With the support of ACTINFO Chair and the (French) Institute of Actuaries, our Third Actuarial Pricing Game starts today ! There is a toolbox file available online, with
- a description of the game : the rules, the dates, and a description of the datasets
- 3 datasets : one underwriting and one claims databases, for year 0 (training data) and one underwriting dataset to enter the game
Anyone can play. Students from various programs around the world, as well as practitioners are welcome to play. It can be by teams, and there are no limit on the size. And there is no registration: to start playing, teams have to submit a dataset before the deadline (end of February), to pricing-game@univ-rennes1.fr.
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Arthur Charpentier (January 9, 2017). Third Actuarial Pricing Game. Freakonometrics. Retrieved January 13, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/ov6i
Hi Arthur,
I will try to play to this game. I’m currently going through the provided data.
I have merged the Insee codes of the production database into the communes database and have lost 596 profiles amoung 100.000.
As an example, the 01440 Insee code doesn’t exist anymore according to the INSEE and in the commune database but can be found in the production one.
Have a done a mistake or is there an issue in the production database.
Kind regards,
Quick clarification – in Rule 4, it states “if their insurance company for year 0 is still among the cheapest 3….”.
Should this instead read ‘year 1’? The company for year 0 is not anywhere defined.
indeed, sorry, we missed this typo ! But that is correct, there are no market for year 0 !