Mercredi dernier avait lieu l’examen final d’ACT2040. La sortie informatique utilisée (avec quelques valeurs manquantes qu’il fallait retrouver, et qui comprenait des indications numérotées pour des questions spécifiques) et le questionnaire sont en ligne, ainsi que des éléments de réponse. Comme évoqué dans la page de garde de la ‘correction’, le barème sera proche de celui annoncé, mais un coefficient multiplicatif devrait être appliqué car je me suis rendu compte, en tapant la correction que le devoir était long. Je vais profiter des jours à venir pour corriger l’examen, avant d’attaquer la correction des devoirs, pendant les vacances. Toutes les remarques sur la ‘correction’ sont les bienvenues. Sinon, bonnes vacances…
Category Archives: ACT2040
Examen ACT2040
L’examen pour le cours ACT2040 aura lieu mercredi matin. Comme promis, les sorties informatiques qui seront utilisées sont maintenant en ligne [une coquille s’était glissée dans les dernières pages, une version corrigée a été mise ne ligne mardi a 15:10, a la place de la première version]. Comme je l’avais dit mercredi dernier, la régression binomiale sera utilisée, et la dernière partie portera sur de la construction de tables de mortalité prospective. Des détails sont évoqués dans Actuariat avec R. Sinon, pour ceux qui le souhaitent, les examens des années passées sont en ligne,
- final, décembre 2011, un énoncé basé sur quelques sorties informatiques, avec des éléments de correction
- intra, février 2013, énoncé de l’examen intra en pdf a partir des sorties ici, avec des éléments de correction en pdf (et un petit complément)
- final, avril 2013, un énoncé est en ligne ainsi que des éléments de correction.
Les calculatrices sont fortement recommandées (un téléphone, aussi intelligent soit-il, n’est pas une calculatrice).
Données, examen final
L’examen final du cours ACT2040 aura lieu, comme confirmé par courriel il y a plusieurs jours, le mercredi 11 décembre, pendant 3 heures. Il y aura surtout des sorties à commenter. Les sorties seront obtenues à partir des trois jeux de données suivants
> CORPOREL=read.table("",header=TRUE,sep=";") > tail(CORPOREL) degre age cat.age sexe vehicule anciennete alcool cat.alc 76336 indemne 45 40-49 M voiture 6 0 0-20 76337 corporel 59 50-59 F voiture 2 0 0-20 76338 indemne 34 30-39 F voiture 2 0 0-20 76339 indemne 29 26-29 F voiture 5 9 0-20 76340 indemne 64 60+ M voiture 0 0 0-20 76341 indemne 57 50-59 F voiture 1 0 0-20
Il s’agit d’observations d’accident automobiles, en Australie, la variable d’intérêt étant ici la gravité (le degré) de l’accident. Parmi les variables explicatives, l’âge du conducteur (en variable ‘continue‘ et en classes arbitraires) et son degré d’alcoolémie (en variable ‘continue‘ et en classes liées à des critères légaux, en g/10L), l’âge de la voiture, et le sexe du conducteur (M pour les hommes et F pour les femmes).
Le second jeu de données est un triangle de paiements, cumulés, avec la prime acquise, par année calendaire,
> load("") > intra $triangle 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1988 5244 9228 10823 11352 11791 12082 12120 12199 12215 12215 1989 5984 9939 11725 12346 12746 12909 13034 13109 13113 NA 1990 7452 12421 14171 14752 15066 15354 15637 15720 NA NA 1991 7115 11117 12488 13274 13662 13859 13872 NA NA NA 1992 5753 8969 9917 10697 11135 11282 NA NA NA NA 1993 3937 6524 7989 8543 8757 NA NA NA NA NA 1994 5127 8212 8976 9325 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1995 5046 8006 8984 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1996 5129 8202 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1997 3689 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA $primes [1] 15883 16689 18029 17858 16709 14212 15083 15131 15465 11217
en cas de soucis pour l’importation, il sera possible d’utiliser la commande
> source("")
Enfin, le dernier jeux de données sera un peu plus insolite pour ce cours. Il s’agit de données de tables de mortalité, au Canada
> DECES=read.table("",header=TRUE,sep=";") > tail(DECES) D E A Y 772 84 147 105 2010 773 39 76 106 2010 774 23 40 107 2010 775 15 20 108 2010 776 7 8 109 2010 777 5 5 110 2010
Par année Y, on observe un certain nombre de personnes en vie E, d’âge A au 1er janvier, et un certain nombre va décéder dans l’année, D. Par exemple, en 2010, il y avait 147 personnes de 105 ans en début d’année, 84 vont décéder dans l’année. L’idée sera d’utiliser les modèles de provisionnement pour modéliser les probabilités de décéder.
Binomial regression model
Most of the time, when we introduce binomial models, such as the logistic or probit models, we discuss only Bernoulli variables, . This year (actually also the year before), I discuss extensions to multinomial regressions, where is a function on some simplex. The multinomial logistic model was mention here. The idea is to consider, for instance with three possible classes
the following model
Triangles et provisionnement
Pour le quatrième devoir d’actuariat IARD 2, on va travailler sur des (vrais) triangles de paiements de compagnies d’assurance. Les données ont été collectées par Glenn Meyers et Peng Shi, et sont en ligne sur…. A partir du ‘code’ de groupe, pour récupérer ses données, il faut utiliser la petite fonction écrite dans le fichier
> source("")
Par exemple, pour le groupe 10,
> extract.triangle(10) $triangle.increments 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1988 1249 2843 4801 6623 8290 10264 1 431 586 714 1989 946 1983 7024 7415 7771 4489 2431 913 638 NA 1990 1765 2978 5111 10617 6285 6898 9628 1 NA NA 1991 1408 3818 4542 11869 3702 6235 6164 NA NA NA 1992 1647 5981 5220 5475 3620 1196 NA NA NA NA 1993 7566 7425 14475 19624 8500 NA NA NA NA NA 1994 2299 4557 17098 37542 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1995 4959 8582 9462 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1996 6063 3644 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1997 6507 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA $name [1] "Federal Ins Co Grp" $source [1] "prodliab_pos"
Pour le rapport, je veux avoir le nom de la compagnie, ainsi que la ‘source’ (PP Auto, Workers Compensation,Commercial Auto,Medical Malpractice,Product Liability, ouOther Liability). Pour jouer avec les données, il suffit d’utiliser
> T=extract.triangle(10)$triangle.increments > T 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1988 1249 2843 4801 6623 8290 10264 1 431 586 714 1989 946 1983 7024 7415 7771 4489 2431 913 638 NA 1990 1765 2978 5111 10617 6285 6898 9628 1 NA NA 1991 1408 3818 4542 11869 3702 6235 6164 NA NA NA 1992 1647 5981 5220 5475 3620 1196 NA NA NA NA 1993 7566 7425 14475 19624 8500 NA NA NA NA NA 1994 2299 4557 17098 37542 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1995 4959 8582 9462 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1996 6063 3644 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1997 6507 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Il s’agit de triangle d’incréments, la ‘colonne’ de gauche étant l’année de survenance. Je n’ai pas testé toutes les bases, merci de me dire rapidement s’il y a des soucis.
Claims reserving (introduction)
Mercredi, on commence la modélisation du passif des compagnies d’assurance IARD. Plus particulièrement, nous parlerons des provisions pour sinistres à payer, ou “provision for claims outstanding (PCO)” selon la terminologie anglaise, i.e. “the estimated total cost of ultimate settlement of all claims incurred before the date of record, whether reported or not, less any amounts already paid out in respect thereof.” Je renvoie à la lecture de Le contrôle de la solvabilité des compagnies d’assurance en ligne sur le site de l’OCDE, pour une vision globale des approches de ces provisions. La SOA avait publié un rapport en 2009, Comparison of Incurred But Not Reported IBNR Methods que j’encourage à lire.
Le livre de référence sur le sujet est celui de Mario Wüthrich et Michael Merz. Les premiers chapitres (correspondant a ce qui sera vu en cours) peuvent être téléchargés sur…
Nous aborderons mercredi les triangles. Parmi les triangles que nous manipulerons
> source("")
qui contient plusieurs fichiers, dont
> PAID [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [1,] 3209 4372 4411 4428 4435 4456 [2,] 3367 4659 4696 4720 4730 NA [3,] 3871 5345 5338 5420 NA NA [4,] 4239 5917 6020 NA NA NA [5,] 4929 6794 NA NA NA NA [6,] 5217 NA NA NA NA NA
ainsi que le triangle évoqué sur
> OthLiabData = read.csv("",header=TRUE, sep=",") > library(ChainLadder) > OL = SumData=ddply(OthLiabData,.(AccidentYear,DevelopmentYear,DevelopmentLag),summarise,IncurLoss=sum(IncurLoss_h1-BulkLoss_h1), + CumPaidLoss=sum(CumPaidLoss_h1), EarnedPremDIR=sum(EarnedPremDIR_h1)) > LossTri = as.triangle(OL, origin="AccidentYear", + dev = "DevelopmentLag", value="IncurLoss") > Year = as.triangle(OL, origin="AccidentYear", + dev = "DevelopmentLag", value="DevelopmentYear") > TRIANGLE=LossTri > TRIANGLE[Year>1997]=NA > TRIANGLE dev origin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1988 128747 195938 241180 283447 297402 308815 314126 317027 319135 319559 1989 135147 208767 270979 304488 330066 339871 344742 347800 353245 NA 1990 152400 238665 297495 348826 359413 364865 372436 372163 NA NA 1991 151812 266245 357430 400405 423172 442329 460713 NA NA NA 1992 163737 269170 347469 381251 424810 451221 NA NA NA NA 1993 187756 358573 431410 476674 504667 NA NA NA NA NA 1994 210590 351270 486947 581599 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1995 213141 351363 444272 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1996 237162 378987 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1997 220509 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Les transparents sont en ligne,
Pour les lectures complémentaires, Best Estimates for Reserves de Glen Barnett et Ben Zehnwirth est téléchargeable sur…. En 2004 , Ben Zehnwirth, Julie Sims et Mark Shapland ont publié Will Your Next Reserve Increase Be Your Last (en ligne sur…) Lors des prochaines séances, nous aborderons les méthodes par simulations. J’encourage la lecture de about the bootstrap,… Sinon, des compléments plus spécifiques sont téléchargeables,
- The Chain Ladder and Tweedie Distributed Claims Data par Greg Taylor
- Chain-Ladder Bias: Its Reason and Meaning par Leigh Joseph Halliwell
- Estimating Predictive Distributions for Loss Reserve Models par Glenn Meyers
- Using a Bayesian Approach for Claims Reserving par Mario Wuthrich
- Obtaining Predictive Distributions for Reserves Which Incorporate Expert Opinion par Richard Verrall
- Loss Reserve Estimates: A Statistical Approach for Determining “Reasonableness” par Mark Shapland
- Munich Chain Ladder: A Reserving Method that Reduces the Gap between IBNR Projections Based on Paid Losses and IBNR Projections Based on Incurred Losses par Gerhard Quarg et Thomas Mack
- The Bornhuetter-Ferguson Principle par Klaus Schmidt et Mathias Zocher
- On the Importance of Dispersion Modeling for Claims Reserving: An Application with the Tweedie Distribution par Jean-Philippe Boucher et Danail Davidov
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Reserve Estimates par Zia Rehman et Stuart Klugman
- Robustifying Reserving par Gary Venter et Dumaria Rulina Tampubolon, voir aussi Robustifying Reserving
- Bootstrap Estimation of the Predictive Distributions of Reserves Using Paid and Incurred Claims par Huijuan Liu et Richard Verrall
- Predictive Distributions for Reserves Which Separate True IBNR and IBNER Claims par Huijuan Liu et Richard Verrall
- The Retrospective Testing of Stochastic Loss Reserve Models, par Glenn Meyers
- A GLM-Based Approach to Adjusting for Changes in Case Reserve Adequacy par Larry Decker
- A Method for Modelling Varying Run-off Evolutions in Claims Reserving par Richard Verrall
- A Nonlinear Regression Model of Incurred But Not Reported Losses par Scott Stelljes
- Back-Testing the ODP Bootstrap of the Paid Chain-Ladder Model with Actual Historical Claims Data par Jessica (Weng Kah) Leong, Shaun Wang et Han Chen
- A Practical Way to Estimate One-Year Reserve Risk par Ira Robbin
- Closed-Form Distribution of Prediction Uncertainty in Chain Ladder Reserving by Bayesian Approach par Ji Yao
- The Prediction Error of Bornhuetter-Ferguson par Thomas Mack
- Stochastic Loss Reserving with the Collective Risk Model par Glenn Meyers
- On the Accuracy of Loss Reserving Methodology par Tapio Boles et Andy Staudt
- Bootstrapping Generalized Linear Models for Development Triangles Using Deviance Residuals par Thomas Hartl
- Fitting a GLM to Incomplete Development Triangles par Thomas Hartl
- Gauss—Markov Loss Prediction in a Linear Model par Alexander Ludwig et Klaus Schmidt
- Anatomy of Actuarial Methods of Loss Reserving par Prakash Narayan
- Bootstrap Modeling: Beyond the Basics par Mark R. Shapland et Jessica (Weng Kah) Leong
- GLM Invariants par Fred Klinker
- The Retrospective Testing of Stochastic Loss Reserve Models par Glenn Meyers et Peng Shi
- A GLM-Based Approach to Adjusting for Changes in Case Reserve Adequacy par Larry Decker
- Testing the Assumptions of Age-to-age Factors, par Gary Venter, voir aussi…
Modèle de régression et interaction(s) entre facteurs
Dans un modèle de régression, on veut écrire
Quand on se limite à un modèle linéaire, on écrit
ou encore
Mais on de doute que l’on rate quelque chose… en particulier, on va rater toutes les interactions possibles. On peut croiser les variables, et supposer que
qui peut s’étendre d’avantage, à l’ordre 3,
voire davantage.
Supposons que nos variables soient ici qualitatives, et plus précisément binaires. Prenons un exemple simple, avec des données (classiques) en risque de crédit1. On peut trouver la base via
library(evtree) db=GermanCredit
ou encore directement
myVariableNames = c("checking_status","duration","credit_history", "purpose","credit_amount","savings","employment","installment_rate", "personal_status","other_parties","residence_since","property_magnitude", "age","other_payment_plans","housing","existing_credits","job", "num_dependents","telephone","foreign_worker","class") GermanCredit = read.table( "", header=FALSE,col.names=myVariableNames)
Retenons pour commencer trois variables explicatives,
db=data.frame(Y=GermanCredit$class-1, X1=GermanCredit$checking_status%in%c("A12","A13"), X2=GermanCredit$credit_history%in%c("A30","A31"), X3=GermanCredit$savings%in%c("A61","A62")) reg=glm(Y~X1+X2+X3,data=db,family=binomial) summary(reg)
La régression sans interaction donne ici
Call: glm(formula = Y ~ X1 + X2 + X3, family = binomial, data = db) Deviance Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -1.5431 -0.8421 -0.6295 1.3994 1.9999 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) -1.8544 0.1699 -10.915 < 2e-16 *** X1TRUE 0.3363 0.1496 2.249 0.0245 * X2TRUE 1.3462 0.2347 5.735 9.76e-09 *** X3TRUE 1.0001 0.1787 5.596 2.19e-08 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1) Null deviance: 1221.7 on 999 degrees of freedom Residual deviance: 1143.6 on 996 degrees of freedom AIC: 1151.6 Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
Il existe plusieurs interactions possibles ici (limitons nous aux paires). C’est ce que l’on observe quand on fait la régression
reg=glm(Y~X1+X2+X3+X1:X2+X1:X3+X2:X3,data=db,family=binomial) summary(reg) Call: glm(formula = Y ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X1:X2 + X1:X3 + X2:X3, family = binomial, data = db) Deviance Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -1.5369 -0.8281 -0.6439 1.3954 1.9638 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) -1.77109 0.20070 -8.825 < 2e-16 *** X1TRUE 0.30296 0.33737 0.898 0.369186 X2TRUE 0.88353 0.54255 1.628 0.103421 X3TRUE 0.87709 0.22583 3.884 0.000103 *** X1TRUE:X2TRUE -0.37917 0.49343 -0.768 0.442225 X1TRUE:X3TRUE 0.09178 0.37278 0.246 0.805522 X2TRUE:X3TRUE 0.80923 0.58185 1.391 0.164293 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1) Null deviance: 1221.7 on 999 degrees of freedom Residual deviance: 1141.0 on 993 degrees of freedom AIC: 1155 Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
On peut faire un dessin pour visualiser les interactions : on a trois sommets (nos trois variables), et on visualiser les interactions
indices=cbind(c(1,2,3),c(1,1,2),c(2,3,3)) k=3 theta=pi/2+2*pi*(0:(k-1))/k sommetX=cos(theta) sommetY=sin(theta) plot(sommetX,sommetY,cex=1,axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="", xlim=c(-1.5,1.5),ylim=c(-1.5,1.5)) for(i in 1:nrow(indices)){ segments(sommetX[indices[i,2]],sommetY[indices[i,2]], sommetX[indices[i,3]],sommetY[indices[i,3]],col="grey") text(mean(sommetX[indices[i,2:3]]),mean(sommetY[indices[i,2:3]]), trunc(10000*coefficients(reg)[1+k+i])/10000) } points(sommetX,sommetY,cex=6,pch=19,col="yellow") points(sommetX,sommetY,cex=6,pch=1) text(sommetX,sommetY,1:k)
ce qui donne ici, pour nos trois variables
Ce modèle pourrait sembler incomplet, car on ne regarde que les interactions entre les modalités, par paires. En fait, c’est parce qu’il manque (visuellement) les variables non-croisées. On peut les rajouter si on veut (au risque de surcharger le dessin)
cercle=function(c,r,cl) lines(c[1]+r*cos(seq(0,2*pi,length=501)), c[2]+r*sin(seq(0,2*pi,length=501)),col=cl) reg=glm(Y~X1+X2+X3+X1:X2+X1:X3+X2:X3,data=db,family=binomial) indices=cbind(c(1,2,3),c(1,1,2),c(2,3,3)) k=3 theta=pi/2+2*pi*(0:(k-1))/k sommetX=cos(theta) sommetY=sin(theta) plot(sommetX,sommetY,cex=1,axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="",xlim=c(-1.5,1.5),ylim=c(-1.5,1.5)) for(i in 1:nrow(indices)){ segments(sommetX[indices[i,2]],sommetY[indices[i,2]], sommetX[indices[i,3]],sommetY[indices[i,3]],col="grey") text(mean(sommetX[indices[i,2:3]]),mean(sommetY[indices[i,2:3]]), trunc(10000*coefficients(reg)[1+k+i])/10000) } for(i in 1:k){ cercle(c(cos(theta)[i]*1.18,sin(theta)[i]*1.18),.18,"grey") text(cos(theta)[i]*1.35,sin(theta)[i]*1.35, trunc(10000*coefficients(reg)[1+i])/10000) } points(sommetX,sommetY,cex=6,pch=19,col="yellow") points(sommetX,sommetY,cex=6,pch=1) text(sommetX,sommetY,1:k)
soit ici
Si on change le ‘sens‘ de nos variables (en recodant a l’envers, en permutant les vrais et les faux), on obtient le graphique suivant
dbinv=db dbinv[,2:k]=1-dbinv[,2:k] reg=glm(Y~X1+X2+X3+X1:X2+X1:X3+X2:X3,data=dbinv,family=binomial) indices=cbind(c(1,2,3),c(1,1,2),c(2,3,3)) k=3 theta=pi/2+2*pi*(0:(k-1))/k sommetX=cos(theta) sommetY=sin(theta) plot(sommetX,sommetY,cex=1,axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="",xlim=c(-1.5,1.5),ylim=c(-1.5,1.5)) for(i in 1:nrow(indices)){ segments(sommetX[indices[i,2]],sommetY[indices[i,2]], sommetX[indices[i,3]],sommetY[indices[i,3]],col="grey") text(mean(sommetX[indices[i,2:3]]),mean(sommetY[indices[i,2:3]]), trunc(10000*coefficients(reg)[1+k+i])/10000) } for(i in 1:k){ cercle(c(cos(theta)[i]*1.18,sin(theta)[i]*1.18),.18,"grey") text(cos(theta)[i]*1.35,sin(theta)[i]*1.35, trunc(10000*coefficients(reg)[1+i])/10000) } points(sommetX,sommetY,cex=6,pch=19,col="yellow") points(sommetX,sommetY,cex=6,pch=1) text(sommetX,sommetY,1:k)
qui peut alors être comparé au graphique précédant
Avec 5 variables, on augmente les interactions possibles… même si beaucoup risquent d’être non-significatifs. On peut déjà se focaliser sur les paires possibles d’interactions croisées. Pour simplifier le code, on va utiliser deux fonctions locales,
vrepeach=function(x,e){ v=NULL for(i in 1:length(e)){v=c(v,rep(x[i],each=e[i]))} return(v)} vreplength=function(x,l){ v=NULL for(i in 1:length(l)){v=c(v,x[l[i]:length(x)])} return(v)}
et ensuite, on adapte le code précédant
indices=cbind(1:(k*(k-1)/2),vrepeach(1:(k-1),(k-1):1),vreplength(2:k,1:(k-1))) formule="Y~1" for(i in 1:k) formule=paste(formule,"+X",i,sep="") for(i in 1:nrow(indices)) formule=paste(formule,"+X",indices[i,2],":X",indices[i,3],sep="") reg=glm(formule,data=db,family=binomial) theta=pi/2+2*pi*(0:(k-1))/k sommetX=cos(theta) sommetY=sin(theta) plot(sommetX,sommetY,cex=1,axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="",xlim=c(-1.5,1.5),ylim=c(-1.5,1.5)) for(i in 1:nrow(indices)){ segments(sommetX[indices[i,2]],sommetY[indices[i,2]], sommetX[indices[i,3]],sommetY[indices[i,3]],col="grey") text(mean(sommetX[indices[i,2:3]]),mean(sommetY[indices[i,2:3]]), trunc(10000*coefficients(reg)[1+k+i])/10000) } for(i in 1:k){ cercle(c(cos(theta)[i]*1.18,sin(theta)[i]*1.18),.18,"grey") text(cos(theta)[i]*1.35,sin(theta)[i]*1.35, trunc(10000*coefficients(reg)[1+i])/10000) } points(sommetX,sommetY,cex=6,pch=19,col="yellow") points(sommetX,sommetY,cex=6,pch=1) text(sommetX,sommetY,1:k)
ce qui donne un schéma plus complexe,
On peut aussi prendre juste 2 variables, prenant 3 et 4 modalités respectivement. On va extraire deux variables indicatrices pour la première (la modalité restante sera la modalité de référence) et trois pour la seconde,
db=data.frame(Y=GermanCredit$class-1, X1=GermanCredit$checking_status=="A12", X2=GermanCredit$checking_status=="A13", X3=GermanCredit$checking_status=="A14", X4=GermanCredit$employment%in%c("A72","A73"), X5=GermanCredit$employment%in%c("A74","A75")) k=5 indices=cbind(1:(k*(k-1)/2),vrepeach(1:(k-1),(k-1):1),vreplength(2:k,1:(k-1))) formule="Y~1" for(i in 1:k) formule=paste(formule,"+X",i,sep="") for(i in 1:nrow(indices)) formule=paste(formule,"+X",indices[i,2],":X",indices[i,3],sep="") reg=glm(formule,data=db,family=binomial) theta=pi/2+2*pi*(0:(k-1))/k sommetX=cos(theta) sommetY=sin(theta) plot(sommetX,sommetY,cex=1,axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="",xlim=c(-1.5,1.5),ylim=c(-1.5,1.5)) for(i in 1:nrow(indices)){ if(![1+k+i])){ segments(sommetX[indices[i,2]],sommetY[indices[i,2]], sommetX[indices[i,3]],sommetY[indices[i,3]],col="grey") text(mean(sommetX[indices[i,2:3]]),mean(sommetY[indices[i,2:3]]), trunc(10000*coefficients(reg)[1+k+i])/10000) }} for(i in 1:k){ cercle(c(cos(theta)[i]*1.18,sin(theta)[i]*1.18),.18,"grey") text(cos(theta)[i]*1.35,sin(theta)[i]*1.35, trunc(10000*coefficients(reg)[1+i])/10000) } points(sommetX,sommetY,cex=6,pch=19,col="yellow") points(sommetX,sommetY,cex=6,pch=1) text(sommetX,sommetY,1:k)
On voit que plusieurs interactions ne sont alors plus possibles, sur la partie gauche (les trois modalités de la même variable) et sur la partie droite
On peut d’ailleurs simplifier les graphs, en ne visualisant que les interactions significatives.
indices=cbind(1:(k*(k-1)/2),vrepeach(1:(k-1),(k-1):1),vreplength(2:k,1:(k-1))) formule="Y~1" for(i in 1:k) formule=paste(formule,"+X",i,sep="") for(i in 1:nrow(indices)) formule=paste(formule,"+X",indices[i,2],":X",indices[i,3],sep="") reg=glm(formule,data=db,family=binomial) theta=pi/2+2*pi*(0:(k-1))/k sommetX=cos(theta) sommetY=sin(theta) plot(sommetX,sommetY,cex=1,axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="",xlim=c(-1.5,1.5),ylim=c(-1.5,1.5)) for(i in 1:nrow(indices)){ if(![1+k+i])){ if(summary(reg)$coefficients[1+k+i,4]<.1){ segments(sommetX[indices[i,2]],sommetY[indices[i,2]], sommetX[indices[i,3]],sommetY[indices[i,3]],col="grey") text(mean(sommetX[indices[i,2:3]]),mean(sommetY[indices[i,2:3]]), trunc(10000*coefficients(reg)[1+k+i])/10000) }}} for(i in 1:k){ if(summary(reg)$coefficients[1+i]<.1){ cercle(c(cos(theta)[i]*1.18,sin(theta)[i]*1.18),.18,"grey") text(cos(theta)[i]*1.35,sin(theta)[i]*1.35, trunc(10000*coefficients(reg)[1+i])/10000) }} points(sommetX,sommetY,cex=6,pch=19,col="yellow") points(sommetX,sommetY,cex=6,pch=1) text(sommetX,sommetY,1:k)
soit ici
Ici, une seule interactions croisée est significative, et presque toutes les variables le sont. Et si on reprend le modèle avec 5 facteurs,
db=data.frame(Y=GermanCredit$class-1,X1=GermanCredit$checking_status%in%c("A12","A13"), X2=GermanCredit$credit_history%in%c("A30","A31"), X3=GermanCredit$savings%in%c("A61","A62"), X4=GermanCredit$employment%in%c("A71","A72"), X5=GermanCredit$other_payment_plans=="A143") indices=cbind(1:(k*(k-1)/2),vrepeach(1:(k-1),(k-1):1),vreplength(2:k,1:(k-1))) formule="Y~1" for(i in 1:k) formule=paste(formule,"+X",i,sep="") for(i in 1:nrow(indices)) formule=paste(formule,"+X",indices[i,2],":X",indices[i,3],sep="") reg=glm(formule,data=db,family=binomial) theta=pi/2+2*pi*(0:(k-1))/k sommetX=cos(theta) sommetY=sin(theta) plot(sommetX,sommetY,cex=1,axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="",xlim=c(-1.5,1.5),ylim=c(-1.5,1.5)) for(i in 1:nrow(indices)){ if(![1+k+i])){ if(summary(reg)$coefficients[1+k+i,4]<.1){ segments(sommetX[indices[i,2]],sommetY[indices[i,2]], sommetX[indices[i,3]],sommetY[indices[i,3]],col="grey") text(mean(sommetX[indices[i,2:3]]),mean(sommetY[indices[i,2:3]]), trunc(10000*coefficients(reg)[1+k+i])/10000) }}} for(i in 1:k){ if(summary(reg)$coefficients[1+i]<.1){ cercle(c(cos(theta)[i]*1.18,sin(theta)[i]*1.18),.18,"grey") text(cos(theta)[i]*1.35,sin(theta)[i]*1.35, trunc(10000*coefficients(reg)[1+i])/10000) }} points(sommetX,sommetY,cex=6,pch=19,col="yellow") points(sommetX,sommetY,cex=6,pch=1) text(sommetX,sommetY,1:k)
on obtient
Je ne sais pas si mes graphiques sont pertinents, ou pas. Mais je trouve ça joli. En fait, je suis tombé un peu par hasard2 sur les Tables de Taguchi, développées par Gen’ichi Taguchi (田口 玄一). Le soucis est que je n’ai rien compris… Enfin, disons que je croyais comprendre, puis j’ai continué à faire des dessins… Si quelqu’un pourrait m’expliquer sur mon exemple les graphiques de Taguchi, je suis preneur ! car je doute que ce soit ce que je fais depuis tout à l’heure…
1. Cette base est largement utilisée dans le quatrième chapitre de Computational Actuarial Science with R, à paraître dans les mois à venir.
2.En l’occurence, le hasard est @Benavent qui a suscité ma curiosité ce matin en me parlant de ces tables, dont je n’avais alors jamais entendu parlé ! J’avais même lu rapidement Taniguchi (谷口 ジロー) et je ne voyais pas le rapport avec les statistiques….
Pricing reinsurance contracts, another case study
A reinsurance case study for tomorrow’s class. The goal will be to price some nonproportional reinsurance contract, for business interruption claims. Consider the following dataset,
> library(gdata) > db=read.xls( + "", + sheet=1) Content type 'application/' length 183808 bytes (179 Kb) open URL ================================================== downloaded 179 Kb
As for any (standard) insurance contract, there are two parts in the pricing
- the expected number of claims
- the average cost of individual claims
Here, we do not have covariates (but it might be possible to use some, like the kind of industry, the location, etc).
Let us start with the expected number of claims, per year. Here is the daily frequency,
The data are rather old… but somehow, it is a good thing since after ten years, we can expect that most of the claims have been settled (we’ll discuss claims dynamic starting next week). To plot the graph above, we use
> date=db$DSUR > D=as.Date(as.character(date),format="%Y%m%d") > vD=seq(min(D),max(D),by=1) > sD=table(D) > d1=as.Date(names(sD)) > d2=vD[-which(vD%in%d1)] >,d2) > vecteur.cpte=c(as.numeric(sD),rep(0,length(d2))) > base=data.frame(,cpte=vecteur.cpte) > plot(,vecteur.cpte,type="h",xlim=as.Date(as.character( + c(19850101,20111231)),format="%Y%m%d"))
Then, we can get a prediction of the daily number of business interruption claims, e.g. for any day in 2010 (assume that we had to price a reinsurance contract a few years ago), using a (standard) Poisson regression
> regdate=glm(cpte~date,data=base,family=poisson(link="log")) > nd2010=data.frame(date=seq(as.Date(as.character(20100101),format="%Y%m%d"), + as.Date(as.character(20101231),format="%Y%m%d"),by=1)) > pred2010 =predict(regdate,newdata=nd2010,type="response") > sum(pred2010) [1] 159.4757
Observe that using old data has drawbacks, since we got much more uncertainty if we use a regression on time (to include some possible trend)
Say we have something like 160 claims over a given year, on average.
> plot(D,db$COUTSIN,type="h")
Let us now focus on the cost of those claims. We have 2,400 claims in our dataset, to fit a model (or at least estimate how much a reinsurance contract might cost us). Assume that we would like to purchase a reinsurance contract for our very large claims. Like the two largest per year. Over 16 years, the decutible should be close to the cost of the 32nd largest claim, which was close to 15 million.
> quantile(db$COUTSIN,1-32/2400)/1e6 98.66667% 15.34579 > abline(h=quantile(db$COUTSIN,1-32/2400),col="blue")
So consider some reinsurance contract with a deductible of 15 million. Unfortunately, we cannot find unlimited covers. So let us assume that a reinsurance company agrees for such a deductible, but with a limited cover of 35 million. The average cost (for the reinsurance company) is where
A first idea is to look at the first cost, i.e. the empirical average of that indemnity, on our portfolio. The indemnity function is
> indemn=function(x) pmin((x-15)*(x>15),50-15)
we can check on a few losses that it is actually what we wish to compute
> indemn(5) [1] 0 > indemn(20) [1] 5 > indemn(50) [1] 35
Now, if the compute the average repayment by the reinsurance company, over 16 years, we get
> mean(indemn(db$COUTSIN/1e6)) [1] 0.1624292
So, per claim, the reinsurance company will pay, on average 162,430. With 160 claims per year, the pure premium should be close to 26 million
> mean(indemn(db$COUTSIN/1e6))*160 [1] 25.98867
(again, for a 35 million cover, for some claims that should occur, on average, twice a year). As we will see, a standard model in reinsurance is the Pareto distribution (or to be more specific, a Generalized Pareto one),
There are three parameters here
- the threshold (that we will consider as fixed, but we will see its impact on reinsurance pricing)
- the scale parameter (called in R)
- the tail index
The strategy is to consider a threshold below our deductible, e.g. 12 million. Then, given that the loss exceed 12 million, we can fit a Generalized Pareto distribution,
> gpd.PL <- gpd(db$COUTSIN,12e6)$par.ests > gpd.PL xi beta 7.004147e-01 4.400115e+06
and compute
> E <- function(yinf,ysup,xi,beta,threshold){ + as.numeric(integrate(function(x) (x-yinf)*dgpd(x,xi,mu=threshold,beta), + lower=yinf,upper=ysup)$value+ + (1-pgpd(ysup,xi,mu=threshold,beta))*(ysup-yinf)) + }
Here, given that a claim exceeds 12 million, the average repayment is close to 6 million
> E(15e6,50e6,gpd.PL[1],gpd.PL[2],12e6) [1] 6058125
Now, we have to take into account the probability to reach 12 million, which is here
> mean(db$COUTSIN>12e6) [1] 0.02639296
So, if we summarize, we have on average 160 claims per year,
> p [1] 159.4757
Only 2.6% will exceed 12 million
> mean(db$COUTSIN>12e6) [1] 0.02639296
So, the yearly frequency of claism larger than 12 million is 4.2 claims
> p*mean(db$COUTSIN>12e6) [1] 4.209036
And for a claim that exceed 12 million, the average repayment is
> E(15e6,50e6,gpd.PL[1],gpd.PL[2],12e6) [1] 6058125
So, the pure premium should be close to
> p*mean(db$COUTSIN>12e6)*E(15e6,50e6,gpd.PL[1],gpd.PL[2],12e6) [1] 25498867
which (hopefully) is close to the empirical value we got. Actually, it is also possible to look at the impact of the threshold parameter, since it is clearly and intermediate value that could be changed. I mean, why 12 and not 10? Consider
> esp=function(threshold=12e6,p=sum(pred2010)){ + (gpd.PL <- gpd(db$COUTSIN,threshold)$par.ests) + return(p*mean(db$COUTSIN>threshold)*E(15e6,50e6,gpd.PL[1],gpd.PL[2],threshold)) + }
We can plot the pure premium as a function of that threshold,
> seuils=seq(1e6,15e6,by=1e6) > plot(seuils,Vectorize(esp)(seuils),type="b",col="red")
which is between 24 and 26 for large thresholds. Again, that is only the first step, and we can price a higher reinsurance layer, like a reinsurance contract with a deductible of 50 million (we have our previous reinsurance contract for claims below that threshold), and a cover of 50 million, for instance. For those high layers, it become interesting to have a parametric model, which should be more robust than the empirical average.
More significant? so what…
Following my non-life insurance class, this morning, I had an interesting question from a student, that I will try to illustrate, and reformulate as accurately as possible. Consider a simple regression model, with one variable of interest, and one possible explanatory variable. Assume that we have two possible models, with the following output (yes, I do hide interesting parts here, but it is to get quickly to my student’s point)
Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.92883 0.06391 14.534 <2e-16 *** X -0.12499 0.06108 -2.046 0.0421 * --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
for the first model – a GLM with some distribution, and some link function – and
Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.92901 0.06270 14.817 <2e-16 *** X -0.09883 0.05816 -1.699 0.0909 . --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
for the second one – with another GLM, with another distribution, but the same link function (I guess I could have changed it, but it does not really matter here). Then, I got the following statement “I would like to choose the first model because the explanatory variable is more significant, and therefore, this model should have a stronger predictive power“.
That’s a nice idea, isn’t it ? Actually, I guess this is why I love teaching, because I will never be able to think about such an idea by myself. Because when you look at that statement, somehow it could make sense. Except that from my point of view, it is not valid at all. My first thought was to recall is standard example in statistical inference : you cannot not claim that a distribution is better than another one just by looking at the parameter estimates.
> fitdistr(Y,"normal") mean sd 0.93685011 0.90700830 (0.06413517) (0.04535042) > fitdistr(Y,"exponential") rate 1.06740661 (0.07547704)
Can I claim that the Gaussian distribution is better than the exponential one because parameter estimates have smaller standard deviation ? Because somehow, this is what we did when we claimed previously that the first model was better than the second one.
Let me get back on the outputs of the two regressions, and let me explain what I did. Actually, I wanted to have a story close to the one on the Gaussian versus exponential fit. So I did generate some exponential random variable,
> set.seed(5) > n=200 > U=runif(n); > Y=-log(U)
Here, we can visualize the histogram of this sample, as well as the the estimated exponential distribution
> hist(Y,proba=TRUE,col="light green",border="white",lwd=2,breaks=seq(0,5.3333333333333,by=.333333333)) > x=seq(0,6,by=.02) > lines(x,dexp(x,1/mean(Y)),col="red",lty=2)
On top of that, let us fit a gamma distribution. Using a GLM (where the regression is here on a constant – only), just to practice because later on, we will use a gamma regression on that variable
> reg0=glm(Y~1,family=Gamma(link="identity")) > a=reg0$coefficient > b=summary(reg0)$dispersion > lines(x,dgamma(x,shape=1/b,scale=a*b),col="blue")
Now, we need a covariate, to run some regressions. What I wanted is some variable slightly correlated with our previous variable. Slightly, just to make sure that our -value in the regression will be close to 5% or 10%. So here, I did generate a variable so that the pair has Clayton copula, with coefficient 0.1 (which is small, extremely small)
> a=.1 > set.seed(5) > n=200 > U=runif(n); > V=(U^(-a)*(runif(n)^(-a/(1+a))-1)+1)^(-1/a) > Y=-log(U) > X=qnorm(V)
To visualize the copula of the variables, we can use
> cop=function(u,v){ + (a+1)*(u*v)^(-(a+1))* + (u^(-a)+v^(-a)-1)^(-(2*a+1)/a) } > x=y=seq(.05,.95,by=.05) > z=outer(x,y,cop) > mat=persp(x,y,z,col="green",shade=TRUE,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),zlim=c(0,2),theta=-30, + ticktype ="detailed",zlab="")
We should be not far away from the independence (actually, there is a negative – significant – correlation (Pearson’s correlation)). Now, consider two models,
- a Gaussian model (here a standard linear model)
- a gamma model, with a linear link function
The outputs are the following (you will recognize the outputs given previously)
> reg1=lm(Y~X) > reg2=glm(Y~X,family=Gamma(link="identity")) > summary(reg1) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.92883 0.06391 14.534 <2e-16 *** X -0.12499 0.06108 -2.046 0.0421 * --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Residual standard error: 0.9021 on 198 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.02071, Adjusted R-squared: 0.01576 F-statistic: 4.187 on 1 and 198 DF, p-value: 0.04206 > summary(reg2) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.92901 0.06270 14.817 <2e-16 *** X -0.09883 0.05816 -1.699 0.0909 . --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 (Dispersion parameter for Gamma family taken to be 0.9086447) Null deviance: 229.72 on 199 degrees of freedom Residual deviance: 226.58 on 198 degrees of freedom AIC: 379.22 Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 10
And here are the two predictions,
So, which model should we use? As usual, my answer will be “let’s have a look at the data” instead of looking only at tables of figures. Using some code posted a few days ago, let us visualize the two regressions. The Gaussian model is here
(for the lower part, I do not go below 0 since we do have, here, a positive variable that we would like to model) while the gamma on is here
And if we believe that the explanatory variable has no predictive power (since we can claim that the parameter is not significant in the regression), and we remove it from the regression, we get
Here, I do believe that the gamma (not to say the exponential) model is better because it is clearly more coherent with properties of the variable of interest. I trust more the confidence interval obtained above on the gamma model, than the one obtained with a Gaussian distribution. Even if the parameter in the regression is “more significant”.
Mercredi, on finira la modélisation des coûts individuels de sinistres en évoquant la mutualisation. Si on a le temps, on parlera aussi de réassurance. Les transparents sont en ligne.
- Hurricane Katrina (US, Bahamas, Cuba, Aug. 2005), $ 72.3 billion
- Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (Japan, March 2011), $ 35 billion
- Hurricane Andrew (US, Bahamas, August 1992), $ 25 billion
- September 11 attacks (US) $ 23.1 billion
- Northridge earthquake (US) $ 20.6 billion
- Hurricane Ike (US, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Sept. 2005) $ 20.5 billion
- Hurricane Ivan (US, Barbados, Sept. 2004) $ 14.9 billion
- Hurrican Wilman (US, Mexico, Jamaica, Oct. 2005), $ 14 billion
- Hurricane Rita (US, Cuba, Sept. 2005) $ 11.3 billion
- Hurricane Charley (US, Cuba, Jamaica) $ 9.3. billion
A titre de comparaison, les chiffres d’affaires des plus gros réassureurs (prime émise en 2010) étaient, selon…
- Munich Reinsurance Company $ 31.3 billion
- Swiss Reinsurance Company Limited $ 24.7 billion
- Hannover Rueckversicherung AG $ 15.1 billion
- Berkshire Hathaway Inc. $ 14.4 billion
- Lloyd’s $ 13 billion
- SCOR S.E. $ 8.8 billion
- Reinsurance Group of America Inc. $ 7.2 billion
- Allianz S.E. $ 5.7 billion
- PartnerRe Ltd. $ 4.9 billion
- Everest Re Group Ltd. $ 4.2 billion
Pricing Reinsurance Contracts
In order to illustrate the next section of the non-life insurance course, consider the following example1, inspired from…. This is the so-called “Normalized Hurricane Damages in the United States” dataset, for the period 1900-2005, from Pielke et al. (2008). The dataset is available in xls format, so we have to spend some time to import it,
> library(gdata) > db=read.xls( + "", + sheet=1) trying URL '' Content type 'application/' length 119296 bytes (116 Kb) opened URL ================================================== downloaded 116 Kb perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = "fr_CA:fr", LC_ALL = (unset), LANG = "fr_CA.UTF-8" are supported and installed on your system. perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
The problem with excel spreadsheets is that some columns might have pre-specified format (here, losses are with a format 000,000,000 for instance)
> tail(db) Year Hurricane.Description State Category Base.Economic.Damage 202 2005 Cindy LA 1 320,000,000 203 2005 Dennis FL 3 2,230,000,000 204 2005 Katrina LA,MS 3 81,000,000,000 205 2005 Ophelia NC 1 1,600,000,000 206 2005 Rita TX 3 10,000,000,000 207 2005 Wilma FL 3 20,600,000,000 Normalized.PL05 Normalized.CL05 X X.1 202 320,000,000 320,000,000 NA NA 203 2,230,000,000 2,230,000,000 NA NA 204 81,000,000,000 81,000,000,000 NA NA 205 1,600,000,000 1,600,000,000 NA NA 206 10,000,000,000 10,000,000,000 NA NA 207 20,600,000,000 20,600,000,000 NA NA
To get data in a format we can play with, consider the following function,
> stupidcomma = function(x){ + x=as.character(x) + for(i in 1:10){x=sub(",","",as.character(x))} + return(as.numeric(x))}
and let’s convert those values into numbers,
> base=db[,1:4] > base$Base.Economic.Damage=Vectorize(stupidcomma)(db$Base.Economic.Damage) > base$Normalized.PL05=Vectorize(stupidcomma)(db$Normalized.PL05) > base$Normalized.CL05=Vectorize(stupidcomma)(db$Normalized.CL05)
Here is the dataset we will use, from now on,
> tail(base) Year Hurricane.Description State Category Base.Economic.Damage 202 2005 Cindy LA 1 3.20e+08 203 2005 Dennis FL 3 2.23e+09 204 2005 Katrina LA,MS 3 8.10e+10 205 2005 Ophelia NC 1 1.60e+09 206 2005 Rita TX 3 1.00e+10 207 2005 Wilma FL 3 2.06e+10 Normalized.PL05 Normalized.CL05 202 3.20e+08 3.20e+08 203 2.23e+09 2.23e+09 204 8.10e+10 8.10e+10 205 1.60e+09 1.60e+09 206 1.00e+10 1.00e+10 207 2.06e+10 2.06e+10
We can visualize the normalized costs of hurricanes, from 1900 till 2005, with the 207 hurricanes (here the x-axis is not time, it is simply the index of the loss)
> plot(base$Normalized.PL05/1e9,type="h",ylim=c(0,155))
As usual, there are two components when computing the pure premium of an insurance contract. The number of claims (or here hurricanes) and the individual losses of each claim. We’ve seen – above – individual losses, let us focus now on the annual frequency.
> TB <- table(base$Year) > years <- as.numeric(names(TB)) > counts <- as.numeric(TB) > years0=(1900:2005)[which(!(1900:2005)%in%years)] > db <- data.frame(years=c(years,years0), + counts=c(counts,rep(0,length(years0)))) > db[88:93,] years counts 88 2003 3 89 2004 6 90 2005 6 91 1902 0 92 1905 0 93 1907 0
On average, we experience about 2 (major) hurricanes per year,
> mean(db$counts) [1] 1.95283
In predictive modeling (here, we wish to price a reinsurance contract for, say, 2014), we need probably to take into account some possible trend in the hurricane occurrence frequency. We can consider either a linear trend,
> reg0 <- glm(counts~years,data=db,family=poisson(link="identity"), + start=lm(counts~years,data=db)$coefficients)
or an exponential one,
> reg1 <- glm(counts~years,data=db,family=poisson(link="log"))
We can plot those three predictions, and get a prediction for the number of (major) hurricanes in 2014,
> plot(years,counts,type='h',ylim=c(0,6),xlim=c(1900,2020)) > cpred1=predict(reg1,newdata=data.frame(years=1890:2030),type="response") > lines(1890:2030,cpred1,col="blue") > cpred0=predict(reg0,newdata=data.frame(years=1890:2030),type="response") > lines(1890:2030,cpred0,col="red") > abline(h=mean(db$counts),col="black") > (predictions=cbind(constant=mean(db$counts),linear= + cpred0[126],exponential=cpred1[126])) constant linear exponential 126 1.95283 3.573999 4.379822 > points(rep((1890:2030)[126],3),prediction,col=c("black","red","blue"),pch=19)
Observe that changing the model will change the pure premium: with a flat prediction, we expect less than 2 (major) hurricanes, but with the exponential trend, we expect more than 4…
This is for the expected frequency. Now, we should find a suitable model to compute the pure premium of a reinsurance treaty, with a (high) deductible, and a limited (but large) cover. As we will seen in class next week, the appropriate model is a Pareto distribution (see Hagstrœm (1925), Huyghues-Beaufond (1991) or a survey – in French – published a few years ago).
We can use Hill’s plot to estimate the tail index,
> library(evir) > hill(base$Normalized.PL05)
Clearly, costs of major hurricanes are heavy tailed.
Now, consider an insurance company, in the U.S., with 5% market share (just to illustrate). We will consider there \tilde Y_i= Y_i/20. The losses are given below. Consider a reinsurance treaty, with a deductible of 2 (billion) and a limited cover of 4 (billion),
For our Pareto model, consider only losses above 500 millions,
> threshold=.5 > (gpd.PL <- gpd(base$Normalized.PL05/1e9/20,threshold)$par.ests) xi beta 0.4424669 0.6705315
Keep in mind the 1 hurricane out of 8 reaches that level
> mean(base$Normalized.CL05/1e9/20>.5) [1] 0.1256039
Given that the loss exceeds 500 millions, we can now compute the expected value of the reinsurance contact,
To compute it we can use
> E <- function(yinf,ysup,xi,beta){ + as.numeric(integrate(function(x) (x-yinf)*dgpd(x,xi,mu=threshold,beta), + lower=yinf,upper=ysup)$value+ + (1-pgpd(ysup,xi,mu=threshold,beta))*(ysup-yinf)) + }
[Nov 5th] there is a typo in the previous function, since the threshold should be used, here, as a parameter in the function, if you want to play with that function an see the impact of the threshold (see a more recent post on the same topic, but a different dataset)… but here, we do not change the threshold, so it is not a big deal.
Now, it is probably time to bring all the pieces together. We might expect a bit less than 2 (major) hurricanes per year,
> predictions[1] [1] 1.95283
and each hurricane has 12.5% chances to cost more than 500 million for our insurance company,
> mean(base$Normalized.PL05/1e9/20>.5) [1] 0.1256039
and given that an hurricane exceeds 500 million loss, then the expected repayment by the reinsurance company is (in millions)
> E(2,6,gpd.PL[1],gpd.PL[2])*1e3 [1] 330.9865
So the pure premium of the reinsurance contract is simply
> predictions[1]*mean(base$Normalized.PL05/1e9/20>.5)* + E(2,6,gpd.PL[1],gpd.PL[2])*1e3 [1] 81.18538
for a cover of 4 billion, in excess of 2.
1.This example will be found in the Reinsurance and Extremal Events chapter in the forthcoming Computational Actuarial Science with R, by Eric Gilleland and Mathieu Ribatet.
GLM, non-linearity and heteroscedasticity
Last week in the non-life insurance course, we’ve seen the theory of the Generalized Linear Models, emphasizing the two important components
- the link function (which is actually the key component in predictive modeling)
- the distribution, or the variance function
Just to illustrate, consider my favorite dataset
lin.mod = lm(dist~speed,data=cars)
A linear model means here Y_i=\beta_0+\beta_1X_i+\varepsilon_i
where the residuals are assumed to be centered, independent, and with identical variance. If we visualize that linear regression, we usually see something like that
The idea here (in GLMs) is to assume Y\vertX=x\sim\mathcal{N}(\beta_0+\beta_1x,\sigma^2)
which will produce the same model as the one describe previously, based on some error term. That model can be visualized below,
attach(cars) n=2 X= cars$speed Y=cars$dist df=data.frame(X,Y) vX=seq(min(X)-2,max(X)+2,length=n) vY=seq(min(Y)-15,max(Y)+15,length=n) mat=persp(vX,vY,matrix(0,n,n),zlim=c(0,.1),theta=-30,ticktype ="detailed", box = FALSE) reggig=glm(Y~X,data=df,family=gaussian(link="identity")) x=seq(min(X),max(X),length=501) C=trans3d(x,predict(reggig,newdata=data.frame(X=x),type="response"),rep(0,length(x)),mat) lines(C,lwd=2) sdgig=sqrt(summary(reggig)$dispersion) x=seq(min(X),max(X),length=501) y1=qnorm(.95,predict(reggig,newdata=data.frame(X=x),type="response"), sdgig) C=trans3d(x,y1,rep(0,length(x)),mat) lines(C,lty=2) y2=qnorm(.05,predict(reggig,newdata=data.frame(X=x),type="response"), sdgig) C=trans3d(x,y2,rep(0,length(x)),mat) lines(C,lty=2) C=trans3d(c(x,rev(x)),c(y1,rev(y2)),rep(0,2*length(x)),mat) polygon(C,border=NA,col="yellow") C=trans3d(X,Y,rep(0,length(X)),mat) points(C,pch=19,col="red") n=8 vX=seq(min(X),max(X),length=n) mgig=predict(reggig,newdata=data.frame(X=vX)) sdgig=sqrt(summary(reggig)$dispersion) for(j in n:1){ stp=251 x=rep(vX[j],stp) y=seq(min(min(Y)-15,qnorm(.05,predict(reggig,newdata=data.frame(X=vX[j]),type="response"), sdgig)),max(Y)+15,length=stp) z0=rep(0,stp) z=dnorm(y, mgig[j], sdgig) C=trans3d(c(x,x),c(y,rev(y)),c(z,z0),mat) polygon(C,border=NA,col="light blue",density=40) C=trans3d(x,y,z0,mat) lines(C,lty=2) C=trans3d(x,y,z,mat) lines(C,col="blue")}
We do have two parts here: the linear increase of the average, \mathbb{E}(Y\vert X=x)=\beta_0+\beta_1x and the constant variance of the normal distribution \text{Var}(Y\vert X=x)=\sigma^2.
On the other hand, if we assume a Poisson regression,
poisson.reg = glm(dist~speed,data=cars,family=poisson(link="log"))
we have something like
This time, two things have changed simultaneously: our model is no longer linear, it is an exponential one \mathbb{E}(Y\vert X=x)=e^{\beta_0+\beta_1x}, and the variance is also increasing with the explanatory variable \text{Var}(Y\vert X=x)=e^{\beta_0+\beta_1x}, since with a Poisson regression,
Y\vert X=x\sim\mathcal{P}(e^{\beta_0+\beta_1x})
If we adapt the previous code, we get
The problem is that we changed two things when we introduced the Poisson regression from the linear model. So let us look at what happens when we change the two components independently. First, we can change the link function, with a Gaussian model but this time a multiplicative model (with a logarithm link function)
gaussian.reg = glm(dist~speed,data=cars,family=gaussian(link="log"))
which is still, here, an homoscedasctic model, but this time non-linear. Or we can change the link function in the Poisson regression, to get a linear model, but heteroscedastic
poisson.lin = glm(dist~speed,data=cars,family=poisson(link="identity"))
So this is basically what GLMs are about….
Modélisation des coûts individuels
Cette semaine, même si le réseau de l’UQAM est down, on va continuer le cours et finir la section sur la modélisation de la surdispersion pour la fréquence de sinistres. On devrait ensuite commencer la modélisation des coûts individuels. En particulier, on passera du temps autour de deux points,
- la distinction lognormale et gamma
- l’écrêtement des gros sinistres
Les transparents sont en ligne. Et la base des coûts est celle évoquée au second cours.
Surdispersion et comptage
Cette semaine, au cours d’assurance non-vie, on abordera la surdispersion, qui clôturera la partie du cours sur la modélisation de la fréquence de sinistres. Les transparents sont en ligne. Mais avant de parler de surdispersion, on finira la présentation des GLM. Je mets un lien vers le chapitre 15 du livre de John Fox Applied regression analysis and generalized linear models ainsi que le livre de James K. Lindsey Applying Generalized Linear Models. Je voudrais aussi renvoyer vers les notes de cours de Germán Rodríguez, avec des notes sur la régression de Poisson (avec un petit complément sur la notion de overdispersion).
Les instructions pour le second devoir seront envoyées par courriel.
Introduction aux GLM
Cette semaine, on finit la régression de Poisson (temporairement) avant de présenter la théorie des GLM. Les transparents sont en ligne. On en aura besoin pour aller plus loin sur les modèles avec surdispersion, pour modéliser la fréquence de sinistre, mais aussi pour modéliser les coûts.