Tag Archives: Bailey

Bailey (1963) and Poisson regression on two factors

Consider the following dataset, from A Theory of Extramarital Affairs, by Ray Fair, published in 1978 in the Journal of Political Economy, with 563 observations, and nine variables : eight covariates, and the variable of interest, the number of extramarital affairs, over a year,

base = read.table("http://freakonometrics.free.fr/baseaffairs.txt",header=TRUE)
'data.frame':	563 obs. of  9 variables:
 $ SEX         : int  1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 ...
 $ AGE         : num  37 27 32 57 22 32 22 57 32 22 ...
 $ YEARMARRIAGE: num  10 4 15 15 0.75 1.5 0.75 15 15 1.5 ...
 $ CHILDREN    : int  0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 ...
 $ RELIGIOUS   : int  3 4 1 5 2 2 2 2 4 4 ...
 $ EDUCATION   : int  18 14 12 18 17 17 12 14 16 14 ...
 $ OCCUPATION  : int  7 6 1 6 6 5 1 4 1 4 ...
 $ SATISFACTION: int  4 4 4 5 3 5 3 4 2 5 ...
 $ Y           : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...

Let us focus on two categorical covariates, related to the importance of religion, and the occupation

              expo = 1)
religion  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
       1  4  1  8  4 16  9  0
       2 23  3 11 17 56 36  6
       3 29  1 10 12 39 25  2
       4 38  7 12 21 59 44  2
       5 13  1  3 10 19 19  3
religion  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
       1  4  1 13  3 13  7  0
       2  1  1 13 10 25 43 10
       3 15  0 12 11 34 35  1
       4 24  1  3 15 11  9 10
       5  6  0  0  6 11  7  0

The two tables above are the exposure (number of observations) and the number of extramarital affairs, here as contingency tables. Without any covariate, one can assume that N\sim\mathcal{P}(\lambda\cdot E), where \lambda would be

[1] 0.6305506

The idea with the margin method is to assume that N_{i,j}=E_{i,j}\cdot\lambda_{i,j} where \lambda_{i,j}=A_i\cdot B_j. Bailey (1963) added two series of constraints : per row, \sum_j N_{i,j}=\sum_j E_{i,j}\cdot A_i\cdot B_j for any i and similarly, for any j \sum_i N_{i,j}=\sum_i E_{i,j}\cdot A_i\cdot B_jFrom the first series of constraints, write A_i=\frac{\sum_j N_{i,j}}{\sum_j E_{i,j}\cdot B_j} and use the second series to write B_j=\frac{\sum_i N_{i,j}}{\sum_i E_{i,j}\cdot A_i}Because we need A_i‘s to compute B_j‘s, and conversely, it is natural to consider some iterative procedure to solve it. Observe that we do not have unicity…

Consider here some starting values for A_i‘s and B_j‘s

[1] 1 1 1 1 1
[1] 0.6305506 0.6305506 0.6305506 0.6305506 0.6305506 0.6305506 0.6305506

The predicted number of extramarital affairs would be \hat N_{i,j}=E_{i,j}\cdot\hat A_i\cdot \hat B_j

E * A%*%t(B)
religion          1          2          3          4          5          6          7
       1  2.5222025  0.6305506  5.0444050  2.5222025 10.0888099  5.6749556  0.0000000
       2 14.5026643  1.8916519  6.9360568 10.7193606 35.3108348 22.6998224  3.7833037
       3 18.2859680  0.6305506  6.3055062  7.5666075 24.5914742 15.7637655  1.2611012
       4 23.9609236  4.4138544  7.5666075 13.2415631 37.2024867 27.7442274  1.2611012
       5  8.1971581  0.6305506  1.8916519  6.3055062 11.9804618 11.9804618  1.8916519
[1] 26.48313
[1] 95.84369
        1         2         3         4         5 
 26.48313  95.84369  74.40497 115.39076  42.87744 
[1] 107
[1] 13
  1   2   3   4   5   6   7 
107  13  44  64 189 133  13

From expressions above, observe that one can very easily write expressions of A_i‘s and B_j‘s as functions of B_j‘s and A_i‘s respectively


Let it iterate one thousand times

for(i in 1:1000){

We obtain here

        1         2         3         4         5 
1.5404346 1.0447195 1.4825650 0.6553159 0.6634763 
        1         2         3         4         5         6         7 
0.4685515 0.2629769 0.8454435 0.7245310 0.4889697 0.7770553 1.6753750 
E * A%*%t(B)
religion          1          2          3          4          5          6          7
       1  2.8870914  0.4050987 10.4188024  4.4643702 12.0516123 10.7730250  0.0000000
       2 11.2586111  0.8242113  9.7157637 12.8678376 28.6068235 29.2249717 10.5017811
       3 20.1450811  0.3898804 12.5342484 12.8899708 28.2722423 28.8008726  4.9677044
       4 11.6678702  1.2063307  6.6483904  9.9707299 18.9053460 22.4055332  2.1957997
       5  4.0413463  0.1744790  1.6827951  4.8070914  6.1639760  9.7955975  3.3347148

That is our prediction, per category, of the number of affairs. Observe that here, sums per row are equal to observed numbers,

  1   2   3   4   5 
 41 103 108  73  30 
apply(E * A%*%t(B),1,sum)
  1   2   3   4   5 
 41 103 108  73  30

as well as sums per colums

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7 
 50   3  41  45  94 101  21 
apply(E * A%*%t(B),2,sum)
  1   2   3   4   5   6   7 
 50   3  41  45  94 101  21

Now, why should I mention that here, in the section on the Poisson regression in our course ? Because actually, this is exactly what we get if we run a Poisson regression on those two covariates

            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept) -0.32604    0.21325  -1.529 0.126285    
religion2   -0.38832    0.18791  -2.066 0.038783 *  
religion3   -0.03829    0.18585  -0.206 0.836771    
religion4   -0.85470    0.19757  -4.326 1.52e-05 ***
religion5   -0.84233    0.24416  -3.450 0.000561 ***
occupation2 -0.57758    0.59549  -0.970 0.332083    
occupation3  0.59022    0.21349   2.765 0.005699 ** 
occupation4  0.43588    0.20603   2.116 0.034381 *  
occupation5  0.04265    0.17590   0.242 0.808399    
occupation6  0.50587    0.17360   2.914 0.003569 ** 
occupation7  1.27415    0.26298   4.845 1.27e-06 ***
Signif. codes:  0***0.001**0.01*0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

First of all, observe that the total sum of predictions equals the total sum of observations

yp = predict(reg,type="response")
[1] 355
[1] 355

But actually, the predicted number of affairs, for our 35 classes, is exactly what we got using Bailey’s technique

df$religion          1          2          3          4          5          6          7
          1  2.8870914  0.4050987 10.4188024  4.4643702 12.0516123 10.7730250  0.0000000
          2 11.2586112  0.8242113  9.7157637 12.8678376 28.6068235 29.2249717 10.5017811
          3 20.1450813  0.3898804 12.5342484 12.8899708 28.2722424 28.8008726  4.9677044
          4 11.6678703  1.2063307  6.6483904  9.9707300 18.9053460 22.4055332  2.1957997
          5  4.0413464  0.1744790  1.6827951  4.8070914  6.1639761  9.7955975  3.3347148
E * A%*%t(B)
religion          1          2          3          4          5          6          7
       1  2.8870914  0.4050987 10.4188024  4.4643702 12.0516123 10.7730250  0.0000000
       2 11.2586111  0.8242113  9.7157637 12.8678376 28.6068235 29.2249717 10.5017811
       3 20.1450811  0.3898804 12.5342484 12.8899708 28.2722423 28.8008726  4.9677044
       4 11.6678702  1.2063307  6.6483904  9.9707299 18.9053460 22.4055332  2.1957997
       5  4.0413463  0.1744790  1.6827951  4.8070914  6.1639760  9.7955975  3.3347148

To be more specific, up to a multiplicate constant, series of coefficients are equal here, e.g. for A_i‘s

          religion2 religion3 religion4 religion5 
1.0000000 0.6781979 0.9624329 0.4254098 0.4307072 
        1         2         3         4         5 
1.0000000 0.6781979 0.9624329 0.4254098 0.4307072

but also for B_j‘s

            occupation2 occupation3 occupation4 occupation5 occupation6 occupation7 
  1.0000000   0.5612551   1.8043769   1.5463210   1.0435773   1.6584203   3.5756477 
        1         2         3         4         5         6         7 
1.0000000 0.5612551 1.8043770 1.5463210 1.0435773 1.6584203 3.5756478

This will have major implications in non-life insurance models (for claims reserving).

Régression de Poisson, et biais minimal

Lors du prochain cours d’actuariat, nous allons finir les arbres de régression, et introduire la régression de Poisson. Les transparents sont en ligne ici,

Je vais présenter la régression en Poisson, en faisant un parallèle avec la régression logistique, la session suivante portera sur la généralisation obtenue avec les modèles linéaires généralisés. Sur la régression de Poisson, je suggère de lire Frees (2010) chapitre 12 (p 343-361), Greene (2012), section 18.3 (p 802-828) ou encore de Jong Heller (2008) chapitre 6. Sur les méthodes de biais minimal, de Jong Heller (2008), section 1.3 et l’article de Sholom Feldblum, http://www.casact.org/…. Sur le passage de ces dernières méthodes (introduites par Robert Bailey dans les années 60, http://www.casact.org/… et http://www.casact.org/…), je recommande la lecture de l’article de Ben Zehnwirth, Ratemaking From Bailey and Simon (1960) to Generalized Linear Regression Models, en ligne sur http://www.casact.org/…

Comme annoncé au premier cours, j’essaye de mettre en ligne les transparents au fur et à mesure, mais j’avais pris l’habitude d’écrire au tableau ces dernières années. Il faut donc que je tape tout. Pour le devoir un courriel sera envoyé d’ici la fin de semaine à tous les groupes qui se sont inscrits.