This week, I wanted to get information I found on the nice map, below. I could not get access to the original dataset, per zip code… and I was wondering, if (assuming that the map was with high resolution) it was actually possible to extract information, using a simple R function…
As we can see, there is red, and green on the map, and I would love to know which are the green and the red cities, in France. One important issue is actually the background. Here it’s nice, it white… but white is a strange color, achromatic and very light. More specifically, if I search red areas, the background is very red. And very green, too. So, to avoid those issues, I did use gimp to change the background, into black. On the opposite, where it’s black, it’s neither red, nor green !
Let us get the map, and extract information from the file
url="" download.file(url,"inondation3.png") image="inondation3.png" library(pixmap) library(png) IMG=readPNG(image)
Information is stored in several matrices – or in arrays. Dimension 1 is the height of the picture (in pixels), dimension 2 is the width, and the third one is either 1 (red), 2 (green) or 3 (blue), based on the rgb decomposition of each pixel. Then, I try to find the border of the map
nl=dim(IMG)[1] nc=dim(IMG)[2] MAT=(IMG[,,1]+IMG[,,2])/2 x=apply(MAT,2,max) plot(x,type="l")
When it’s null, it means no color on the line of the matrix, i.e. completly black (initially, I used the mean function, but the maximum really behaves like a step function)
y=apply(MAT,1,max) plot(y,type="l")
Let us find cutoff values, on the left and on the right, on top and on the bottom
image(1:nc,1:nl,t(MAT)) abline(v=min(which(x>.2)),col="blue") abline(v=max(which(x>.2)),col="blue") abline(h=min(which(y>.2)),col="blue") abline(h=max(which(y>.2)),col="blue")
We obtain the following (forget about the fact that – somehow – France is upside-down)
We can zoom-in, just to make sure that our border are fine
par(mfrow=c(1,2)) image(min(which(x>.2))+(-5):5,1:nl,t(MAT)[min(which(x>.2))+(-5):5,]) abline(v=min(which(x>.2))+(-5):5,col="white") abline(v=min(which(x>.2)),col="blue") x1=min(which(x>.2))-1
and on the vertical range
image(max(which(x>.2))+(-5):5,1:nl,t(MAT)[max(which(x>.2))+(-5):5,]) abline(v=max(which(x>.2))+(-5):5,col="white") abline(v=max(which(x>.2)),col="blue") x2=max(which(x>.2))+1
So far so good. Let us keep the subpart of the picture,
Now, let us focus on the red part / component of that picture
ROUGE=t(IMG[,,1])[x1:x2,] ROUGE=ROUGE[,y2:y1] library(scales) image(x1:x2,y1:y2,ROUGE,col=alpha(colour=rgb(1,0,0,1), alpha = seq(0,1,by=.01))
That’s not bad, isn’t it ? And get can have a similar graph for the green part
VERT=t(IMG[,,2])[x1:x2,] VERT=VERT[,y2:y1] image(x1:x2,y1:y2,VERT,col=alpha(colour=rgb(0,1,0,1), alpha = seq(0,1,by=.01)))
Now, I wanted to ajust a map of France on that one. Using shapefiles of administrative regions, it would be possible to get the proportion of red and green parts (départements, cantons, etc). As a starting point (before going to ‘départements’), let us use a standard shapefile for France
library(maptools) library(PBSmapping) url="" download.file(url,"FRA_adm0.rds") FR=readRDS("FRA_adm0.rds") library(maptools) PP = SpatialPolygons2PolySet(FR) PP=PP[(PP$X<=8.25)&(PP$Y>=42.2),] u=(x1:x2)-x1 v=(y1:y2)-y1 ax=min(PP$X) bx=max(PP$X)-min(PP$X) ay=min(PP$Y) by=max(PP$Y)-min(PP$Y) PP$X=(PP$X-ax)/bx*max(u) PP$Y=(PP$Y-ay)/by*max(v) image(u,v,ROUGE,col=alpha(colour=rgb(1,0,0,1), alpha = seq(0,1,by=.01))) points(PP$X,PP$Y)
We try here to rescale it. The left part should be on the left part of the picture as well as the right part. And the same holds for the top, and the bottom,
Unfortunately, even if we change the projection technique, I could not match perfectly the contour of France. I am quite sure that it’s a projection problem ! But I did try a dozen popular ones, with no success… so if anyone has a clever idea…
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Arthur Charpentier (December 7, 2018). Extracting information from a picture, round 1. Freakonometrics. Retrieved September 15, 2024 from
You can georeference your image, for instance with MapTiler.
Personally, I used as control points the intersections between departments.
I then exported the map to mbtiles format, then png with, using RGF93 / Lambert-93 (EPSG:2154) projection.
Here is the result :
However, there is a filigram because the tools are in demos mode.
Hope that helps !
Well, you don’t need to use another map of France: doesn’t red area + green area = total area?
% green = green / (red + green)
% red = red / (red + green)
but I want it on smaller areas, like ‘per departement’ !
You can georeference your image, for instance with MapTiler.
Personally, I used as control points the intersections between departments.
I then exported the map to mbtiles format, then png with, using RGF93 / Lambert-93 (EPSG:2154) projection.
Here is the result :
However, there is a filigram because the tools are in demos mode.
Hope that helps !