Consider a time series, generated using
set.seed(1) E=rnorm(240) X=rep(NA,240) rho=0.8 X[1]=0 for(t in 2:240){X[t]=rho*X[t-1]+E[t]}
The idea is to assume that an autoregressive model can be considered, but we don’t know the value of the parameter. More precisely, we can’t choose if the parameter is either one (and the series is integrated), or some value strictly smaller than 1 (and the series is stationary). Based on past observations, the higher the autocorrelation, the lower the variance of the noise.
rhoest=0.9; H=260 u=241:(240+H) P=X[240]*rhoest^(1:H) s=sqrt(1/(sum((rhoest^(2*(1:300))))))*sd(X)
Now that we have a model, consider the following forecast, including a confidence interval,
plot(1:240,X,xlab="",xlim=c(0,240+H), ylim=c(-9.25,9),ylab="",type="l") V=cumsum(rhoest^(2*(1:H)))*s polygon(c(u,rev(u)),c(P+1.96*sqrt(V), rev(P-1.96*sqrt(V))),col="yellow",border=NA) polygon(c(u,rev(u)),c(P+1.64*sqrt(V), rev(P-1.64*sqrt(V))),col="orange",border=NA) lines(u,P,col="red")
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Arthur Charpentier (September 10, 2012). Unit root, or not ? is it a big deal ? Freakonometrics. Retrieved January 25, 2025 from
I think the issue is more conceptual and is not perfectly related to interval forecasts. ar.coeff = .995 still means that you are not trying to forecast a random walk and that your process will not drift to (+-) infinity (a.s). So regardless of the CI you produce, it is still ok to work with it. However, with unit root there is no information to be extracted.