Category Archives: CIRM

Course on risk measures (in French)

The course on risk measure, in Luminy, starts at 16.00 on Monday (here). The slides can be found here,

Note that additional references can be downloaded on the internet, e.g. the short course on risk measures by Freddy Delbaen (here) or the article from the Encyclopedia of quantitative finance, by Hans Föllmer and Alexander Schied (there). See also here for the paper by Jean Marc Tallon, Johanna Etner and Meglena Jeleva, on decision theory under uncertainty.

Lecture notes on risk and insurance

I just finished some lectures notes on risk and insurance. The notes, that can be downloaded [pdf], are in French, and will be used at the JES (Journées d’Etudes Statistiques), organised at the CIRM (mentioned here). Previous notes on risk measures [pdf] and copulas [pdf]. Again, all comments are welcome…

Lecture notes on risk measures

I just finished some lectures notes on risk measures. The notes, that can be downloaded [pdf], are in French, and will be used at the JES (Journées d’Etudes Statistiques), organised at the CIRM (mentioned here). The short course will follow a short introductionary course by Jean Marc Tallon. He recently published on his website a survey on decision theory under uncertainty (here) which is almost what he will talk about in Marseille. All comments are welcome…

Copules et risques corrélés

J’avais promis dans un commentaire que je mettrais bientôt en ligne un survey sur les copules…. après plusieurs mois de retard, le document est en ligne [pdf], et il est sobrement intitulé copules et risques multiples. Toutes les remarques et critiques sont les bienvenues ! Il s’agit d’un chapitre pour un livre dont je mettrais la référence en ligne ultérieurement. A priori, ce document devrait servir de base pour le cours qui sera donné dans un mois au CIRM (mentionné ici, dans le cadre des Journées d’Études Statistiques).