Tag Archives: a_bh

Who interacts on Twitter during a conference (#JDSLille)

Disclamer: This is a joint post with Avner Bar-Hen, a.k.a. @a_bh, Benjamin Guedj, a.k.a. @bguedj and Nathalie Villa, a.k.a. @Natty_V2

Organised annually since 1970 by the French Society of Statistics (SFdS), the Journées de Statistique (JdS) are the most important scientific event of the French statistical community. More than 400 researchers, teachers and practitioners meet at each edition. In 2015, JDS took place in Lille, in France.

SFdS regularly tweets (with the account @Statfr) and for the first year a live-tweet was organized durind JdS. The Hashtag was #JDSLille. The aim of this post is a (brief) statistical analysis of the live-tweet.

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