To simplify, neoclassicals emphasize the increase in productivity thanks to technological advancements. Due to the law of diminishing returns, the marginal productivity of capital (whether human or physical) decreases with the addition of extra units of this capital. Each additional unit contributes marginally less and less to the total production. Long-term growth is then explained by technological progress. For economists of the New Classical Economy (NEC), the increase in investments in human capital, knowledge, and physical capital is advanced as the main source of growth.
Empirically examining the perspectives of neoclassicals and NEC economists, one can explain the slowdown in growth since the 1970s. This stagnation, or even regression, in production factors is explained by several reasons, notably the increase in capital intensity (it takes twice as much capital as it did fifty years ago to create the same amount of wealth). An insufficient level of qualification is sometimes also highlighted. As for the vision of growth supported by technological progress, there is a decrease in the efficiency of research and development (Scannell et al. (2012) show that over the past half-century, the number of drugs invented per billion dollars invested in R&D has been halved every nine years). Simultaneously, it is also possible that the impact of the Internet is not as revolutionary for the economy as the mill, the steam engine, or electricity were.
This increase in production has been accompanied, over the last 150 years, by an increase in the consumption of goods, as Antony Galluzzo recounts. We have moved from a self-sufficient peasant community to a predominantly urban and connected consumer society. According to Dietrich Vollrath, we have become so productive in producing goods that it has freed up our money to spend on services. And valuing services is complex, even more so in a digital, if not virtual, world. We all remember those new technology companies valued at several billion (dollars or euros). Robert Solow stated in 1987, “you can see the computer age everywhere but in the productivity statistics,” introducing an unexpected paradox where technological progress does not always lead to quantifiable productivity gains. Peter Thiel, the founder of PayPal, stated, “we were promised flying cars, we got 140 characters! (…) if you look outside of computers and the Internet, you see forty years of stagnation.” It may be thought that it takes time before the contributions of new technologies can be observed, but in 2015, Matthew Yglesias was relatively pessimistic: “robots are not taking our jobs, they are taking our leisure.”
A part of the misunderstanding about the benefits of growth comes from the fact that economic growth and prosperity are distinct objectives. To echo Tim Jackson’s thesis, “rising prosperity is not the same thing as economic growth.” From 1750, the term “prosperity,” from the Latin prosperare (which means to make happy, to succeed, to achieve success) took on an economic meaning, “a state of abundance, increase of wealth.” It is evident that once a majority of the population has satisfied its main physiological needs (eating, housing, or clothing), understanding consumption and growth poses challenges. We then move from “pure public goods” to “pure private goods,” or somewhere between these two extremes. And beyond a certain threshold of wealth, long since reached by most developed societies, the conditions of use of goods and services deteriorate as they are used. We talk about congestion. Fred Hirsch illustrates this idea by revisiting an example borrowed from Philip Wicksteed: Napoleon wanted every soldier to have a marshal’s baton, to understand that anyone could become a marshal. While knowing it was impossible for everyone to become marshals. Although the privileged minority is very restricted, no soldier should feel excluded, each hoping to be part of it one day. John Maynard Keynes came to the same conclusion in his Letter to Our Grandchildren. It then seems difficult, if not impossible, to consider the issue of growth without considering the issues of inequality and redistribution. Moreover, even if the economy is increasingly virtual, it is essential to question the importance of energy and raw materials in their production, and the disastrous ecological consequences.
Economic Growth or Green Growth?
A central concept for discussing growth while taking into account ecological consequences (referred to as green growth) is that of decoupling, introduced by Paul Ehrlich and John Holdren. It is based on the principle that since the Industrial Revolution, the growth of production has always been accompanied by significant growth in energy consumption, as well as an environmental footprint whose cost is more than proportional. In its weakest form, so-called “relative” decoupling relies on the growth of energy consumption and pollution being smaller than that of economic growth. This requires energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, green innovations and technologies, local and sustainable agriculture, rethought urban planning, and education (or incentives) for consumers and businesses. “Absolute” decoupling, on the other hand, means that the economy and environmental damage move in opposite directions. It is also conceivable that decoupling exists at the local or global level, in the short term or the long term. And thinking globally shows that decoupling will be difficult to achieve, even though it is necessary that the value of production continues to grow (in the ordinary sense of the word “growth”) to ensure social and international peace, while the environmental footprint must decrease (what we call “degrowth”) to guarantee the survival of the planet.
It seems that the economy has fundamentally evolved from a raw material transformation economy to a virtual, almost dematerialized economy. Yet, we still find the two types of workers described by Bertrand Russell more than 70 years ago: “There are two types of work: firstly, altering the position of matter at or near the surface of the earth relative to other such matter; secondly, telling other people to do so. The first is unpleasant and ill-paid; the second is pleasant and well-paid. The second is capable of indefinite extension: there are not only those who give orders, but also those who give advice on what orders to give.” Kate Crawford reminds us that this economy of extraction and exploitation of raw materials has never ceased: the materials used to build processors that train algorithms to convert ledgers into alexandrines are increasingly hard to extract, generating more and more pollution. Because growth also means an increase in CO2 emissions. And with the scenarios envisioned by the IPCC, that is a minimum halving of CO2 emissions by 2050 (in order not to exceed the +2°C goal by 2100, set in Copenhagen in 2009, relative to pre-industrial levels), it is impossible to imagine having the same growth as that observed during the 20th century.
As Ronald Reagan said, human imagination and creativity seem limitless. How can one not believe, then, in human ingenuity and in the improvement of technologies to address most of the current and future threats to human well-being? This technological optimism may remind us of the precautionary principle. The significant difference is that this principle is invoked when the future is uncertain or ambiguous, and there is even a small probability that a risk might occur. In other words, we’re talking about a technology that would be progress in 99% of scenarios, but with 1% (bad) chance of being disastrous. In the context of climate change, being techno-optimistic means giving undue importance to the small probability that a technology will emerge to save us, while minimizing the risks of suffering a medium-term disaster. And if technology doesn’t come to our rescue, the problem of low growth could be solved by focusing growth on a (small) proportion of the privileged.
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