A series of tutorials, in R, by Anthony Damico. As claimed on http://twotorials.com/, “how to do stuff in r. two minutes or less, for those of us who prefer to learn by watching and listening“. So far,
- 000 what is r? the lingua statistica, s’il vous plaît
- 001 how to download and install r
- 002 simple shortcuts for the windows r console
- 003 how to do simple arithmetic in r
- 004 how to create a variable with r
- 005 how to use the c (combine) function
- 006 what does object oriented statistical programming really mean?
- 007 how to work with data tables in r
- 008 how to install and load a package in r
- 009 how to use a function and read the help files in r
- 010 how to read csv files into r
- 011 how to create a logical test and then build an if statement in r
- 012 how to build a for loop in r
- 013 how to read spss, stata, and sas files into r
- 014 how to read an excel file (dot xls and dot xlsx) into a data frame with r
- 015 how to work with character strings in r
- 016 how to add comments, save a script file, and make your work reproducible in r
- 017 how to use coercion and convert numbers to characters to logicals in r
- 018 help resources for r: the r-help mailing list, ucla academic technology services, and r-bloggers
- 019 how to access different records within a data frame by using logical tests in r
- 020 how to use the ifelse function in r
- 021 how to put things together in r: c (combine), paste, the paste collapse parameter, and the outer function
- 022 how to generate basic descriptive statistics – means, medians, sums, quantiles – on data tables in r
- 023 how to prevent r from breaking when it hits an error with the try function
- 024 how to run counts, tables, crosstabs, and flat tables on a data frame in r
- 025 how to change and recode variables and values in a data table using the fix and transform functions in r
- 026 how to sort and order stuff in r
- 027 how to run sql commands on data frames in r with the sqldf package
- 028 how to merge stuff together using the merge, cbind, rbind, and rbind.fill functions in r
- 029 how to run analyses across multiple categories of a data table with the tapply and aggregate functions in r
- 030 what is a function anyway and how does it input and output stuff in r
- 031 what are the different logical tests that you can conduct in r
- 032 how to handle NA (missing values) in r: understand and detect NA, remove NA, replace NA with 0
- 033 what does the %in% operator do and how does it differ from the double equals (==) sign?
- 034 how to enter your own data by hand and create a data frame in r
- 035 how to name or rename rows and columns in a data frame in r
- 036 how to output or export data and write tables to csv files in r
- 037 how to round a number in r: round, floor, ceiling, even excel_round
- 038 how to graph simple plots and make scatterplots in r
- 039 how to draw a line, add points, overlay a plot once it’s been created with (low-level) plotting functions in r
- 040 how to remove rows and columns from a data table in r
- 041 did someone send you a script file or computer code for the r programming language? here’s how to run it!
- 042 how do functions within functions within functions work in r?
- 043 when and how to use the %in% operator when accessing rows in a data frame that contains missing values in r
- 044 how and why r repeats an element over and over again without you even knowing it
- 045 how to bin or categorize or group data into new variables in a data table in r with the ifelse function
- 046 how to delete or remove variables, objects, data tables, and other stuff from memory in r
- 047 how many different ways can you slice and dice (subset) a data table in r?
- 048 how to download a data table or zipped file from the web directly into r, save it locally, then load or open it
- 049 how to make custom data tables and aggregate data tables with sql commands in r
- 050 how to count stuff in r and then use those counts to loop through stuff
- 051 how to read and write excel files with the xlsx package in r
- 052 how to output or export data tables from r into different formats: dbf, stata, spss, and sas files
- 053 how to import and export data to and from your windows clipboard with r
- 054 how to merge data frames one-to-one, many-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many and make sure you did it right in r
- 055 how to (make or generate or draw or display) a (boxplot or histogram or bar graph or pie chart) in r
- 056 how to bin or categorize or group data into new variables in a data table or vector in r with the cut function
- 057 how to use the sample function and sample from a vector or take a random sample of rows from a data frame in r
- 058 how to use the subset function in r for more intuitive subsets of data frames
- 059 how to search within a string for matches, substitute stuff in strings, even trim whitespace in a string in r
- 060 how to output or export data frames in r to a sas transport file (dot xpt) with the write.xport function
- 061 how to generate a random number in r
- 062 how to generate random numbers according to different statistical distributions in r
- 063 how to generate the same random number every time you run a program in r with the set.seed function
- 064 fun one: how many ancestors did you have in each previous generation?
- 065 how to title a plot or graph in r, add axes and other text or words with the axis and text functions
- 066 how to (dynamically) create different objects according to a pattern using the assign function
- 067 how to (dynamically) retrieve different objects according to a pattern using the get function
- 068 how and when to load and save your workspace in r
- 069 how to access the elements of a list object and create your own list variable in r
- 070 how to nest for loops in r and then debug and troubleshoot them if you hit an error you cannot identify
- 071 how to create and nest while loops in r
- 072 how to use the mod (modulus) function in r to calculate a remainder
- 073 how to run your first regression in r (assuming you know some fancy statistics)
- 074 how to calculate a variance and standard deviation and then normalize data in r
- 075 how to clear variables, clear a workspace, clear your screen, even clear unused computer memory in r
- 076 how to load and then run or execute a script in r with the source function
- 077 how to time a function or other processes in r like a stopwatch with the Sys.time() command
- 078 how to initiate empty objects like data tables and matrices in r
- 079 how the if function (if then) differs from ifelse, single-line if, nested if, and brackets in r
- 080 how to beautify your r script with formatR and the tidy.source function
- 081 how to write a for, while, or repeat loop in r with the break and next commands
- 082 how to test for correlation between two variables in r
- 083 how to plot residuals from a regression in r (assuming you know some fancy statistics)
- 084 how to flip a coin or generate a bernoulli or binomial distribution without quaking in fear in r
- 085 how to export or save a plot in r
- 086 fun one: what is each country’s most current available percent of gross national income spent on education?
- 087 how to split a character string in r with the strsplit function
- 088 how to change options and global settings like the number of decimal places shown in r with the options function
- 089 how to run a block of commands at start-up to do stuff like setting your CRAN mirror permanently with r
- 090 fun one: how to calculate your ten, fifteen, or twenty thousandth day on earth with r
- 091 fun one: how to make perfect pour-over coffee and time your french press steeping with r
(I guess there is no need now to make my own….)
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Arthur Charpentier (September 28, 2013). Nice tutorials to discover R. Freakonometrics. Retrieved February 18, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/ourg
seriously, thank you for sharing.
“Call now, arithmetic and logical operators are standing by”. Oh yeah.