorithm is

  • start with some regression model 
  • compute the residuals, including some shrinkage parameter,

then the strategy is to model those residuals

  • at step , consider regression 
  • update the residuals 

and to loop. Then set

I thought that boosting would work well if at step , it was possible to change the knots. But the output

was quite disappointing: boosting does not improve the prediction here. And it looks like knots don’t change. Actually, if we select the ‘best‘ knots, the output is much better. The dataset is still

> n=300
> set.seed(1)
> u=sort(runif(n)*2*pi)
> y=sin(u)+rnorm(n)/4
> df=data.frame(x=u,y=y)

For an optimal choice of knot locations, we can use

> library(freeknotsplines)
> xy.freekt=freelsgen(df$x, df$y, degree = 1, 
+ numknot = 2, 555)

The code of the previous post can simply be updated

> v=.05
> library(splines)
> xy.freekt=freelsgen(df$x, df$y, degree = 1, 
+ numknot = 2, 555)
> fit=lm(y~bs(x,degree=1,knots=
+ xy.freekt@optknot),data=df)
> yp=predict(fit,newdata=df)
> df$yr=df$y - v*yp
> YP=v*yp
>  for(t in 1:200){
+    xy.freekt=freelsgen(df$x, df$yr, degree = 1,
+    numknot = 2, 555)
+ fit=lm(yr~bs(x,degree=1,knots=
+     xy.freekt@optknot),data=df)
+    yp=predict(fit,newdata=df)
+    df$yr=df$yr - v*yp
+    YP=cbind(YP,v*yp)
+  }
>  nd=data.frame(x=seq(0,2*pi,by=.01))
>  viz=function(M){
+    if(M==1)  y=YP[,1]
+    if(M>1)   y=apply(YP[,1:M],1,sum)
+    plot(df$x,df$y,ylab="",xlab="")
+    lines(df$x,y,type="l",col="red",lwd=3)
+    fit=lm(y~bs(x,degree=1,df=3),data=df)
+    yp=predict(fit,newdata=nd)
+    lines(nd$x,yp,type="l",col="blue",lwd=3)
+    lines(nd$x,sin(nd$x),lty=2)}
>  viz(100)

I like that graph. I had the intuition that using (simple) splines would be possible, and indeed, we get a very smooth prediction.

An Attempt to Understand Boosting Algorithm(s)

Last tuesday, at the annual meeting of the French Economic Association, I was having lunch with Alfred, and while we were chatting about modeling issues (econometric models against machine learning prediction), he asked me what boosting was. Since I could not be very specific, we’ve been looking at wikipedia webpage.

Boosting is a machine learning ensemble meta-algorithm for reducing bias primarily and also variance in supervised learning, and a family of machine learning algorithms which convert weak learners to strong ones

One should admit that it is not very informative. But at least, there is the idea that ‘weak learners’ can be used to provide a good predictor. Now, to be honest, I guess I understand the concept. But I still can’t reproduce what I got with standard ‘boosting’ packages.

There are a lot of publications about the concept of ‘boosting’. In 1988, Michael Kearns published Thoughts on Hypothesis Boosting, which is probably the oldest one. About the algorithms, it is possible to find some references. Consider for instance Improving Regressors using Boosting Techniques, by Harris Drucker. Or The Boosting Approach to Machine Learning An Overview by Robert Schapire, among many others. In order to illustrate the use of boosting in the context of regression (and not classification, since I believe it provides a better visualisation) consider the section in Dong-Sheng Cao’s In The boosting: A new idea of building models.

Continue reading An Attempt to Understand Boosting Algorithm(s)

On Some Alternatives to Regression Models

When you start discussing with people in machine learning, you quickly hear something like “forget your econometric models, your GLMs, I can easily find a machine learning ‘model’ that can beat yours”. I am usually very sceptical, especially when I hear “easily” or “always“. I have no problem about the fact that I use old econometric models, but I had the feeling that things aren’t that easy. I can understand that we might have problems when we do have a lot of features (I am still working on that, I’ll get back to this point soon), but I have the feeling that I can still capture interactions, and non-linearities with standard econometric models as well as any machine learning algorithm.

Just to illustrate, consider the following ‘model


where https://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?m(\cdot) is (just to illustrate)

> n <- 5000
> rtf <- function(x1, x2) { sin(x1+x2)/(x1+x2) }
> xgrid <- seq(1,6,length=31)
> ygrid <- seq(1,6,length=31)
> zgrid <- outer(xgrid,ygrid,rtf)
> persp(xgrid,ygrid,zgrid,theta=30, phi=30, 
+ col="green", ticktype="detailed",shade=TRUE)

Continue reading On Some Alternatives to Regression Models