Talk on fairness and “differential pricing” in insurance

Tomorrow morning, I will give a talk on fairness, “differential pricing” and “price walking” in insurance, at the AXA Chief Actuary Meeting. Slides are available online.

I will get back on two reports published recently (that can be related to the recent EIOPA consultation)

The first one was the report by the Sweedish Finans Inspektionen, Fär lojala försäkringstagare betala mer?

and the study by the Central Bank of Ireland.

They get back on price walking, seen as a discrimination problem,

It found that pricing practices applied by insurance providers could result in unfair outcomes for some consumers in the private car and home insurance markets. These pricing practices include “price walking”, where consumers are charged higher premiums, relative to the expected cost, the longer they remain with an insurance provider. The Report indicates that the CBI considers this practice to be unfair, a point emphasised in the press release accompanying the report. The Report found that long term customers who stayed with the same insurer for 9 years or more, paid on average 14% more on private car insurance and 32% more on home insurance than the equivalent customer renewing for the first time.

They provide interesting graphs, with prices of motor insurance

as well as household insurance,

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Arthur Charpentier (November 30, 2022). Talk on fairness and “differential pricing” in insurance. Freakonometrics. Retrieved February 6, 2025 from