This week, Sam will be in Valencia (Spain) to present our work on Data Augmentation for Imbaladed Regression

In this work, we consider the problem of imbalanced data in a regression framework when the imbalanced phenomenon concerns continuous or discrete covariates. Such a situation can lead to biases in the estimates. In this case, we propose a data augmentation algorithm that combines a weighted resampling (WR) and a data augmentation (DA) procedure. In a first step, the DA procedure permits exploring a wider support than the initial one. In a second step, the WR method drives the exogenous distribution to a target one. We discuss the choice of the DA procedure through a numerical study that illustrates the advantages of this approach. Finally, an actuarial application is studied.

Alternative fixed-effects panel model using weighted asymmetric least squares regression

Our paper, Alternative fixed-effects panel model using weighted asymmetric least squares regression, with Amadou and Karim, is now published by Statistical Methods & Applications.

A fixed-effects model estimates the regressor effects on the mean of the response, which is inadequate to account for heteroscedasticity. In this paper, we adapt the asymmetric least squares (expectile) regression to the fixed-effects panel model and propose a new model: expectile regression with fixed effects (ERFE). The ERFE model applies the within transformation strategy to solve the incidental parameter problem and estimates the regressor effects on the expectiles of the response distribution. The ERFE model captures the data heteroscedasticity and eliminates any bias resulting from the correlation between the regressors and the omitted factors. We derive the asymptotic properties of the ERFE estimators and suggest robust estimators of its covariance matrix. Our simulations show that the ERFE estimator is unbiased and outperforms its competitors. Our real data analysis shows its ability to capture data heteroscedasticity

More online… doi:10.1007/s10260-023-00692-3

Model selection, AIC and Tweedie regression

Just some simple codes to illustrate some points we will discuss this week, for the last course on GLMs, before the final exam.  We have mentioned that the Gamma distribution belongs to the exponential, so we can run a regression, and compute the associated AIC,

> set.seed(123)
> = rgamma(n=2000, scale=1, shape=1)
> m1 = glm(, family=Gamma(link=log))
> AIC(m1)
[1] 3997.332

The Gamma distribution is also a special case of the Tweedie distribution, with power 2

> library(statmod)
> library(tweedie)
> m2 = glm(, family=tweedie(link.power=0, var.power=2) )
> AIC(m2)
[1] NA

Unfortunately, we cannot compute the AIC, and we need a trick (with the appropriate R function).

> AICtweedie(m2)
[1] 3997.332

Of course, we can do the same with the Poisson distribution, which also belongs to the exponential family

> = rpois(n=2000, lambda=1)
> m3 = glm(, family=poisson(link=log))
> m4 = glm(, family=tweedie(link.power=0, var.power=1) )
> AIC(m3)
[1] 5124.61

Here, we have a problem with the AICtweedie function

> AICtweedie(m4)
[1] Inf

because we need to specify the dispersion parameter

> AICtweedie(m4, dispersion=1)
[1] 5124.61

We can now check: we generate some Gamma sample, and fit various Tweedie distribution, changing simply the variance function (which is a power function)

> set.seed(123)
> = rgamma(n=2000, scale=1, shape=1)
> glmtw = function(t){
+ m1 = glm(, family=tweedie(link.power=0, var.power=t) )
+ d = NULL
+ if(t == 1) d = 1
+ AICtweedie(m1, dispersion = d)
+ }
> vt = seq(1,2.7,length=100)
> vg = Vectorize(glmtw)(vt)
> plot(vt,vg,log="y",type="l")

The minimum of the AIC is close to 2, corresponding to the Gamma distribution

We can also try with a Poisson

> set.seed(123)
> = rpois(n=2000, lambda=1)
> glmtw = function(t){
+ m1 = glm(, family=tweedie(link.power=0, var.power=t) )
+ d = NULL
+ if(t == 1) d = 1
+ AICtweedie(m1, dispersion = d)
+ }
> vt = seq(1,2,length=100)
> vg = Vectorize(glmtw)(vt)
> plot(vt,vg,log="y",type="l")

The minimum is now close to 1, corresponding to the Poisson distriubtion (the variance is equal to the average)

Let us now try some compound Poisson distribution,

> rcpd=function(n,lambda,shape,scale){
+ N=rpois(n,lambda)
+ X=rgamma(sum(N),shape=shape, scale=scale)
+ I=as.factor(rep(1:n,N))
+ S=tapply(X,I,sum)
+ V=as.numeric(S[as.character(1:n)])
+ V[]=0
+ return(V)}

Let us generate some compound Poisson random variables, with Poisson distribution with average 1, and with Gamma jumps, with average and variance 1,

> set.seed(123)
> = rcpd(n=2000, 1,1,1)
> glmtw = function(t){
+ m1 = glm(, family=tweedie(link.power=0, var.power=t) )
+ d = NULL
+ if(t == 1) d = 1
+ AICtweedie(m1, dispersion = d)
+ }
> vt = seq(1.1,1.9,length=100)
> vg = Vectorize(glmtw)(vt)
> plot(vt,vg,log="y",type="l")

The optimal value for the power function is here 1.5, based on the AIC (relationships between Tweedie parameters and the compound Poisson ones are given in the slides)

We can now play a little bit with the variance of the jumps: they still have aveage 1, but they now have a smaller variance

> set.seed(123)
> = rcpd(n=2000, 1,3,1/3)
> vt = seq(1.05,1.95,length=100)
> vg = Vectorize(glmtw)(vt)
> plot(vt,vg,log="y",type="l")

The optimal power for the Tweedie is closer to one, closer to the Poison case

while if we increase the variance of the jumps

> set.seed(123)
> = rcpd(n=2000, 1,1/3,3)
> vt = seq(1.05,1.95,length=100)
> vg = Vectorize(glmtw)(vt)
> plot(vt,vg,log="y",type="l")

the optimal power is higher, closer to the Gamma distribution.