More neurons in the hidden layer than predictive features in neural nets

This week, we were talking about neural networks for the first time, and I was saying that, in many illustrations of neural networks, there was a layer with fewer neurons than predictive variables,

but sometimes, it could make sense to have more neurons in the layer than predictive variables,

To illustrate, consider a simple example with one single variable x, and a binary outcome y\in\{0,1\}

n = 100
x = c(runif(n),1+runif(n),2+runif(n))
y = rep(c(0,1,0),each=n)

We should insure that observations are in the [0,1] interval,

minmax = function(z) (z-min(z))/(max(z)-min(z))
xm = minmax(x)
df = data.frame(x=xm,y=y)

just like what we can visualize below


Here, the blue and the red dots (when y is either 0 or 1) are not linearly separable. The standard activation function in neural nets is the sigmoid

sigmoid = function(x) 1 / (1 + exp(-x))

Let us compute a neural network

model_nnet = nnet(y~x,size=2,data=df)

We can then get the weights, and we can visualize the two neurons

w = neuralweights(model_nnet)
x1 = cbind(1,df$x)%*%w$wts$"hidden 1 1"
x2 = cbind(1,df$x)%*%w$wts$"hidden 1 2"
b = w$wts$`out 1`


Now, the the blue and the red dots (when y is either 0 or 1) are actually linearly separable.


If we do not specify the seed of the random generator, we can get a different outcome since, obviously, this model is not identifiable


If we now have

xm = minmax(x)
df = data.frame(x=xm,y=y)

then we need more neurons (one more, at least)

model_nnet = nnet(y~x,size=3,data=df)
w = neuralweights(model_nnet)
x1 = cbind(1,df$x)%*%w$wts$"hidden 1 1"
x2 = cbind(1,df$x)%*%w$wts$"hidden 1 2"
x3 = cbind(1,df$x)%*%w$wts$"hidden 1 3"
b = w$wts$`out 1`
s3d = scatterplot3d(x=sigmoid(x1),
y=sigmoid(x2), z=sigmoid(x3),color=1+df$y)

And one more time, we have been able to separate (linearly) the blue and the red points (just imagine the plane, I did not manage to add it on the 3d scatterplot)

Finally, consider

y = (x1^2+x2^2)<=1
x1m = minmax(x1)
x2m = minmax(x2)
df = data.frame(x1=x1m,x2=x2m,y=y)

and again, we three neurons (for two explanatory variables) we can, linearly, separate the blue and the red points

model_nnet = nnet(y~x1+x2,size=3,data=df)
w = neuralweights(model_nnet)
x1 = cbind(1,df$x1,df$x2)%*%w$wts$"hidden 1 1"
x2 = cbind(1,df$x1,df$x2)%*%w$wts$"hidden 1 2"
x3 = cbind(1,df$x1,df$x2)%*%w$wts$"hidden 1 3"
b = w$wts$`out 1`
s3d = scatterplot3d(x=sigmoid(x1), y=sigmoid(x2), z=sigmoid(x3),

Here, neural networks play the rule of the kernel trick, as coined in Koutroumbas, K. & Theodoridis, S. (2008). Pattern Recognition. Academic Press

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Arthur Charpentier (October 25, 2024). More neurons in the hidden layer than predictive features in neural nets. Freakonometrics. Retrieved February 13, 2025 from

One thought on “More neurons in the hidden layer than predictive features in neural nets”

  1. A nice (and maybe even simpler) example for this kind of phenomenon are single index models (aka projection pursuit regression), where $f=f(Ax+b)$ with A and b being weights and biases of a linear layer or more complex/deeper layers. The number of final neurons governs the complexity of the ridge function $f$.

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