Classification from scratch, neural nets 6/8

Sixth post of our series on classification from scratch. The latest one was on the lasso regression, which was still based on a logistic regression model, assuming that the variable of interest Y has a Bernoulli distribution. From now on, we will discuss technique that did not originate from those probabilistic models, even if they might still have a probabilistic interpretation. Somehow. Today, we will start with neural nets.

Maybe I should start with a disclaimer. The goal is not to replicate well designed R functions, used for predictive modeling. It is simply to get a basic understanding of what’s going on.

Networs, nodes and edges

First of all, neurals nets are nets, or networks. I will skip the parallel with “neural” stuff because it does not help me understanding what is happening (all apologies for my poor knowledge on biology, and cells)

So, it’s about some network. Networks have nodes, and edges (possibly connected) that connect nodes,

or maybe, to more specific (at least it helped me understanding what’s going on), some sort of flow network,

In such a network, we usually have sources (here multiple) sources (here \color{red}\{s_1,s_2,s_3\}), on the left, on a sink (here \{\color{blue}t\}), on the right. To continue with this metaphorical introduction, information from the sources should reach the sink. An usually, sources are explanatory variables, \{\mathbf{x}_1,\cdots,\mathbf{x}_p\}, and the sink is our variable of interest \mathbf{y}. And we want to create a graph, from the sources to the sink. We will have directed edges, with only one (unique) direction, where we will put weights. It is not a flow, the parallel with flow will stop here. For instance, the most simple network will be the following one, with no layer (i.e no node between the source and the sink)

The output here is a binary variable y\in\{0,1\} (it can also be y\in\{-1,+1\} but here, it’s not a big deal). In our network, our output will be y\in(0,1), because it is more easy to handly. For instance, consider y=f(something), for some function f taking values in (0,1). One can consider the sigmoid functionf(x)=\frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}=\frac{e^{x}}{e^{x}+1}which is actually the logistic function (so we should not be surprised to have results somehow close the logistic regression…). This function f is called the activation function, and there are thousands of such functions. If y\in\{-1,+1\}, people consider the hyperbolic tangentf(x)=\tanh(x)={\frac {(e^{x}-e^{-x})}{(e^{x}+e^{-x})}}or the inverse tangent function
f(x)=\tan ^{-1}(x)And as input for such function, we consider a weighted sum of incoming nodes. So herey_i=f\left(\sum_{j=1}^p\omega_j x_{j,i}\right)We can also add a constant actuallyy_i=f\left(\omega_0+\sum_{j=1}^p\omega_j x_{j,i}\right)So far, we are not far away from the logistic regression. Except that our starting point was a probabilistic model, in the sense that the later was interpreted as a probability (the probability that Y=1) and we wanted the model with the highest likelihood. But we’ll talk about selection of weights later on. First, let us construct our first (very simple) neural network. First, we have the sigmoid function

sigmoid = function(x) 1 / (1 + exp(-x))

The consider some weights. In our model with seven explanatory variables, with need 7 weights. Or 8 if we include the constant term. Let us consider \mathbf{\omega}=\mathbf{1},

weights_0 = rep(1,8)
X = as.matrix(cbind(1,myocarde[,1:7]))
y_5_1 = sigmoid(X %*% weights_0)

that’s kind of stupid because all our predictions are 1, here. Let us try something else. Like \mathbf{\omega}=\widehat{\mathbf{\beta}}^{ols}. It is optimized, somehow, but we needed something to visualize what’s going on

weights_0 = lm(PRONO~.,data=myocarde)$coefficients

then use

y_5_1 = sigmoid(X %*% weights_0)

In order to see if we get a “good” prediction, let use plot the ROC curve, and compare it with the one we got with a (simple) logistic regression

pred = ROCR::prediction(y_5_1,myocarde$PRONO)
perf = ROCR::performance(pred,"tpr", "fpr")
reg = glm(PRONO~.,data=myocarde,family=binomial(link = "logit"))
y_0 = predict(reg,type="response")
pred0 = ROCR::prediction(y_0,myocarde$PRONO)
perf0 = ROCR::performance(pred0,"tpr", "fpr")

That’s not bad for a very first attempt. Except that we’ve been cheating here, since we did use \mathbf{\omega}=\widehat{\mathbf{\beta}}^{ols}. How, for real, should we choose those weights?

Using a loss function

Well, if we want an “optimal” set of weights, we need to “optimize” an objective function. So we need to quantify the loss of a mistake, between the prediction, and the observation. Consider here a quadratic loss function

loss = function(weights){
  mean( (myocarde$PRONO-sigmoid(X %*% weights))^2) }

It might be stupid to use a quadratic loss function for a classification, but here, it’s not the point. We just want to understand what is the algorithm we use, and the loss function \ell is just one parameter. Then we want to solve\mathbf{\omega}^\star=\text{argmin}\left\lbrace\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n\ell\left(y_i,f(\omega_0+\mathbf{x}_i^T\mathbf{\omega})\right)\right\rbraceThus, consider

weights_1 = optim(weights_0,loss)$par

(where the starting point is the OLS estimate). Again, to see what’s going on, let us visualize the ROC curve

y_5_2 = sigmoid(X %*% weights_1)
pred = ROCR::prediction(y_5_2,myocarde$PRONO)
perf = ROCR::performance(pred,"tpr", "fpr")

That’s not amazing, but again, that’s only a first step.

A single layer

Let us add a single layer in our network.

Those nodes are connected to the sources (incoming from sources) from the left, and then connected to the sink, on the right. Those nodes are not inter-connected. And again, for that network, we need edges (i.e series of weights). For instance, on the network above, we did add one single layer, with (only) three nodes.

For such a network, the prediction formula is \mathbf{y}=f\left( \omega_0+ \sum_{h=1}^3\omega_h f_h\left(\omega_{h,0}+ \sum_{j=1}^p \omega_{h,j} x_j\right)\right)or more synthetically\mathbf{y}=f\left( \omega_0+ \sum_{h=1}^3 \omega_hf_h\left(\omega_{h,0}+ \mathbf{x}^T\mathbf{\omega}_h\right)\right)Usually, we consider the same activation function everywhere. Don’t ask me why, I find that weird.

Now, we have a lot of weights to choose. Let us use again OLS estimates

weights_1 <- lm(PRONO~1+FRCAR+INCAR+INSYS+PAPUL+PVENT,data=myocarde)$coefficients
X1 = as.matrix(cbind(1,myocarde[,c("FRCAR","INCAR","INSYS","PAPUL","PVENT")]))
weights_2 <- lm(PRONO~1+INSYS+PRDIA,data=myocarde)$coefficients
weights_3 <- lm(PRONO~1+PAPUL+PVENT+REPUL,data=myocarde)$coefficients

In that case, we did specify edges, and which sources (explanatory variables) should be used for each additional node. Actually, here, other techniques could be have been used, like using a PCA. Each node will then be one of the components. But we’ll use that idea later on…

X = cbind(sigmoid(X1 %*% weights_1), sigmoid(X2 %*% weights_2), sigmoid(X3 %*% weights_3))

But we’re not done here. Those were weights from the source to the know nodes, in the layer. We still need the weights from the nodes to the sink. Here, let use use a simple average

weights = c(1/3,1/3,1/3)
y_5_3 <- sigmoid(X %*% weights)

Again, we can plot the ROC curve to see what we’ve done…

pred = ROCR::prediction(y_5_3,myocarde$PRONO)
perf = ROCR::performance(pred,"tpr", "fpr")

On back propagation

Now, we need some optimal selection of those weights. Observe that with only 3 nodes, there are already (7+1)\times3+3=27 parameters in that model! Clearly, parcimony is not the major issue when you start using neural nets! If p(\mathbf{x})=f\left( \omega_0+ \sum_{h=1}^3 \omega_hf_h\left(\omega_{h,0}+ \mathbf{x}^T\mathbf{\omega}_h\right)\right)we want to solve\mathbf{\omega}^\star=\text{argmin}\left\lbrace\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n\ell\left(y_i,p(\mathbf{x}_i)\right)\right\rbracefor some loss function, which is\mathbf{\omega}^\star=\text{argmin}\left\lbrace\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n (y_i-p(\mathbf{x}_i))^2 \right\rbracefor the quadratic norm, or\mathbf{\omega}^\star=\text{argmin}\left\lbrace\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n (y_i\log p(\mathbf{x}_i)+[1-y_i]\log [1-p(\mathbf{x}_i)]) \right\rbraceif we want to use cross-entropy.

For convenience, let us center all the variable we create, otherwise, we get numerical problems.

center = function(z) (z-mean(z))/sd(z)
loss = function(weights){
weights_1 = weights[0+(1:7)]
weights_2 = weights[7+(1:7)]
weights_3 = weights[14+(1:7)]
weights_  = weights[21+1:4]
Z1 = center(X1 %*% weights_1)
Z2 = center(X2 %*% weights_2)
Z3 = center(X3 %*% weights_3)
X = cbind(1,sigmoid(Z1), sigmoid(Z2), sigmoid(Z3))
mean( (myocarde$PRONO-sigmoid(X %*% weights_))^2)}

Now that we have our objective function, consider some starting points. We can consider weights from a PCA, and then use a gradient descent algorithm,

pca = princomp(myocarde[,1:7])
W = get_pca_var(pca)$contrib
weights_0 = c(W[,1],W[,2],W[,3],c(-1,rep(1,3)/3))
weights_opt = optim(weights_0,loss)$par

The prediction is then obtained using

weights_1 = weights_opt[0+(1:7)]
weights_2 = weights_opt[7+(1:7)]
weights_3 = weights_opt[14+(1:7)]
weights_  = weights_opt[21+1:4]
Z1 = center(X1 %*% weights_1)
Z2 = center(X2 %*% weights_2)
Z3 = center(X3 %*% weights_3)
X = cbind(1,sigmoid(Z1), sigmoid(Z2), sigmoid(Z3))
y_5_4 = sigmoid(X %*% weights_)

And as previously, why not plot the ROC curve of that model

pred = ROCR::prediction(y_5_4,myocarde$PRONO)
perf = ROCR::performance(pred,"tpr", "fpr")

That’s not too bad. But with 27 coefficients, that’s what we would expect, no?

Using nnet() function

That’s more or less what is done in neural nets functions. Let us now have a look at some dedicated R functions.

myocarde_minmax = myocarde
minmax = function(z) (z-min(z))/(max(z)-min(z))
for(j in 1:7) myocarde_minmax[,j] = minmax(myocarde_minmax[,j])

Here, variables are linearly transformed, to take values in (0,1). Then we can construct a neural network with one single layer, and three nodes,

model_nnet = nnet(PRONO~.,data=myocarde_minmax,size=3)
a 7-3-1 network with 28 weights
options were -
 b->h1 i1->h1 i2->h1 i3->h1 i4->h1 i5->h1 i6->h1 i7->h1 
 -9.60  -1.79  21.00  14.72 -20.45  -5.05  14.37 -17.37 
 b->h2 i1->h2 i2->h2 i3->h2 i4->h2 i5->h2 i6->h2 i7->h2 
  4.72   2.83  -3.37  -1.64   1.49   2.12   2.31   4.00 
 b->h3 i1->h3 i2->h3 i3->h3 i4->h3 i5->h3 i6->h3 i7->h3 
 -0.58  -6.03  25.14  18.03  -1.19   7.52 -19.47 -12.95 
  b->o  h1->o  h2->o  h3->o 
 -1.32  29.00 -10.32  26.27

Here, it is the complete full network. And actually, there are (online) some functions that can he used to visualize that network


Nice, isn’t it? We clearly see the intermediary layer, with three nodes, and on top the constants. Edges are the plain lines, the darker, the heavier (in terms of weights).

Using neuralnet()

Other R functions can actually be considered.

model_nnet = neuralnet(formula(glm(PRONO~.,data=myocarde_minmax)),
myocarde_minmax,hidden=3, act.fct = sigmoid)

Again, for the same network structure, with one (hidden) layer, and three nodes in it.

Network with multiple layers

The good thing is that it’s not possible to add more layers. Like two layers. Nodes from the first layer are no longuer connected with the sink, but with nodes in the second layer. And those nodes will then be connected to the sink. We now have something like
p(\mathbf{x})=f\left( \omega_0+ \sum_{h=1}^3 \omega_h f_h\left(\omega_{h,0}+ \mathbf{z}_h^T\mathbf{\omega}_h\right)\right)where\mathbf{z}_h=f\left( \omega_{h,0}+ \sum_{j=1}^{k_h} \omega_{h,j} f_{h,j}\left(\omega_{h,j,0}+ \mathbf{x}^T\mathbf{\omega}_{h,j}\right)\right)I may be rambling here (a little bit) but that’s a lot of parameters. Here is the visualization of such a network,

model_nnet = neuralnet(formula(glm(PRONO~.,data=myocarde_minmax)),
myocarde_minmax,hidden=3, act.fct = sigmoid)


Let us get back on our simple dataset, with only two covariates.

df_minmax =df
minmax = function(z) (z-min(z))/(max(z)-min(z))
for(j in 1:2) df_minmax[,j] = minmax(df[,j])
X = as.matrix(cbind(1,df_minmax[,1:2]))

Consider only one layer, with two nodes

model_nnet = neuralnet(formula(lm(y~.,data=df_minmax)),

Here, we did not specify it, but the activation function is the sigmoid (actually, it is called logistic here)

function (x) 
    1/(1 + exp(-x))
[1] "logistic"

The weights (on the figure) can be obtained using

w0 = model_nnet$weights[[1]][[2]][,1]
w1 = model_nnet$weights[[1]][[1]][,1]
w2 = model_nnet$weights[[1]][[1]][,2]

Now, to get our prediction,
we should usep(\mathbf{x})=f\left( \omega_0+ \omega_1 f(\omega_{1,0}+ \mathbf{x}_h^T\mathbf{\omega}_{1,1:2})+\omega_1 f(\omega_{2,0}+ \mathbf{x}_h^T\mathbf{\omega}_{2,1:2})\right)which can be obtained using

 [1,] 0.7336477343
 [2,] 0.7317999050
 [3,] 0.7185803540
 [4,] 0.7404005280
 [5,] 0.7518482779
 [6,] 0.4939774149
 [7,] 0.4965876378
 [8,] 0.7101714888
 [9,] 0.5050760026
[10,] 0.5049877644

Unfortunately, it is not the output of the model here,

Data Error:	0;
       x1           x2              y
1  0.1250 0.0000000000  0.02030470787
2  0.0625 0.1176470588  0.89621706711
3  0.9375 0.2352941176  0.01995171956
4  0.0000 0.4705882353  1.10849420363
5  0.5000 0.4705882353 -0.01364966058
6  0.3125 0.5294117647 -0.02409150561
7  0.6875 0.8235294118  0.93743057765
8  0.3750 0.8823529412  1.01320924782
9  1.0000 0.9058823529  1.04805134309
10 0.5625 1.0000000000  1.00377379767

If anyone has a clue, I’d be glad to know what went wrong here… I find that odd to have outputs outside the (0,1) interval, but the output is neitherp(\mathbf{x})=\omega_{0,0}+ \omega_{0,1} f(\omega_{1,0}+ \mathbf{x}_h^T\mathbf{\omega}_{1,1:2})+\omega_{0,2} f(\omega_{2,0}+ \mathbf{x}_h^T\mathbf{\omega}_{2,1:2})

 [1,]  1.01320924782
 [2,]  1.00377379767
 [3,]  0.93743057765
 [4,]  1.04805134309
 [5,]  1.10849420363
 [6,] -0.02409150561
 [7,] -0.01364966058
 [8,]  0.89621706711
 [9,]  0.02030470787
[10,]  0.01995171956

(to be continued…)

Classification from scratch, penalized Lasso logistic 5/8

Fifth post of our series on classification from scratch, following the previous post on penalization using the \ell_2 norm (so-called Ridge regression), this time, we will discuss penalization based on the \ell_1 norm (the so-called Lasso regression).

First of all, one should admit that if the name stands for least absolute shrinkage and selection operator, that’s actually a very cool name… Funny story, a few years before, Leo Breiman introduce a concept of garrote technique… “The garrote eliminates some variables, shrinks others, and is relatively stable”.

I guess that somehow, the lasso is the extension of the garotte technique

Normalization of the covariates

As previously, the first step will be to consider linear transformations of all covariates x_j to get centered and scaled variables (with unit variance)

y = myocarde$PRONO
X = myocarde[,1:7]
for(j in 1:7) X[,j] = (X[,j]-mean(X[,j]))/sd(X[,j])
X = as.matrix(X)

Ridge Regression (from scratch)

The heuristics about Lasso regression is the following graph. In the background, we can visualize the (two-dimensional) log-likelihood of the logistic regression, and the blue square is the constraint we have, if we rewite the optimization problem as a contrained optimization problem,

LogLik = function(bbeta){
  sum(-y*log(1 + exp(-(b0+X%*%beta))) - 
  (1-y)*log(1 + exp(b0+X%*%beta)))}
u = seq(-4,4,length=251)
v = outer(u,u,function(x,y) LogLik(c(1,x,y)))

The nice thing here is that is works as a variable selection tool, since some components can be null here. That’s the idea behind the following (popular) graph

(with lasso on the left, and ridge on the right).

Heuristically, the maths explanation is the following. Consider a simple regression y_i=x_i\beta+\varepsilon, with \ell_1-penality and a \ell_2-loss fuction. The optimization problem becomes\min\big\{\mathbf{y}^T\mathbf{y}-2\mathbf{y}^T\mathbf{x}\beta+\beta\mathbf{x}^T\mathbf{x}\beta+2\lambda{\color{red}{|}}\beta{\color{red}{|}}\big\}The first order condition can be written-2\mathbf{y}^T\mathbf{x}+2\mathbf{x}^T\mathbf{x}\widehat{\beta}{\color{red}{\pm} }2\lambda=0(the sign in {\color{red}{\pm}} being the sign of \widehat{\beta}).
Assume that \mathbf{y}^T\mathbf{x}>0, then solution is
\widehat{\beta}_{\lambda}^{lasso}=\max\left\lbrace\frac{\mathbf{y}^T\mathbf{x}-\lambda}{\mathbf{x}^T\mathbf{x}},0\right\rbrace(we get a corner solution when \lambda is large).

Optimization routine

As in our previous post, let us start with standard (R) optimization routines, such as BFGS

PennegLogLik = function(bbeta,lambda=0){
 -sum(-y*log(1 + exp(-(b0+X%*%beta))) - 
(1-y)*log(1 + exp(b0+X%*%beta)))+lambda*sum(abs(beta))
opt_lasso = function(lambda){
beta_init = lm(PRONO~.,data=myocarde)$coefficients
logistic_opt = optim(par = beta_init*0, function(x) PennegLogLik(x,lambda), 
hessian=TRUE, method = "BFGS", control=list(abstol=1e-9))
for(i in 2:7) lines(v_lambda,est_lasso[i,],col=colrs[i],lwd=2)

But it is very heratic… or non stable.

Using glmnet

Just to compare, with R routines dedicated to lasso, we get the following

glm_lasso = glmnet(X, y, alpha=1)


If we look carefully what’s in the ouput, we can see that there is variable selection, in the sense that some \widehat{\beta}_{j,\lambda}=0, in the sense “really null”

glmnet(X, y, alpha=1,lambda=exp(-4))$beta
7x1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
FRCAR  .         
INCAR  0.11005070
INSYS  0.03231929
PRDIA  .         
PAPUL  .         
PVENT -0.03138089
REPUL -0.20962611

Of course, with out optimization routine, we cannot expect to have null values

         FRCAR         INCAR         INSYS         PRDIA
  0.4810999782  0.0002813658  1.9117847987 -0.3873926427
          PAPUL         PVENT        REPUL 
 -0.0863050787 -0.4144139379 -1.3849264055

So clearly, it will be necessary to spend more time today, to understand how it works…

Orthogonal covariates

Before getting into the maths, observe that when covariates are orthogonal, there is some very clear “variable” selection process,

pca = princomp(X)
pca_X = get_pca_ind(pca)$coord
glm_lasso = glmnet(pca_X, y, alpha=1)

Interior Point approach

The penalty is now expressed using the \ell_1 so intuitively, it should be possible to consider algorithms related to linear programming. That was actually suggested in Koh, Kim & Boyd (2007), with some implementation in matlab, see If I can find some time, later one, maybe I will try to recode it. But actually, it is not the technique used in most R functions.

Now, o be honest, we face a double challenge today: the first one is to understand how lasso works for the “standard” (least square) problem, the second one is to see how to adapt it to the logistic case.

Standard lasso (with weights)

If we get back to the original Lasso approach, the goal was to solve\min\left\lbrace\frac{1}{2n}\sum_{i=1}^n [y_i-(\beta_0+\mathbf{x}_i^T\mathbf{\beta})]^2+\lambda \sum_j |\beta_j|\right\rbrace(with standard notions, as in wikipedia or Jocelyn Chi’s post – most of the code in this section is inspired by Jocelyn’s great post).

Observe that the intercept is not subject to the penalty. The first order condition is then\frac{\partial}{\partial\beta_0}\|\mathbf{y}-\mathbf{X}\mathbf{\beta}-\beta_0\mathbf{1}\|^2=(\mathbf{X}\mathbf{\beta}-\mathbf{y})^T\mathbf{1}+\beta_0\|\mathbf{1}\|^2=0i.e.\beta_0=\frac{1}{n^2}(\mathbf{X}\mathbf{\beta}-\mathbf{y})^T\mathbf{1}Assume now that KKT conditions are satisfied, since we cannot differentiate (to find points where the gradient is \mathbf{0}), we can check if \mathbf{0} contains the subdifferential at the minimum.

Namely\mathbf{0}\in\partial \left(\frac{1}{2}\|\mathbf{y}-\mathbf{X}\mathbf{\beta}\|^2+\lambda\|\mathbf{\beta}\|_{\ell_1}\right)=\frac{1}{2}\nabla\|\mathbf{y}-\mathbf{X}\mathbf{\beta}\|^2+\partial(\lambda\|\mathbf{\beta}\|_{\ell_1})
For the term on the left, we recognize \frac{1}{2}\nabla\|\mathbf{y}-\mathbf{X}\mathbf{\beta}\|^2=-\mathbf{X}^T(\mathbf{y}-\mathbf{X}\mathbf{\beta})=-\mathbf{g}so that the previous equation can be writeng_k\in\partial(\lambda|\beta_k|)=\begin{cases}\{+\lambda\}\text{ if }\beta_k>0 \\ \{-\lambda\}\text{ if }\beta_k<0 \\ (-\lambda,+\lambda)\text{ if }\beta_k=0\end{cases}i.e. if \beta_k\neq 0, then g_k = \text{sign}(\beta_k)\cdot\lambda.

Then we write the KKT conditions for this formulation and simplify them to produce a set of rules for checking our solution

We can split \beta_j into a sum of its positive and negative parts by replacing \beta_j with \beta_j^+-\beta_j^- where \beta_j^+,\beta_j^-\geq0. Then the Lasso problem becomes-\log\mathcal{L}(\mathbf{\beta})+\lambda\sum_j(\beta_j^+-\beta_j^-)with constraints \beta_j^+-\beta_j^-.

Let \alpha_j^+,\alpha_j^- denote the Lagrange multipliers for \beta_j^+,\beta_j^-, respectively.

L({\mathbf{\beta}}) + \lambda \sum_{j} (\beta_{j}^{+} - \beta_{j}^{-}) - \sum_{j}\alpha_{j}^{+}\beta_{j}^{+} - \sum_{j} \alpha_{j}^{-}\beta_{j}^{-}.To satisfy the stationarity condition, we take the gradient of the Lagrangian with respect to \beta_{j}^{+} and set it to zero to obtain\nabla L({\mathbf{\beta}})_{j} + \lambda - \alpha_{j}^{+} = 0We do the same with respect to \beta_{j}^{-} to obtain-\nabla L({\mathbf{\beta}})_{j}+\lambda-\alpha_{j}^{-} = 0

As discussed in Jocelyn Chi’s post, primal feasibility requires that the primal constraints be satisfied so this gives us \beta_{j}^{+} \ge 0 and \beta_{j}^{-} \ge 0. Then dual feasibility requires non-negativity of the Lagrange multipliers so we get \alpha_{j}^{+} \ge 0 and \alpha_{j}^{-} \ge 0. And finally, complementary slackness requires that \alpha_{j}^{+}\beta_{j}^{+} = 0 and \alpha_{j}^{-}\beta_{j}^{-} = 0. We can simplify these conditions to obtain a simple set of rules for checking whether or not our solution is a minimum. The following is inspired by Jocelyn Chi’s post.

From \nabla L(\beta)_{j} + \lambda - \alpha_{j}^{+} = 0, we have \nabla L(\beta)_{j} + \lambda= \alpha_{j}^{+} \ge 0. This gives us \nabla L(\beta)_{j} \ge -\lambda. From -\nabla L(\beta)_{j} + \lambda - \alpha_{j}^{-} = 0, we have -\nabla L(\beta)_{j} + \lambda = \alpha_{j}^{-} \ge 0. This gives us -\nabla L(\beta)_{j} \ge -\lambda, which gives us \nabla L(\beta)_{j} \le \lambda. Hence, \lvert \nabla L(\beta)_{j} \rvert \le \lambda \; \forall j

When \beta_{j}^{+} > 0, \lambda > 0, complementary slackness requires \alpha_{j}^{+} = 0. So \nabla L(\beta)_{j} + \lambda = \alpha_{j}^{+} = 0. Hence, \nabla L(\beta)_{j} = -\lambda < 0 since \lambda > 0. At the same time, -\nabla L(\beta)_{j} + \lambda = \alpha_{j}^{-} \ge 0 so 2 \lambda = \alpha_{j}^{-} > 0 since \lambda > 0. Then complementary slackness requires \beta_{j}^{-} = 0. Hence, when \beta_{j}^{+} > 0, we have \beta_{j}^{-}=0 and \nabla L(\beta)_{j} = -\lambda

Similarly, when \beta_{j}^{-} > 0, \lambda > 0, complementary slackness requires \alpha_{j}^{-}=0. So -\nabla L(\beta)_{j} + \lambda = \alpha_{j}^{-} = 0 and \nabla L(\beta)_{j}=\lambda>0 since \lambda > 0. Then from \nabla L(\beta)_{j} + \lambda = \alpha_{j}^{+} \ge 0 and the above, we get 2 \lambda = \alpha_{j}^{+} > 0. Then complementary slackness requires \beta_{j}^{+} = 0. Hence, when \beta_{j}^{-} > 0, we have \beta_{j}^{+}=0 and \nabla L(\beta)_{j} = \lambda.

Since \beta_{j} = \beta_{j}^{+} - \beta_{j}^{-}, this means that when \beta_{j} > 0, \nabla L(\beta)_{j} = -\lambda. And when \beta_{j} <0, \nabla L(\beta)_{j} = \lambda. Combining this with \lvert \nabla L(\beta)_{j} \rvert \le \lambda \; \forall j, we arrive at the same convergence requirements that we obtained before using subdifferential calculus.

For conveniency, introduce the soft-thresholding functionS(z,\gamma)=\text{sign}(z)\cdot(|z|-\gamma)_+=\begin{cases}z-\gamma&\text{ if }\gamma>|z|\text{ and }z<0\\z+\gamma&\text{ if }\gamma<|z|\text{ and }z<0 \\0&\text{ if }\gamma\geq|z|\end{cases}
Noticing that the optimization problem \frac{1}{2}\|\mathbf{y}-\mathbf{X}\mathbf{\beta}\|_{\ell_2}^2+\lambda\|\mathbf{\beta}\|_{\ell_1}can also be written
\min\left\lbrace\sum_{j=1}^p -\widehat{\beta}_j^{ols}\cdot\beta_j+\frac{1}{2}\beta_j^2+\lambda|\beta_j|\right\rbraceobserve that\widehat{\beta}_{j,\lambda}=S(\widehat{\beta}_j^{ols},\lambda)which is a coordinate-wise update.

Now, if we consider a (slightly) more general problem, with weights in the first part\min\left\lbrace\frac{1}{2n}\sum_{i=1}^n{\color{red}{\omega_i}} [y_i-(\beta_0+\mathbf{x}_i^T\mathbf{\beta})]^2+\lambda \sum_j |\beta_j|\right\rbracethe coordinate-wise update becomes
An alternative is to set\mathbf{r}_j=\mathbf{y} - \left(\beta_0\mathbf{1}+\sum_{k\neq j}\beta_k\mathbf{x}_k\right)=\mathbf{y}-\widehat{\mathbf{y}}^{(j)}
so that the optimization problem can be written, equivalently
\min\left\lbrace\frac{1}{2n}\sum_{j=1}^p [\mathbf{r}_j-\beta_j\mathbf{x}_j]^2+\lambda |\beta_j|\right\rbrace
hence\min\left\lbrace\frac{1}{2n}\sum_{j=1}^p \beta_j^2\|\mathbf{x}_j\|-2\beta_j\mathbf{r}_j^T\mathbf{x}_j+\lambda |\beta_j|\right\rbrace
and one gets
\beta_{j,\lambda} = \frac{1}{\|\mathbf{x}_j\|^2}S(\mathbf{r}_j^T\mathbf{x}_j,n\lambda)
or, if we develop
\beta_{j,\lambda} = \frac{1}{\sum_i x_{ij}^2}S\left(\sum_ix_{i,j}[y_i-\widehat{y}_i^{(j)}],n\lambda\right)
Again, if there are weights \mathbf{\omega}=(\omega_i), the coordinate-wise update becomes
\beta_{j,\lambda,{\color{red}{\omega}}} = \frac{1}{\sum_i {\color{red}{\omega_i}}x_{ij}^2}S\left(\sum_i{\color{red}{\omega_i}}x_{i,j}[y_i-\widehat{y}_i^{(j)}],n\lambda\right)
The code to compute this componentwise descent is

soft_thresholding = function(x,a){
  result = numeric(length(x))
  result[which(x &gt; a)]  a)] - a
  result[which(x &lt; -a)] &lt;- x[which(x &lt; -a)] + a

and the code

lasso_coord_desc = function(X,y,beta,lambda,tol=1e-6,maxiter=1000){
  beta = as.matrix(beta)
  X = as.matrix(X)
  omega = rep(1/length(y),length(y))
  obj = numeric(length=(maxiter+1))
  betalist = list(length(maxiter+1))
  betalist[[1]] = beta
    beta0list = numeric(length(maxiter+1))
    beta0 = sum(y-X%*%beta)/(length(y))
    beta0list[1] = beta0
    for (j in 1:maxiter){
      for (k in 1:length(beta)){
        r = y - X[,-k]%*%beta[-k] - beta0*rep(1,length(y))
        beta[k] = (1/sum(omega*X[,k]^2))*soft_thresholding(t(omega*r)%*%X[,k],length(y)*lambda)
      beta0 = sum(y-X%*%beta)/(length(y))
      beta0list[j+1] = beta0
      betalist[[j+1]] = beta
      obj[j] = (1/2)*(1/length(y))*norm(omega*(y - X%*%beta - 
beta0*rep(1,length(y))),'F')^2 + lambda*sum(abs(beta))
      if (norm(rbind(beta0list[j],betalist[[j]]) - rbind(beta0,beta),'F') &lt; tol) { break } 
return(list(obj=obj[1:j],beta=beta,intercept=beta0)) }

Let’s keep that one warm, and let’s get back to our initial problem.

The lasso logistic regression

The trick here is that the logistic problem can be formulated as a quadratic programming problem. Recall that the log-likelihood is here \log\mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n y_i\cdot(\beta_0+\mathbf{x}_i^T\mathbf{\beta})-\log[1+\exp(\beta_0+\mathbf{x}_i^T\mathbf{\beta})]
which is a concave function of the parameters. Hence, one can use a quadratic approximation of the log-likelihood – using Taylor expansion,\log\mathcal{L}\approx\log\mathcal{L}'=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \omega_i\cdot[z_i-(\beta_0+\mathbf{x}_i^T\mathbf{\beta})]^2
where z_i is the working response
p_i is the predictionp_i = \frac{\exp[\beta_0+\mathbf{x}_i^T\mathbf{\beta}]}{1+\exp[\beta_0+\mathbf{x}_i^T\mathbf{\beta}]}and \omega_i are weights \omega_i = p_i[1-p_i].

Thus, we obtain a penalized least-square problem. And we can use what was done previously

lasso_coord_desc = function(X,y,beta,lambda,tol=1e-6,maxiter=1000){
  beta = as.matrix(beta)
  X = as.matrix(X)
  obj = numeric(length=(maxiter+1))
  betalist = list(length(maxiter+1))
  betalist[[1]] = beta
  beta0 = sum(y-X%*%beta)/(length(y))
  p = exp(beta0*rep(1,length(y)) + X%*%beta)/(1+exp(beta0*rep(1,length(y)) + X%*%beta))
  z = beta0*rep(1,length(y)) + X%*%beta + (y-p)/(p*(1-p))
  omega = p*(1-p)/(sum((p*(1-p))))
    beta0list = numeric(length(maxiter+1))
    beta0 = sum(y-X%*%beta)/(length(y))
    beta0list[1] = beta0
    for (j in 1:maxiter){
      for (k in 1:length(beta)){
        r = z - X[,-k]%*%beta[-k] - beta0*rep(1,length(y))
       beta[k] = (1/sum(omega*X[,k]^2))*soft_thresholding(t(omega*r)%*%X[,k],length(y)*lambda)
      beta0 = sum(y-X%*%beta)/(length(y))
      beta0list[j+1] = beta0
      betalist[[j+1]] = beta
      obj[j] = (1/2)*(1/length(y))*norm(omega*(z - X%*%beta - 
beta0*rep(1,length(y))),'F')^2 + lambda*sum(abs(beta))
  p = exp(beta0*rep(1,length(y)) + X%*%beta)/(1+exp(beta0*rep(1,length(y)) + X%*%beta))
  z = beta0*rep(1,length(y)) + X%*%beta + (y-p)/(p*(1-p))
  omega = p*(1-p)/(sum((p*(1-p))))
      if (norm(rbind(beta0list[j],betalist[[j]]) - 
rbind(beta0,beta),'F') &lt; tol) { break } 
return(list(obj=obj[1:j],beta=beta,intercept=beta0)) }

It looks like what can get when calling glmnet… and here, we do have null components for some \lambda large enough ! Really null… and that’s cool actually.

Application on our second dataset

Consider now the second dataset, with two covariates. The code to get lasso estimates is

df0 = df
df0$y = as.numeric(df$y)-1
plot_lambda = function(lambda){
m = apply(df0,2,mean)
s = apply(df0,2,sd)
for(j in 1:2) df0[,j] &lt;- (df0[,j]-m[j])/s[j]
reg = glmnet(cbind(df0$x1,df0$x2), df0$y==1, alpha=1,lambda=lambda)
u = seq(0,1,length=101)
p = function(x,y){
  xt = (x-m[1])/s[1]
  yt = (y-m[2])/s[2]
v = outer(u,u,p)
contour(u,u,v,levels = .5,add=TRUE)}

Consider some small values, for [\lambda], so that we only have some sort of shrinkage of parameters,

reg = glmnet(cbind(df0$x1,df0$x2), df0$y==1, alpha=1)

But with a larger \lambda, there is variable selection: here \widehat{\beta}_{1,\lambda}=0

reg = glmnet(cbind(df0$x1,df0$x2), df0$y==1, alpha=1)

(to be continued…)

Classification from scratch, penalized Ridge logistic 4/8

Fourth post of our series on classification from scratch, following the previous post which was some sort of detour on kernels. But today, we’ll get back on the logistic model.

Formal approach of the problem

We’ve seen before that the classical estimation technique used to estimate the parameters of a parametric model was to use the maximum likelihood approach. More specifically, \widehat{\mathbf{\beta}}=\text{argmax}\lbrace \log\mathcal{L}(\mathbf{\beta}|\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y})\rbraceThe objective function here focuses (only) on the goodness of fit. But usually, in econometrics, we believe something like non sunt multiplicanda entia sine necessitate (“entities are not to be multiplied without necessity”), the parsimony principle, simpler theories are preferable to more complex ones. So we want to penalize for too complex models.

This is not a bad idea. It is mentioned here and there in econometrics textbooks, but usually, for model choice, not about the inference. Usually, we estimate parameters using maximum likelihood techniques, and them we use AIC or BIC to compare two models. Recall that Akaike (AIC) criteria is based on-2\log\mathcal{L}(\widehat{\mathbf{\beta}}|\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y})+2\text{dim}(\widehat{\mathbf{\beta}})We have on the left a measure for the goodness of fit, and on the right, a penalty increasing with the “complexity” of the model.

Very quickly, here, the complexity is the number of variates used. I will not enter into details about the concept of sparsity (and the true dimension of the problem), I will recommend to read the book by Martin Wainwright, Robert Tibshirani and Trevor Hastie on that issue. But assume that we do not make and variable selection, we consider the regression on all covariates. Define\Vert\mathbf{a} \Vert_{\ell_0}=\sum_{i=1}^d \mathbf{1}(a_i\neq 0), ~~\Vert\mathbf{a} \Vert_{\ell_1}=\sum_{i=1}^d |a_i|,~~\Vert\mathbf{a} \Vert_{\ell_2}=\left(\sum_{i=1}^d a_i^2\right)^{1/2}for any \mathbf{a}\in\mathbb{R}^d. One might say that the AIC could be written-2\log\mathcal{L}(\widehat{\mathbf{\beta}}|\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y})+2\|\widehat{\mathbf{\beta}}\|_{\ell_0}And actually, this will be our objective function. More specifically, we will consider
\widehat{\mathbf{\beta}}_{\lambda}=\text{argmin}\lbrace -\log\mathcal{L}(\mathbf{\beta}|\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y})+\lambda\|\mathbf{\beta}\|\rbracefor some norm \|\cdot\|. I will not get back here on the motivation and the (theoretical) properties of those estimates (that will actually be discussed in the Summer School in Barcelona, in July), but in this post, I want to discuss the numerical algorithm to solve such optimization problem, for \|\cdot\|_{\ell_2} (the Ridge regression) and for \|\cdot\|_{\ell_1} (the LASSO regression).

Normalization of the covariates

The problem of \|\mathbf{\beta}\| is that the norm should make sense, somehow. A small \mathbf{\beta}_j is with respect to the “dimension” of x_j‘s. So, the first step will be to consider linear transformations of all covariates x_j to get centered and scaled variables (with unit variance)

y = myocarde$PRONO
X = myocarde[,1:7]
for(j in 1:7) X[,j] = (X[,j]-mean(X[,j]))/sd(X[,j])
X = as.matrix(X)

Ridge Regression (from scratch)

Before running some codes, recall that we want to solve something like\widehat{\mathbf{\beta}}_{\lambda}=\text{argmin}\lbrace -\log\mathcal{L}(\mathbf{\beta}|\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y})+\lambda\|\mathbf{\beta}\|_{\ell_2}^2\rbrace In the case where we consider the log-likelihood of some Gaussian variable, we get the sum of the square of the residuals, and we can obtain an explicit solution. But not in the context of a logistic regression.

The heuristics about Ridge regression is the following graph. In the background, we can visualize the (two-dimensional) log-likelihood of the logistic regression, and the blue circle is the constraint we have, if we rewite the optimization problem as a contrained optimization problem : \min_{\mathbf{\beta}:\|\mathbf{\beta}\|^2_{\ell_2}\leq s} \lbrace \sum_{i=1}^n -\log\mathcal{L}(y_i,\beta_0+\mathbf{x}^T\mathbf{\beta}) \rbracecan be written equivalently (it is a strictly convex problem)\min_{\mathbf{\beta},\lambda} \lbrace -\sum_{i=1}^n \log\mathcal{L}(y_i,\beta_0+\mathbf{x}^T\mathbf{\beta}) +\lambda \|\mathbf{\beta}\|_{\ell_2}^2 \rbraceThus, the constrained maximum should lie in the blue disk

LogLik = function(bbeta){
  sum(-y*log(1 + exp(-(b0+X%*%beta))) - 
  (1-y)*log(1 + exp(b0+X%*%beta)))}
u = seq(-4,4,length=251)
v = outer(u,u,function(x,y) LogLik(c(1,x,y)))
u = seq(-1,1,length=251)

Let us consider the objective function, with the following code

PennegLogLik = function(bbeta,lambda=0){
  b0   = bbeta[1]
  beta = bbeta[-1]
 -sum(-y*log(1 + exp(-(b0+X%*%beta))) - (1-y)*
  log(1 + exp(b0+X%*%beta)))+lambda*sum(beta^2)

Why not try a standard optimisation routine ? In the very first post on that series, we did mention that using optimization routines were not clever, since they were strongly relying on the starting point. But here, it is not the case

lambda = 1
beta_init = lm(PRONO~.,data=myocarde)$coefficients
vpar = matrix(NA,1000,8)
for(i in 1:1000){
vpar[i,] = optim(par = beta_init*rnorm(8,1,2), 
function(x) PennegLogLik(x,lambda), method = "BFGS", control = list(abstol=1e-9))$par}

Clearly, even if we change the starting point, it looks like we converge towards the same value. That could be considered as the optimum.

The code to compute \widehat{\mathbf{\beta}}_{\lambda} would then be

opt_ridge = function(lambda){
beta_init = lm(PRONO~.,data=myocarde)$coefficients
logistic_opt = optim(par = beta_init*0, function(x) PennegLogLik(x,lambda), 
method = "BFGS", control=list(abstol=1e-9))

and we can visualize the evolution of \widehat{\mathbf{\beta}}_{\lambda} as a function of {\lambda}

v_lambda = c(exp(seq(-2,5,length=61)))
est_ridge = Vectorize(opt_ridge)(v_lambda)
colrs = brewer.pal(7,"Set1")
for(i in 2:7) lines(v_lambda,est_ridge[i,],col=colrs[i])

At least it seems to make sense: we can observe the shrinkage as \lambda increases (we’ll get back to that later on).

Ridge, using Netwon Raphson algorithm

We’ve seen that we can also use Newton Raphson to solve this problem. Without the penalty term, the algorithm was\mathbf{\beta}_{new} = \mathbf{\beta}_{old} - \left(\frac{\partial^2\log\mathcal{L}(\mathbf{\beta}_{old})}{\partial\mathbf{\beta}\partial\mathbf{\beta}^T}\right)^{-1}\cdot \frac{\partial\log\mathcal{L}(\mathbf{\beta}_{old})}{\partial\mathbf{\beta}}where
\frac{\partial\log\mathcal{L}(\mathbf{\beta}_{old})}{\partial\mathbf{\beta}}=\mathbf{X}^T(\mathbf{y}-\mathbf{p}_{old})and\frac{\partial^2\log\mathcal{L}(\mathbf{\beta}_{old})}{\partial\mathbf{\beta}\partial\mathbf{\beta}^T}=-\mathbf{X}^T\mathbf{\Delta}_{old}\mathbf{X}where \mathbf{\Delta}_{old} is the diagonal matrix with terms \mathbf{p}_{old}(1-\mathbf{p}_{old}) on the diagonal.

Thus\mathbf{\beta}_{new} = \mathbf{\beta}_{old} + (\mathbf{X}^T\mathbf{\Delta}_{old}\mathbf{X})^{-1}\mathbf{X}^T[\mathbf{y}-\mathbf{p}_{old}]that we can also write\mathbf{\beta}_{new} =(\mathbf{X}^T\mathbf{\Delta}_{old}\mathbf{X})^{-1}\mathbf{X}^T\mathbf{\Delta}_{old}\mathbf{z}where \mathbf{z}=\mathbf{X}\mathbf{\beta}_{old}+\mathbf{\Delta}_{old}^{-1}[\mathbf{y}-\mathbf{p}_{old}]. Here, on the penalized problem, we can easily prove that\frac{\partial\log\mathcal{L}_p(\mathbf{\beta}_{\lambda,old})}{\partial\mathbf{\beta}}=\frac{\partial\log\mathcal{L}(\mathbf{\beta}_{\lambda,old})}{\partial\mathbf{\beta}}-2\lambda\mathbf{\beta}_{old}while\frac{\partial^2\log\mathcal{L}_p(\mathbf{\beta}_{\lambda,old})}{\partial\mathbf{\beta}\partial\mathbf{\beta}^T}=\frac{\partial^2\log\mathcal{L}(\mathbf{\beta}_{\lambda,old})}{\partial\mathbf{\beta}\partial\mathbf{\beta}^T}-2\lambda\mathbb{I}Hence\mathbf{\beta}_{\lambda,new} =(\mathbf{X}^T\mathbf{\Delta}_{old}\mathbf{X}+2\lambda\mathbb{I})^{-1}\mathbf{X}^T\mathbf{\Delta}_{old}\mathbf{z}
The code is then

Y = myocarde$PRONO
X = myocarde[,1:7]
for(j in 1:7) X[,j] = (X[,j]-mean(X[,j]))/sd(X[,j])
X = as.matrix(X)
X = cbind(1,X)
colnames(X) = c("Inter",names(myocarde[,1:7]))
 beta = as.matrix(lm(Y~0+X)$coefficients,ncol=1)
 for(s in 1:9){
   pi = exp(X%*%beta[,s])/(1+exp(X%*%beta[,s]))
   Delta = matrix(0,nrow(X),nrow(X));diag(Delta)=(pi*(1-pi))
   z = X%*%beta[,s] + solve(Delta)%*%(Y-pi)
   B = solve(t(X)%*%Delta%*%X+2*lambda*diag(ncol(X))) %*% (t(X)%*%Delta%*%z)
   beta = cbind(beta,B)}
              [,1]        [,2]        [,3]
XInter  0.59619654  0.59619654  0.59619654
XFRCAR  0.09217848  0.09217848  0.09217848
XINCAR  0.77165707  0.77165707  0.77165707
XINSYS  0.69678521  0.69678521  0.69678521
XPRDIA -0.29575642 -0.29575642 -0.29575642
XPAPUL -0.23921101 -0.23921101 -0.23921101
XPVENT -0.33120792 -0.33120792 -0.33120792
XREPUL -0.84308972 -0.84308972 -0.84308972

Again, it seems that convergence is very fast.

And interestingly, with that algorithm, we can also derive the variance of the estimator\text{Var}[\widehat{\mathbf{\beta}}_{\lambda}]=[\mathbf{X}^T\mathbf{\Delta}\mathbf{X}+2\lambda\mathbb{I}]^{-1}\mathbf{X}^T\mathbf{\Delta}\text{Var}[\mathbf{z}]\mathbf{\Delta}\mathbf{X}[\mathbf{X}^T\mathbf{\Delta}\mathbf{X}+2\lambda\mathbb{I}]^{-1}where\text{Var}[\mathbf{z}]=\mathbf{\Delta}^{-1}

The code to compute \widehat{\mathbf{\beta}}_{\lambda} as a function of \lambda is then

newton_ridge = function(lambda=1){
 beta = as.matrix(lm(Y~0+X)$coefficients,ncol=1)*runif(8)
 for(s in 1:20){
   pi = exp(X%*%beta[,s])/(1+exp(X%*%beta[,s]))
   Delta = matrix(0,nrow(X),nrow(X));diag(Delta)=(pi*(1-pi))
   z = X%*%beta[,s] + solve(Delta)%*%(Y-pi)
   B = solve(t(X)%*%Delta%*%X+2*lambda*diag(ncol(X))) %*% (t(X)%*%Delta%*%z)
   beta = cbind(beta,B)}
Varz = solve(Delta)
Varb = solve(t(X)%*%Delta%*%X+2*lambda*diag(ncol(X))) %*% t(X)%*% Delta %*% Varz %*%
  Delta %*% X %*% solve(t(X)%*%Delta%*%X+2*lambda*diag(ncol(X)))

We can visualize the evolution of \widehat{\mathbf{\beta}}_{\lambda} (as a function of \lambda)

est_ridge=Vectorize(function(x) newton_ridge(x)$beta)(v_lambda)
for(i in 2:7) lines(v_lambda,est_ridge[i,],col=colrs[i])

and to get the evolution of the variance

est_ridge=Vectorize(function(x) newton_ridge(x)$sd)(v_lambda)
for(i in 2:7) lines(v_lambda,est_ridge[i,],col=colrs[i],lwd=2)

Recall that when \lambda=0 (on the left of the graphs), \widehat{\mathbf{\beta}}_{0}=\widehat{\mathbf{\beta}}^{mco} (no penalty). Thus as \lambda increase (i) the bias increase (estimates tend to 0) (ii) the variances deacrease.

Ridge, using glmnet

As always, there are R functions availble to run a ridge regression. Let us use the glmnet function, with \alpha=0

y = myocarde$PRONO
X = myocarde[,1:7]
for(j in 1:7) X[,j] = (X[,j]-mean(X[,j]))/sd(X[,j])
X = as.matrix(X)
glm_ridge = glmnet(X, y, alpha=0)

as a function of the norm

the \ell_1 norm here, I don’t know why. I don’t know either why all graphs obtained with different optimisation routines are so different… Maybe that will be for another post…

Ridge with orthogonal covariates

An interesting case is obtained when covariates are orthogonal. This can be obtained using a PCA of the covariates.

pca = princomp(X)
pca_X = get_pca_ind(pca)$coord

Let us run a ridge regression on those (orthogonal) covariates

glm_ridge = glmnet(pca_X, y, alpha=0)


We clearly observe the shrinkage of the parameters, in the sense that \widehat{\mathbf{\beta}}_{\lambda}^{\perp}=\frac{\widehat{\mathbf{\beta}}^{mco}}{1+\lambda}


Let us try with our second set of data

df0 = df
plot_lambda = function(lambda){
m = apply(df0,2,mean)
s = apply(df0,2,sd)
for(j in 1:2) df0[,j] = (df0[,j]-m[j])/s[j]
reg = glmnet(cbind(df0$x1,df0$x2), df0$y==1, alpha=0,lambda=lambda)
u = seq(0,1,length=101)
p = function(x,y){
  xt = (x-m[1])/s[1]
  yt = (y-m[2])/s[2]
v = outer(u,u,p)
contour(u,u,v,levels = .5,add=TRUE)

We can try various values of \lambda

reg = glmnet(cbind(df0$x1,df0$x2), df0$y==1, alpha=0)


reg = glmnet(cbind(df0$x1,df0$x2), df0$y==1, alpha=0)

Next step is to change the norm of the penality, with the \ell_1 norm (to be continued…)

Insurance, Actuarial Science, Data and Models

Our research chaire ACTINFO, with our colleagues from Lyon, at the DAMI chaire,  PREVENT’HORIZON chaire & ACTUARIAT DURABLE chaire, will organize a 2 day conference in Paris, on Insurance, Actuarial Science, Data & Models, in ten days.

We invited Katrien ANTONIO (KU Leuven), Alexandre BOUMEZOUED (Milliman Paris), Alfred GALICHON (New-York University), Pierre-Yves GEOFFARD (Paris School of Economics), Meglena JELEVA (University of Paris Nanterre), Julie JOSSE (Ecole Polytechnique), Florence JUSOT (Paris Dauphine University), Michael LUDKOWSKI (University of California Santa Barbara), François PANNEQUIN (CREST and ENS Paris-Saclay), Florian PELGRIN (Edhec Business School), Dylan POSSAMAI (Columbia University) and Julien TRUFIN (ULB Brussels). More information (including the program) is online.