Multinomial Logit as an Iterated Logit Regression

For the second section of the course at ENSAE, yesterday, we’ve seen how to run a multinomial logistic regression model. It is simply an extension of the binomial logistic regression. But actually, it is also possible to consider iterative binomial regressions.

Consider here a response variable Y with a multinomial distribution (3 factors to have something more general than the binomial), taking values \{A,B,C\}, with respective probabilities \mathbf{p}=(p_A,p_B,p_C). Here is a code to generate some multinomial variables

for(i in 1:B){Y[i]=sample(A,size=1,prob=C[i,])}

and here is a code to generate a dataset with n rows,


Let us generate a training dataset and a validation one


With a multivariate logistic regression

For convenience, consider the most popular factor in our training dataset

modalite=names(sort(table(DF1$Y),decreasing = TRUE))

Consider a regression model on the simulated dataset (with several covariates), let us estimate it, and let us get predictions.

reg=multinom(as.factor(Y) ~ ., data = DF1)
mp1=predict (reg, DF1, "probs")
mp2=predict (reg, DF2, "probs")

An alternative can be the following.
consider a first regression model on the Bernoulli variable Y_A=\mathbf{1}(Y=A). Actually, we will consider the most important factor, but for convenience, assume that it is A.
On our dataset, estimate that model, and get predictions. In the case where Y\neq A, define another Bernoulli variable Y_B=\mathbf{1}(Y=B|Y\neq A). We can estimate that model and derive two probabilities, \mathbb{P}(Y=B|Y\neq A) and \mathbb{P}(Y=C|Y\neq A) (the sum of the two being equal to 1). Based on those two models, it is possible to compute the three probabilities we are looking for. \mathbb{P}[Y=A] is obtained from the first model, and we can derive the other two from \mathbb{P}[Y=B|Y\neq A]\cdot\mathbb{P}[Y\neq A] and \mathbb{P}[Y=C|Y\neq A]\cdot\mathbb{P}[Y\neq A].

p11=predict (reg1, newdata=DF1, type="response")
p12=predict (reg2, newdata=DF1, type="response")
p21=predict (reg1, newdata=DF2, type="response")
p22=predict (reg2, newdata=DF2, type="response")

Let us compare the predicted probabilites, on the same dataset (here the training dataset)

> mmp1[1:9,c("0","1","2")]
0 1 2
1 0.19728737 0.4991805 0.3035321
2 0.17244580 0.5648537 0.2627005
3 0.19291753 0.5971058 0.2099767
4 0.09087176 0.7787304 0.1303978
5 0.23400225 0.4083022 0.3576955
6 0.18063647 0.6637352 0.1556283
7 0.13188881 0.7402710 0.1278401
8 0.13776970 0.6524959 0.2097344
9 0.12325864 0.6790336 0.1977078
> mp1[1:9,c("0","1","2")]
0 1 2
1 0.19691036 0.5022692 0.3008205
2 0.17123189 0.5680647 0.2607034
3 0.19293066 0.5984402 0.2086291
4 0.08821851 0.7813318 0.1304497
5 0.23470739 0.4109990 0.3542936
6 0.18249687 0.6602168 0.1572863
7 0.13128711 0.7400898 0.1286231
8 0.13525341 0.6553618 0.2093848
9 0.12090016 0.6815915 0.1975084

The two are very close. So yes, it is possible to see the multinomial regression as some sequential binomial regressions.

Nodal Regions and Flows

For practicals on networks and flows, we will use the R package flows dedicated to flows on networks

myflows <- prepflows(mat = nav, i = "i", j = "j", fij = "fij")
diag(myflows) <- 0

Select flows that represent at least 20% of the sum of outgoing flows for each urban area.

flowSel1 <- firstflows(mat = myflows/rowSums(myflows)*100, method = "xfirst",k = 20)

Then select the dominant flows (incoming flows criterion)

flowSel2 <- domflows(mat = myflows, w = colSums(myflows), k = 1)
flowSel <- myflows * flowSel1 * flowSel2
inflows <- data.frame(id = colnames(myflows), w = colSums(myflows))

and finally plot dominant flows map

opar <- par(mar = c(0,0,2,0))
sp::plot(GE, col = "#cceae7", border = NA)
plotMapDomFlows(mat = flowSel, spdf = UA, spdfid = "ID", w = inflows, wid = "id",wvar = "w", wcex = 0.05, add = TRUE,legend.flows.pos = "topright",legend.flows.title = "Nb. of commuters")
title("Dominant Flows of Commuters")

The code to get the background map is based on the GE object, defined in that package.

To go further on dominant flows read  Nystuen & Dacey (1961)

We will discuss in the last course, next week  two extensions that were not mentioned in the course. The first one is about congestion models. The second one is a nice application of flow to discuss sports issues in NBA (or NHL).