Talk at the statistical seminar at the university of Belo Horizonte, Wednesday, on “multivariate extremes“. Slides can be downloaded here.
The talk will give a detailed introduction on multivariate extremes and related concepts. Then the case of Archimedean copula will be fully described (following the paper with Johan Segers).
Many thanks to Renato Martins Assunção (here) for inviting me for a couple of days in Belo Horizonte ! Thanks also for your interest in my blog… and since I understood that some people who do not speak French might be interested in my blog, I started to write my blog in English (or at least a langage that should not be too far away from English). There is a nice discussion about langage on this blog (here, unfortunately in French…)
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Arthur Charpentier (March 30, 2009). Statistical seminar at Belo Horizonte. Freakonometrics. Retrieved February 9, 2025 from