Talk on Fairness and Discrimination in Insurance at the Thelem-ILB Chaire

This morning, I will be giving a talk for the Thelem-ILB Chaire (Thelem – historically compagnie d’assurance mutuelle contre l’incendie dans le département du Loiret – founded in 1820, one of France’s oldest companies), on fairness and discrimination in insurance, and more specifically on counterfactual fairness, and causal graphs. It is based on recent work with Olivier Côté, our PhD student in Laval (Québec), co-supervised with Marie-Pier,

Slides are available online. I can mention here that we obtained a grant from the Thelem-ILB Chaire to sponsor a trip in Europe for Olivier, to attend the Insurance Data Science conference in London, and the 26th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics in Edinburgh.