Consider here the case where, in some parametric inference problem, parameter is a point in the Simplex,
For instance, consider some regression, on compositional data,
> library(compositions) > data(DiagnosticProb) > Y=DiagnosticProb[,"type"]-1 > X=DiagnosticProb[,c("A","B","C")] > model = glm(Y~ilr(X),family=binomial) > b = ilrInv(coef(model)[-1],orig=X) > as.numeric(b) [1] 0.3447106 0.2374977 0.4177917
We can visualize that estimator on the simplex, using
> tripoint=function(s){ + p=s/sum(s) + abc2xy(matrix(p,1,3)) + } > lab=LETTERS[1:3] > xl=c(-.1,1.25) > yl=c(-.1,1.15) > library(trifield) > A=abc2xy(matrix(c(1,0,0),1,3)) > B=abc2xy(matrix(c(0,1,0),1,3)) > C=abc2xy(matrix(c(0,0,1),1,3)) > plot(0:1,0:1,col="white", + xlim=xl,ylim=yl,xlab="",ylab="",axes=FALSE) > polygon(rbind(A,B,C),col="light yellow") > text(B[1],-.05,lab[2]) > text(A[1],1.05,lab[1]) > text(C[1],-.05,lab[3]) > segments((A[1]+C[1])/2,(A[2]+C[2])/2,B[1],B[2],col="grey",lty=2) > segments((A[1]+B[1])/2,(A[2]+B[2])/2,C[1],C[2],col="grey",lty=2) > segments((B[1]+C[1])/2,(B[2]+C[2])/2,A[1],A[2],col="grey",lty=2) > points(tripoint(b),pch=19,cex=2,col="red")
If we want to compute a ‘confidence region’, we can either use Bayesian models (with a Dirichlet distribution as prior distribution), or use bootstrap. We will use here the second idea
> MB=matrix(NA,1e4,2) > for(sim in 1:1e4){ + idx=sample(1:nrow(DiagnosticProb), + size=nrow(DiagnosticProb),replace=TRUE) + Y=DiagnosticProb[idx,"type"]-1 + X=DiagnosticProb[idx,c("A","B","C")] + model = glm(Y~ilr(X),family=binomial) + MB[sim,]=tripoint(as.numeric( + ilrInv(coef(model)[-1],orig=X)))}
To get some ‘confidence region’, we can then use the bagplot, to get either a region where 50% of the boostraped estimators are, or 95%,
> library(aplpack) > P1=bagplot(MB[,1],MB[,2], factor =1.96, cex=.9, + dkmethod=2,show.baghull=TRUE) > P2=bagplot(MB[,1],MB[,2], factor =0.67, cex=.9, + dkmethod=2,show.baghull=TRUE)
Then we can easily plot those two regions,
> plot(0:1,0:1,col="white") > polygon(rbind(A,B,C),col="light yellow") > text(B[1],-.05,lab[2]) > text(A[1],1.05,lab[1]) > text(C[1],-.05,lab[3]) > polygon(P1$hull.loop,col="yellow",border=NA) > polygon(P2$hull.loop,col="orange",border=NA) > segments((A[1]+C[1])/2,(A[2]+C[2])/2,B[1],B[2],col="grey",lty=2) > segments((A[1]+B[1])/2,(A[2]+B[2])/2,C[1],C[2],col="grey",lty=2) > segments((B[1]+C[1])/2,(B[2]+C[2])/2,A[1],A[2],col="grey",lty=2) > points(tripoint(b),pch=19,cex=2,col="red")
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Arthur Charpentier (January 18, 2016). Confidence Regions for Parameters in the Simplex. Freakonometrics. Retrieved October 7, 2024 from