Insurance Pricing Game

Would you like to put your data science skills to the test?

Imperial College London, Universite du Quebec à Montreal (UQAM), and actuarial institutes in Singapore, the UK, including the IFoA, and Australia, ASTIN, the Casualty Actuarial Society are co-organising a global data science competition.

Would you like to accurately predict the cost of insurance by putting your data science skills to the test? We are hosting two competitions with separate datasets, a loss prediction competition on Kaggle with synthetic workers’ compensation data, and a pricing competition in a simulated market hosted on AI Crowd with real-world motor insurance contracts. Codes can be either in R or python. The competition is being sponsored by a number of different organisations, with a total of US$12,000 in cash prizes to be won. For more information about how to take part please visit

Soutenances de mémoires, à Brest

Ce matin (heure de Montréal), après mon exposé au séminaire Big Data et Économétrie à AMSE, Lariosse Kouakou et Molly James ont défendu leur mémoire de maîtrise, à Brest. Lariosse a présenté son travail sur assurance collaborative et réseaux, ou comment optimiser un modèle de franchise collaborative en assurance IARD. Lariosse avait fait son stage tout l’été sous ma supervision, et on mettra bientôt en ligne une version plus courte de son travail.

(Lariosse est à la recherche d’un poste, idéalement d’une thèse cifre, et je ne peux que recommander sa candidature).

Molly James avait travaillé l’été dernier avec moi, sur le risque inondation (l’article en lien avec son travail est en ligne depuis quelques mois, Insurance against Natural Catastrophes: Balancing Actuarial Fairness and Social Solidarity). Son mémoire porte sur le risque de subsidence, et je l’ai suivie de loin, tout l’été…

Big data, the tech giants, and insurance

Since 2010, the tech giants—particularly the “3As” (Amazon, Apple, and Alphabet [Google’s parent company])—have begun to expand their horizons in pursuit of new business opportunities. From retail to the automotive sector, these companies have learned to use the colossal competitive advantages built on data analysis, user relationships, and the skills of innovative computer engineers to bring about a profound transformation of certain markets. It was only a matter of time before they began to turn their thoughts to insurance and take their first steps in that world. Here, we will be looking at the specific cases of health, motoring, and home insurance, demonstrating how new partnerships are striving to come up with innovative solutions. We will also be exploring the consequences of these changes, which invite us to reevaluate the role of data, now once again at the core of the insurance profession. Finally, we will consider whether this innovation could in fact be seen as a return to the roots of the very concept of insurance: the pooling and distribution of risk… (to be continued on