Quinze ans…! Déjà… Autant le second tome est un peu dépassé aujourd’hui (on reste sur les GLM et les GAM, mais de nombreuses autres techniques statistiques auraient pu être présentée si on avait pris le temps de faire un vraie nouvelle édition), autant le premier me semble toujours au goût du jour. Avec le recul, je mettrais la section plus économique dans le premier tome, en rajoutant une section sur la concurence… mais avec quinze ans de recul, je suis toujours fier de voir ce livre trôner dans la bibliothèque de collègues, ainsi que de nombreux praticiens….
Top incomes are often related to Pareto distribution. To date, economists have mostly used Pareto Type I distribution to model the upper tail of income and wealth distribution. It is a parametric distribution, with an attractive property, that can be easily linked to economic theory. In this paper, we first show that modelling top incomes with Pareto Type I distribution can lead to severe over-estimation of inequality, even with millions of observations. Then, we show that the Generalized Pareto distribution and, even more, the Extended Pareto distribution, are much less sensitive to the choice of the threshold. Thus, they provide more reliable results. We discuss different types of bias that could be encountered in empirical studies and, we provide some guidance for practice. To illustrate, two applications are investigated, on the distribution of income in South Africa in 2012 and on the distribution of wealth in the United States in 2013.
This paper was presented at and UCSB and in several workshops this spring, and this Summer, Emmanuel will present it at ECINEQ.
Note that a R package is also available on github, TopIncomes.
"sendo l'intento mio scrivere cosa utile a chi la intende…"