Tag Archives: BIC

Random thoughts on econometric models with (pure) random features

For my lectures on applied linear models, I wanted to illustrate the fact that the R^2 is never a good measure of the goodness of the model, since it’s quite easy to improve it. Consider the following dataset


with one variable of interest y, and 99 features x_j. All of them being (by construction) independent. And we have 100 observations… Consider here the regression on the first k features, and compute R_k^2 of that regression


Let us see what’s going on…


(actually, it’s not exactly what we have on the graph…. we have the average obtained over 1,000 samples randomly generated, with 90% confidence bands). Oberve that \mathbb{E}[R^2_k]=k/n, i.e. if we add some pure random noise, we keep increasing the R^2 (up to 1, actually).

Good news, as we’ve seen in the course, the adjusted R^2 – denoted \bar R^2-might help. Observe that \mathbb{E}[\barR^2_k]=0, so, in some sense, adding features does not help here…


We can actually do the same with Akaike criteria AIC_k and Schwarz (bayesian) criteria BIC_k.


For the AIC, the intitial increase makes sense : we should not prefer the model with 10 covariates, compared with nothing. The strange thing is the far right behavior : we prefer here 80 random noise features to none ! Which I find hard to interprete… For the BIC the code is simply


and here also, we have the same pattern, where we prefer a big model with juste pure noise to nothing…

A last one to conclude (or not) : what about the leave-one-out cross validation mean squared error ? More precisely, CV=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}\widehat{\varepsilon}^2_{-i}where \widehat{\varepsilon}^2_{-i}=y_i-\widehat{y}_{-i} where \widehat{y}_{-i} is the predicted value obtained with the model is estimated when the ith observation is deleted. One can prove that \widehat{\beta}_{-i}=\widehat{\beta}-(\mathbf{X}^T\mathbf{X})^{-1}\mathbf{x}_i\hat\varepsilon_i(1-H_{i,i})^{-1}where H is the classical hat matrix, thus\widehat{\varepsilon}_{-i}=(1-H_{i,i})^{-1}\hat\varepsilon_ii.e. we do note have to estimate (at each round) n models

  mean( (residuals(model)/1-h)^2 ))}

Here, it make sense : adding noisy features yields overfit ! So the mean squared error is decreasing !

That’s all nice, but it might not be very realistic… Here, for my model with only one variable, I just pick one, at random…. In practice, we try to get the “best one”… So a more natural idea would be to order the variables according to their correlations with y,


and as before, we can plot the evolution of R^2_k as a function of k the number of features considered,

which is increasing, with a higher slope at the beginning… For the \bar R^2_k we might actually prefer a correlated noise to nothing (which makes sense actually). So here since we somehow chose our variables, \bar R^2_k seems to be always positive…

For the AIC_k here also, there is an improvement. Before coming back to the original situation (with about 80 features) and here also, we observe the drop on the far right part of the graph

The BIC_k might like the top three features, but soon, we have a deterioration…. even if here also, we have the drop at the far right (with more than 95 features… for 100 observations).

Finally, observe that here again, our (leave-one-out) cross-validation has not been mesled by our noisy variables : it is always decreasing !

So it seems that cross-validation techniques are more robust than the AIC and BIC (even if we mentioned in a previous post connexions between all those concepts) when we have a lot a noisy (non-relevent) features.

Probabilistic Foundations of Econometrics, part 4

This post is the fourth one of our series on the history and foundations of econometric and machine learning models. Part 3 is online here.

Goodness of Fit, and Model

In the Gaussian linear model, the determination coefficient – noted R^2 – is often used as a measure of fit quality. It is based on the variance decomposition formula \underbrace{\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n (y_i-\bar{y})^2}_{\text{total variance}}=\underbrace{\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n (y_i-\widehat{y}_i)^2}_{\text{residual variance}}+\underbrace{\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n (\widehat{y}_i-\bar{y})^2}_{\text{explained variance}} The R^2 is defined as the ratio of explained variance and total variance, another interpretation of the coefficient that we had introduced from the geometry of the least squares R^2= \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n (y_i-\bar{y})^2-\sum_{i=1}^n (y_i-\widehat{y}_i)^2}{\sum_{i=1}^n (y_i-\bar{y})^2}The sums of the error squares in this writing can be rewritten as a log-likelihood. However, it should be remembered that, up to one additive constant (obtained with a saturated model) in generalized linear models, deviance is defined by {Deviance}(\widehat{\beta}) = -2\log[\mathcal{L}] which can also be noted Deviance(\widehat{\mathbf{y}}). A null deviance can be defined as the one obtained without using the explanatory variables \mathbf{x}, so that \widehat{y}_i=\overline{y}. It is then possible to define, in a more general context (with a non-Gaussian distribution for y)R^2=\frac{{Deviance}(\overline{y})-{Deviance}(\widehat{\mathbf{y}})}{{Deviance}(\overline{y})}=1-\frac{{Deviance}(\widehat{\mathbf{y}})}{{Deviance}(\overline{y})}However, this measure cannot be used to choose a model, if one wishes to have a relatively simple model in the end, because it increases artificially with the addition of explanatory variables without significant effect. We will then tend to prefer the adjusted R^2,\bar R^2 = {1-(1-R^{2})\cdot{n-1 \over n-p}} = R^{2}-\underbrace{(1-R^{2})\cdot{p-1 \over n-p}}_{\text{penalty}}where p is the number of parameters of the model. Measuring the quality of fit will penalize overly complex models.

This idea will be found in the Akaike criterion, where AIC=Deviance+2\cdot p or in the Schwarz criterion, BIC=Deviance+log(n)\cdot p. In large dimensions (typically p>\sqrt{n}), we will tend to use a corrected AIC, defined by AIC_c=Deviance+2⋅p⋅n/(n-p-1) .

These criterias are used in so-called “stepwise” methods, introducing the set methods. In the “forward” method, we start by regressing to the constant, then we add one variable at a time, retaining the one that lowers the AIC criterion the most, until adding a variable increases the AIC criterion of the model. In the “backward” method, we start by regressing on all variables, then we remove one variable at a time, removing the one that lowers the AIC criterion the most, until removing a variable increases the AIC criterion from the model.

Another justification for this notion of penalty (we will come back to this idea in machine learning) can be the following. Let us consider an estimator in the class of linear predictors, \mathcal{M}=\big\lbrace m:~m(\mathbf{x})=s_h(\mathbf{x})^T\mathbf{y} \text{ where }S=(s(\mathbf{x}_1),\cdots,s(\mathbf{x}_n))^T\text{ is some smoothing matrix}\big\rbrace and assume that y=m_0 (x)+\varepsilon, with \mathbb{E}[\varepsilon]=0 and Var[\varepsilon]=\sigma^2\mathbb{I}, so that m_0 (x)=\mathbb{E}[Y|X=x] . From a theoretical point of view, the quadratic risk, associated with an estimated model \widehat{m}, \mathbb{E}\big[(Y-\widehat{m}(\mathbf{X}))^2\big], is written\mathcal{R}(\widehat{m})=\underbrace{\mathbb{E}\big[(Y-m_0(\mathbf{X}))^2\big]}_{\text{error}}+\underbrace{\mathbb{E}\big[(m_0(\mathbf {X})-\mathbb{E}[\widehat{m}(\mathbf{X})])^2\big]}_{\text{bias}^2}+\underbrace{\mathbb{E}\big[(\mathbb{E}[\widehat{m}(\mathbf{X})]-\widehat{m}(\mathbf{X}))^2\big]}_{\text{variance}} if m_0 is the true model. The first term is sometimes called “Bayes error”, and does not depend on the estimator selected, \widehat{m}.

The empirical quadratic risk, associated with a model m, is here: \widehat{\mathcal{R}}_n(m)=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n (y_i-m(\mathbf{x}_i))^2 (by convention). We recognize here the mean square error, “mse”, which will more generally give the “risk” of the model m when using another loss function (as we will discuss later on). It should be noted that:\displaystyle{\mathbb{E}[\widehat{\mathcal{R}}_n(m)]=\frac{1}{n}\|m_0(\mathbf{x})-m(\mathbf{x})\|^2+\frac{1}{n}\mathbb{E}\big(\|{Y}-m_0(\mathbf{X})\|^2\big)} We can show that:n\mathbb{E}\big[\widehat{\mathcal{R}}_n(\widehat{m})\big]=\mathbb{E}\big(\|Y-\widehat{m}(\mathbf{x})\|^2\big)=\|(\mathbb{I}-\mathbf{S})m_0\|^2+\sigma^2\|\mathbb{I}-\mathbf{S}\|^2so that the (real) risk of \widehat{m} is: {\mathcal{R}}_n(\widehat{m})=\mathbb{E}\big[\widehat{\mathcal{R}}_n(\widehat{m})\big]+2\frac{\sigma^2}{n}\text{trace}(\boldsymbol{S})So, if \text{trace}(\boldsymbol{S})\geq0 (which is not a too strong assumption), the empirical risk underestimates the true risk of the estimator. Actually, we recognize here the number of degrees of freedom of the model, the right-hand term corresponding to Mallow’s C_p, introduced in Mallows (1973) using not deviance but R^2.

Statistical Tests

The most traditional test in econometrics is probably the significance test, corresponding to the nullity of a coefficient in a linear regression model. Formally, it is the test of H_0:\beta_k=0 against H_1:\beta_k\neq 0. The so-called Student test, based on the statistics t_k=\widehat{\beta}_k/se_{\widehat{β}_k}, allows to decide between the two alternatives, using the test p-value, defined by \mathbb{P}[|T|>|t_k|] avec T\overset{\mathcal{L}}{\sim} Std_\nu, where \nu is the number of degrees of freedom of the model (\nu=p+1 for the standard linear model). In large dimension, however, this statistic is of very limited interest, given a significant FDR (“False Discovery Ratio”). Classically, with a level of significance \alpha=0.05, 5% of the variables are falsely significant. Suppose that we have p=100 explanatory variables, but that 5 (only) are really significant. We can hope that these 5 variables will pass the Student test, but we can also expect that 5 additional variables (false positive test) will emerge. We will then have 10 variables perceived as significant, while only half are significant, i.e. an FDR ratio of 50%. In order to avoid this recurrent pitfall in multiple tests, it is natural to use the procedure of Benjamini & Hochberg (1995).

From a correlation to some causal effect

Econometric models are used to implement public policy evaluations. It is therefore essential to fully understand the underlying mechanisms in order to know which variables actually make it possible to act on a variable of interest. But then we move on to another important dimension of econometrics. Jerry Neyman was responsible for the first work on the identification of causal mechanisms, and then Rubin (1974) formalized the test, called the “Rubin causal model” in Holland (1986). The first approaches to the notion of causality in econometrics were based on the use of instrumental variables, models with discontinuity of regression, analysis of differences in differences, and natural or unnatural experiments. Causality is usually inferred by comparing the effect of a policy – or more generally of a treatment – with its counterfactual, ideally given by a random control group. The causal effect of the treatment is then defined as \Delta=y_1-y_0, i.e. the difference between what the situation would be with treatment (noted t=1) and without treatment (noted t=0). The concern is that only y=t\cdot y_1+(1-t)\cdot y_0 and t are observed. In other words, the causal effect of variable t  on t  is not observed (since only one of the two potential variables – y_0 or y_1  is observed for each individual), but it is also individual, and therefore a function of x-covariates. Generally, by making assumptions about the distribution of the triplet (Y_0,Y_1,T) , some parameters of the causal effect distribution become identifiable, based on the density of the observable variables (Y,T) . Classically, we will be interested in the moments of this distribution, in particular the average effect of treatment in the population, \mathbb{E}[\Delta] , or even just the average effect of treatment in the case of treatment \mathbb{E}[\Delta|T=1] . If the result (Y_0,Y_1) is independent of the processing access variable T, it can be shown that \mathbb{E}[\Delta]=\mathbb{E}[Y|T=1]- \mathbb{E} [Y|T=0]. But if this independence hypothesis is not verified, there is a selection bias, often associated with \mathbb{E}[Y_0|T=1]- \mathbb{E} [Y_0|T=0]. Rosenbaum & Rubin (1983) propose to use a propensity to be treated score, p(x)=\mathbb{P}[T=1|X=x] , noting that if variable Y_0\ is independent of access to treatment T conditionally to the explanatory variables X, then it is independent of T  conditionally to the score p(X) : it is sufficient to match them using their propensity score. Heckman et al (2003) thus proposes a kernel estimator on the propensity score, which simply provides an estimator of the effect of the treatment, provided that it is treated.

To be continued next time, we’ll introduce “machine learning techniques” (references mentioned above are online here)

Variable Selection using Cross-Validation (and Other Techniques)

A natural technique to select variables in the context of generalized linear models is to use a stepŵise procedure. It is natural, but contreversial, as discussed by Frank Harrell  in a great post, clearly worth reading. Frank mentioned about 10 points against a stepwise procedure.

  • It yields R-squared values that are badly biased to be high.
  • The F and chi-squared tests quoted next to each variable on the printout do not have the claimed distribution.
  • The method yields confidence intervals for effects and predicted values that are falsely narrow (see Altman and Andersen (1989)).
  • It yields p-values that do not have the proper meaning, and the proper correction for them is a difficult problem.
  • It gives biased regression coefficients that need shrinkage (the coefficients for remaining variables are too large (see Tibshirani (1996)).
  • It has severe problems in the presence of collinearity.
  • It is based on methods (e.g., F tests for nested models) that were intended to be used to test prespecified hypotheses.
  • Increasing the sample size does not help very much (see Derksen and Keselman (1992)).
  • It allows us to not think about the problem.
  • It uses a lot of paper.

Continue reading Variable Selection using Cross-Validation (and Other Techniques)

Sélection de variables versus sélection de modalités

En cours, nous avions évoqué (très rapidement) la sélection automatique de variables. La méthode la plus simple est une méthode stepwise, basé sur un critère de type AIC, ou BIC. Considérons la base suivante,

>  N = base$nbre
>  E = base$exposition
>  X1 = base$carburant
>  X2 = cut(base$agevehicule,c(0,3,10,101),
+ right=FALSE)
>  X3 = cut(base$ageconducteur,c(0,22,45,101),
+ right=FALSE)
>  X4 = as.factor(base$zone)
>  X5 = as.factor(base$puissance)
>  X6 = as.factor(base$region)
>  X7 = as.factor(base$marque)
>  base1=data.frame(N,E,X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7)

Une méthode stepwise (backward) donne ici

> reg1=glm(N~X1+X2+X3+X4+X5+X6+X7+offset(log(E)),
+ family="poisson",data=base1)
> step(reg1)
Start:  AIC=20492.67
N ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + X6 + X7 + offset(log(E))

Df Deviance   AIC
- X5   11    15316 20482
- X3    2    15305 20490
<none>       15304 20493
- X2    2    15314 20499
- X1    1    15319 20506
- X7   10    15343 20511
- X4    5    15398 20576
- X6   14    15569 20729

Step:  AIC=20482.35
N ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X6 + X7 + offset(log(E))

Df Deviance   AIC
- X3    2    15317 20479
<none>       15316 20482
- X2    2    15326 20488
- X1    1    15334 20498
- X7   10    15359 20505
- X4    5    15410 20566
- X6   14    15579 20717

Step:  AIC=20479.33
N ~ X1 + X2 + X4 + X6 + X7 + offset(log(E))

Df Deviance   AIC
<none>       15317 20479
- X2    2    15327 20485
- X1    1    15334 20495
- X7   10    15360 20502
- X4    5    15410 20563
- X6   14    15620 20754

Call:  glm(formula = N ~ X1 + X2 + X4 + X6 + X7 
       + offset(log(E)),
       family = "poisson",
data = base1)

(Intercept)          X1E     X2[3,10)   X2[10,101)          X4B
-1.0588454   -0.1653822    0.0266763   -0.1135451   -0.0004047
X4C          X4D          X4E          X4F          X60
0.1497622    0.3748811    0.5052894    0.4292016   -0.3590838
X61          X62          X63          X64          X65
-0.9300641   -1.0278887   -1.1818218   -1.0971797   -0.9459414
X66          X67          X68          X69         X610
-1.3690795   -1.1425678   -1.5309402   -1.3883549   -1.4603624
X611         X612         X613          X72          X73
-1.6763206   -1.3974092   -1.4864404    0.0246113    0.1144990
X74          X75          X76         X710         X711
-0.0932555    0.1635397   -0.1478095    0.2502030    0.1967970
X712         X713         X714
-0.2420215    0.2161411   -0.1963162

Degrees of Freedom: 49999 Total (i.e. Null);  49967 Residual
Null Deviance:	    15810
Residual Deviance: 15320 	AIC: 20480

Autrement dit, on supprime la troisième (âge du conducteur principal, par classes arbitraires) et la cinquième variable (puissance du véhicule) en gardant toutes les autres. Mais ici, si une variable n’a pas été retenue, c’est que globalement, elle n’apportait pas beaucoup d’information. Il serait toutefois possible de garder une information partielle, en gardant éventuellement certaines modalités. L’idée est de disjoncter la base, en créant des variables indicatrices par modalités. La base sera beaucoup plus grosse, et la sélection prendra alors beaucoup plus de temps,

> base2=data.frame(model.matrix( ~ 0+X1+X2+X3+X4+X5+X6+X7,
+ data=base1))
> base2$E=base1$E
> base2$N=base1$N
> reg2=glm(N~.-E+offset(log(E)),family="poisson",
+ data=base2)
>  step(reg2)
Start:  AIC=20492.67
N ~ (X1D + X1E + X2.3.10. + X2.10.101. + X3.22.45. + X3.45.101.
X4B + X4C + X4D + X4E + X4F + X55 + X56 + X57 + X58 + X59 +
X510 + X511 + X512 + X513 + X514 + X515 + X60 + X61 + X62 +
X63 + X64 + X65 + X66 + X67 + X68 + X69 + X610 + X611 + X612 +
X613 + X72 + X73 + X74 + X75 + X76 + X710 + X711 + X712 +
X713 + X714 + E) - E + offset(log(E))

Step:  AIC=20492.67
N ~ X1D + X2.3.10. + X2.10.101. + X3.22.45. + X3.45.101. + X4B
X4C + X4D + X4E + X4F + X55 + X56 + X57 + X58 + X59 + X510 +
X511 + X512 + X513 + X514 + X515 + X60 + X61 + X62 + X63 +
X64 + X65 + X66 + X67 + X68 + X69 + X610 + X611 + X612 +
X613 + X72 + X73 + X74 + X75 + X76 + X710 + X711 + X712 +
X713 + X714 + offset(log(E))

Df Deviance   AIC
- X4B         1    15304 20491
- X58         1    15304 20491
- X511        1    15304 20491
- X2.3.10.    1    15304 20491
- X72         1    15304 20491
- X513        1    15304 20491
- X512        1    15304 20491
- X515        1    15304 20491
- X74         1    15305 20491
- X3.45.101.  1    15305 20491
- X714        1    15305 20491
- X55         1    15305 20492
- X3.22.45.   1    15305 20492
- X711        1    15306 20492
- X76         1    15306 20492
- X59         1    15306 20492
<none>             15304 20493
- X514        1    15306 20493
- X713        1    15306 20493
- X73         1    15307 20493
- X56         1    15307 20493
- X710        1    15307 20494
- X75         1    15308 20494
- X2.10.101.  1    15308 20495
- X57         1    15309 20495
- X4C         1    15310 20496
- X510        1    15310 20496
- X60         1    15312 20498
- X4F         1    15314 20500
- X712        1    15316 20503
- X1D         1    15319 20506
- X4D         1    15337 20524
- X61         1    15345 20532
- X65         1    15350 20536
- X62         1    15352 20538
- X64         1    15359 20545
- X4E         1    15362 20549
- X63         1    15366 20553
- X67         1    15370 20556
- X612        1    15381 20568
- X69         1    15382 20569
- X66         1    15387 20574
- X610        1    15389 20576
- X68         1    15393 20580
- X611        1    15406 20592
- X613        1    15451 20637

Step:  AIC=20490.67
N ~ X1D + X2.3.10. + X2.10.101. + X3.22.45. + X3.45.101. + X4C
X4D + X4E + X4F + X55 + X56 + X57 + X58 + X59 + X510 + X511 +
X512 + X513 + X514 + X515 + X60 + X61 + X62 + X63 + X64 +
X65 + X66 + X67 + X68 + X69 + X610 + X611 + X612 + X613 +
X72 + X73 + X74 + X75 + X76 + X710 + X711 + X712 + X713 +
X714 + offset(log(E))

etc etc… et si on va directement à la fin,

Step:  AIC=20469.18
N ~ X1D + X2.10.101. + X4C + X4D + X4E + X4F + X57 + X510 + X60
X61 + X62 + X63 + X64 + X65 + X66 + X67 + X68 + X69 + X610 +
X611 + X612 + X613 + X73 + X75 + X76 + X710 + X712 + X713 +

Df Deviance   AIC
<none>             15315 20469
- X76         1    15317 20470
- X713        1    15317 20470
- X73         1    15317 20470
- X57         1    15318 20470
- X75         1    15318 20471
- X710        1    15319 20471
- X510        1    15319 20471
- X4C         1    15322 20474
- X60         1    15322 20475
- X2.10.101.  1    15325 20478
- X4F         1    15325 20478
- X1D         1    15333 20485
- X712        1    15338 20490
- X61         1    15356 20508
- X4D         1    15359 20511
- X62         1    15363 20515
- X65         1    15363 20515
- X64         1    15371 20524
- X63         1    15378 20530
- X67         1    15383 20536
- X4E         1    15390 20543
- X612        1    15394 20547
- X69         1    15396 20548
- X66         1    15400 20553
- X610        1    15403 20555
- X68         1    15407 20559
- X611        1    15419 20572
- X613        1    15467 20619

Call:  glm(formula = N ~ X1D + X2.10.101. + X4C + X4D + X4E + X4F
X57 + X510 + X60 + X61 + X62 + X63 + X64 + X65 + X66 + X67 +
X68 + X69 + X610 + X611 + X612 + X613 + X73 + X75 + X76 +
X710 + X712 + X713 + offset(log(E)), family = "poisson",
data = base2)

(Intercept)          X1D   X2.10.101.          X4C          X4D
-1.20880      0.16886     -0.13808      0.14888      0.37539
X4E          X4F          X57         X510          X60
0.50458      0.42768      0.08381      0.18722     -0.36509
X61          X62          X63          X64          X65
-0.93836     -1.03471     -1.18803     -1.10217     -0.95624
X66          X67          X68          X69         X610
-1.37463     -1.15391     -1.54213     -1.40188     -1.47217
X611         X612         X613          X73          X75
-1.68559     -1.40582     -1.49700      0.10874      0.15022
X76         X710         X712         X713
-0.15183      0.21948     -0.27400      0.19565

Degrees of Freedom: 49999 Total (i.e. Null);  49971 Residual
Null Deviance:	    15810
Residual Deviance: 15310 	AIC: 20470

Si la troisième variable (âge du conducteur principal, par classes arbitraires) disparait assez vite, en revanche, une information sur la cinquième (la puissance) est gardée car certaines modalités semblent être informative sur la fréquence d’accidents. En revanche, on notera qui si on fait un arbre, la troisième variable était toujours clairement significative, ce qui peut nous conforter dans l’idée de faire de la sélection de variables sur les modalités.

> library(tree)
> TREE= tree(N~X1+X2+X3+X4+X5+X6+X7+offset(log(E)),split="gini",
+ mincut = 2500,data=base1)
> plot(TREE)
> text(TREE,cex=.9)