Probably the last post on lasso, before the summer break… More specifically, I was wondering about the interpretation of graphs \lambda\mapsto\widehat{\beta}_\lambda. We use them for variable selection, but my major concern was about confidence intervals : how can we trust those lines ?
As usual, a natural way is to use simulations on generated datasets. Consider for instance
Sigma = matrix(c(1,.8,.2,.8,1,.4,.2,.4,1),3,3) n = 1000 library(mnormt) X = rmnorm(n,rep(0,3),Sigma) set.seed(123) df = data.frame(X1=X[,1],X2=X[,2],X3=X[,3],X4=rnorm(n), X5=runif(n), X6=exp(X[,3]), X7=sample(c("A","B"),size=n,replace=TRUE,prob=c(.5,.5)), X8=sample(c("C","D"),size=n,replace=TRUE,prob=c(.5,.5))) df$Y = 1+df$X1-df$X4+5*(df$X7=="A")+rnorm(n) |
One can use other simulations of datasets, and store the output
vlambda = exp(seq(-8,1,length=201)) lasso = glmnet(x=X,y=df[,"Y"],family="gaussian",alpha=1, lambda=vlambda,standardize=TRUE) VLASSO[[s]] = as.matrix(lasso$beta) |
To visualize confidence bands, one can compute quantiles
Q05=Q95=Qm=matrix(NA,9,201) for(i in 1:nrow(Q05)){ for(j in 1:ncol(Q05)){ v = unlist(lapply(VLASSO,function(x) x[i,j])) Q05[i,j] = quantile(v,.05) Q95[i,j] = quantile(v,.95) Qm[i,j] = mean(v) }} |
and get get the graph
plot(lasso,col=colrs,"lambda"ylim=c(min(Q05),max(Q95))) colrs=c(brewer.pal(8,"Set1")) polygon(c(log(lasso$lambda),rev(log(lasso$lambda))), c(Q05[2,],rev(Q95[2,])),col=colrs[1],border=NA) polygon(c(log(lasso$lambda),rev(log(lasso$lambda))), c(Q05[5,],rev(Q95[5,])),col=colrs[2],border=NA) polygon(c(log(lasso$lambda),rev(log(lasso$lambda))), c(Q05[8,],rev(Q95[8,])),col=colrs[3],border=NA) |
An alternative (more realistic on real data) is to use bootstrapped version of the dataset
id = sample(1:nrow(X),size=nrow(X),replace=TRUE) lasso = glmnet(x=X[id,],y=df[id,"Y"],family="gaussian",alpha=1, lambda=vlambda,standardize=TRUE) |
So far, it looks it’s working very well. Now, what if we have a smaller dataset
n = 100 |
On simulated new samples, we get
while the bootstrap version is
There is more uncertainty, clearly, but the conclusion is not ambiguous here.
Now, what about real data. Consider the following
chicago = read.table("",header=TRUE,sep=";") tail(chicago) Fire X_1 X_2 X_3 42 4.8 0.152 19 13.323 43 10.4 0.408 25 12.960 44 15.6 0.578 28 11.260 45 7.0 0.114 3 10.080 46 7.1 0.492 23 11.428 47 4.9 0.466 27 13.731 |
with one variable of interest (the number of fires, per unhabitants) and 3 features. We can here use bootstrap to generate samples, and then fit a lasso regression. On the original dataset, the regression is
X = model.matrix(lm(Fire~.,data=chicago)) id = sample(1:nrow(X),size=nrow(X),replace=TRUE) vlambda = exp(seq(-4,2,length=201)) lasso = glmnet(x=X[id,],y=chicago[id,"Fire"],family="gaussian",alpha=1, lambda=vlambda,standardize=TRUE) |
And if we just plot lines \lambda\mapsto\widehat{\beta}_\lambda we get
Now, consider bootstrap samples.
for(s in 1:100){ id=sample(1:nrow(X),size=nrow(X),replace=TRUE) library(glmnet) vlambda=exp(seq(-4,2,length=201)) lasso=glmnet(x=X[id,],y=chicago[id,"Fire"],family="gaussian",alpha=1, lambda=vlambda,standardize=TRUE) plot(lasso,col=colrs,"lambda",lwd=.2,add=TRUE)} |
We get here
The interpretation here is much more difficult
What about the order ?
N=matrix(NA,100000,4) for(s in 1:100000){ id=sample(1:nrow(X),size=nrow(X),replace=TRUE) library(glmnet) vlambda=exp(seq(-4,2,length=201)) lasso=glmnet(x=X[id,],y=chicago[id,"Fire"], family="gaussian",alpha=1, lambda=vlambda,standardize=TRUE) N[s,]=names(sort(apply(as.matrix(lasso$beta), 1,function(x) sum(x!=0))))} |
The ordering that was obtained on the original dataset was the same in 56% of the scenarios,
mean(apply(N,1,function(x) paste(x,collapse="")=="(Intercept)X_1X_2X_3")) [1] 0.5693 |
We can look at all the cases,
L=as.character(c(123,132,213,231,312,321)) Li=paste("(Intercept)X_",substr(L,1,1),"X_", substr(L,2,2),"X_",substr(L,3,3),sep="") g=function(y) mean(apply(N,1,function(x) paste(x,collapse="")==y)) vL=unlist(lapply(Li,g)) names(vL)=L barplot(vL,las=2,horiz=TRUE) |
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Arthur Charpentier (July 11, 2018). On the robustness of LASSO. Freakonometrics. Retrieved October 8, 2024 from