Extracting information from a keyboard…

Yesterday, Baptiste published a post on “ethno-photography” (here). As he mentioned it, in Paris 8, they experience a real absence of serious cleaning of office equipment. He then shows the keyboard of the only computer they can use in the sociology department (for forty researchers),

Apart from the fact that everyone in France should be ashamed to see how much is spent in universities (which is the first information we have from that picture), we should also be able to guess in which langage people work in this department.
I considered three books (two in French, one in English) and I would like to see the frequency of each letter,

  • Mauss, manuel d’éthnographie (here), 1926
  • Durkheim, Livre II: Les croyances élémentaires in Les formes élémentaires de la vie religieuse (here), 1912
  • Ferri, Criminal Sociology (here), 1896

Those three books are in rich text format, I just changed it to get text files… Then, it is easy to count appearance of letters. E.g. for Mauss,

> library(corpora)
> textfile=scan("MAUSS-manuel.txt",
+ what="char", sep="\n")
Read 1550 items
> textfile<-tolower(textfile)
> M=NA
> for(i in 1:length(textfile)){
+ line=textfile[i]
+ M=c(M,strsplit(as.character(line),"")[[1]])
+ }
> T=table(M)
> T
    '     -           \t     !     "     %     &     (     )     ,     .     / 
 5308  1049 86589    44     3     3     2     2   370   391  6609  4909    12 
    :     ;     ?     @     ]     _     ~     ’     =     «     »     ¬     ° 
  819  1178   113     1     1     4     1    39     1   108   107   823     3 
    …     0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     a     à 
    1    69   213    83    73    34    48    33    28    64   151 30559  1651 
    â     ä     b     c     ç     d     e     é     è     ê     ë     f     g 
  224     3  3562 14678   110 17713 63955 10354  1798  1000     5  4555  4911 
    h     i     î     ï     j     k     l     m     n     ñ     o     º     ô 
 4359 30851   226    47  1147   247 24792 12844 32525     6 25562     2   151 
    ö     œ     p     q     r     s     t     u     ù     û     ü     v     w 
   12    52 12696  4667 28237 37630 32945 25001   211    40     9  4787   164 
    x     y     z 
 1996  1222   343

Then, we can summarize in to see proportion of standard 26 letters, and we have, for Mauss,

and for Durkeim,

If we compare the two, we have almost the same proportions,

If we look at our book in English now, we have

i.e., if we compare with Mauss for instance

So we have much more E in French than in English, but still, people writing in English use a lot the E. So looking at the E should not give us any clue…. But we can see that in English, the H is as common as the L, or the C. Not in French, where L is much more frequent than the H. But on the picture, the C is more clear than the H. We can also look at the U, which is common in French, not in English… Here, on the keyboard, it is perfectly clear… so I guess people use it frequently.
So I would say that they write more in French than the write in English, on that computer.
Actually, the same idea has been used a long time ago on calculators to see that Benford’s law works: some numbers are really used (as well as the legend pretends that some pages in logarithm books were never used….), see here orthere. So Baptiste, if one day the keyboard is cleaned up, please send me another picture after a few weeks to see if things have changed….
An for those who cannot imagine how it is to work in some universities in France, just look at his blog (here). Pictures are unbelievable….Good luck Baptiste….

Lottery, and martingales

I recently got a comment on a post I published one year ago, here, about the fact that in September 2009, on the 6th and the 10th, the 6 same numbers came out at the lottery, in Bulgaria (but  I do not understand the question: the author of the comment ask about the order the numbers came out…)
Xi’an published also a post on that topic, there, since last week, the same thing happened in Israel.
All that reminded me a discussion I had with a colleague about another post (here) where I mentioned that I found a strange distribution of numbers in the French lottery (the old one actually). For those who want to check, all historical events are here, in a zip file. My colleague was wondering if I found the martingale to win the lottery…

First, I do not like that term, since martingale is something different from a mathematical point of view… Second, let us look if it would have been possible to make some money… (free lunch ?)

> loto=read.table("D:\\loto.csv",dec=",",header=TRUE,sep=";")
> ntirage=nrow(loto)
> loto=loto[51:ntirage,]
> ntirage=nrow(loto)
>   N=as.matrix(loto[,c("boule_1","boule_2","boule_3","boule_4","boule_5","boule_6")])
> n=as.vector(N)
> length(n)
[1] 28848
> (TN=table(n))
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20
607 576 571 618 579 598 608 582 588 590 562 577 577 580 591 630 558 567 594 608
21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40
578 562 579 583 574 589 602 572 550 598 604 582 545 646 597 618 599 636 609 588
41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49
576 589 577 585 618 596 560 571 604

So, it might look nice, but we have to compare that distribution with the one we should have with “independent” draws. It is not possible to look at a discrete uniform distribution: the six numbers are not independent. Each day, the 49 balls are back in the urn, but within a day, we do not have independent draws (it is a sample without replacement of balls). Hence, with 4808 lottery draws, each number cannot be obtained more than 4808 times. So, let us use monte carlo techniques to  look at the theoretical distribution,

> M=matrix(NA,49,1000)
> for(s in 1:1000){
+ B=NA
+ for(i in 1:ntirage){B=c(B,sample(1:49,size=6,replace=FALSE))}
+ B=B[-1]
+ M[,s]=sort(table(B))
+ }
> q50=function(x){quantile(x,.5)}
> Q50=apply(M,1,q50)
> lines(1:49,Q50,col="red",lwd=2)
> q10=function(x){quantile(x,.1)}
> Q10=apply(M,1,q10)
> q90=function(x){quantile(x,.9)}
> Q90=apply(M,1,q90)
> polygon(c(1:49,49:1),c(Q10,rev(Q90)),col="light blue",border=NA)
> lines(1:49,Q10,col="red",lty=2)
> lines(1:49,Q90,col="red",lty=2)
> lines(1:49,Q50,col="red",lwd=2)
> points(1:49,sort(TN),pch=19,type="b")

Looking at the graph, it looks like some numbers appeared too frequently, especially the ones that did not appear frequently (bottom left). So, since I have removed the last 50 draws, let us see if we could have used that information, somehow…

> nb=names(sort(TN))
> loto=read.table("D:\\loto.csv",dec=",",header=TRUE,sep=";")
> loto=loto[1:50,]
> N=as.matrix(loto[,c("boule_1","boule_2","boule_3","boule_4","boule_5","boule_6")])
> n=as.vector(N)
> TN=table(n)
> TN[nb]
> barplot(TN[nb])

Unfortunately, numbers that came out too frequently over 4800 draws did not appear that frequently of the last 50. Playing top number might not have been a great strategy.

(numbers that came out frequently are on the right, while those we did not see much are on the left)… What about worst numbers: if I had decided to play the 6 that did not come out very frequently (we’ve seen earlier that they should have appeared even less, actually), would it have been interesting ? As we can see, our top 2 numbers were numbers that did not appear frequently earlier (29 and 47 appears respectively 10 and 11 times over 50 draws)….
Over 50 draws of 6 balls, the expected frequency of 6 given number is around 36.7,..

> S=rep(NA,10000)
> for(s in 1:10000){
+ B=NA
+ for(i in 1:50){B=c(B,sample(1:49,size=6,replace=FALSE))}
+ B=B[-1]
+ S[s]=sum(B%in%(1:6))
+ }
> mean(S)
[1] 36.7694

But here for the top 6, we have

> z=TN[nb]
> sum(rev(z)[1:6])
[1] 29

i.e. the top 6 appeared 29 times over 50 draw of 6 balls (which looks low) and for the worst 6, it is a bit higher,

>  sum(z[1:6])
[1] 38

If we look at the theoretical density of the frequency of 6 given number, we have

i.e. our worst 6 is a nice average (in green) while top 6 did not appear frequently this time (here in blue) ! So we could not have used that information….
Anyway, if some of you are interesting using statistics to get a free lunch, with the nouveau loto, I did not see any strange pattern (data can be downloaded here).

I am terribly sorry, but I cannot help anyone winning at the French Lottery….