R, Twitter and URLs

Yesterday evening, I wanted to play with Twitter, and see which websites I was using as references in my tweets, to get a Top 4 list.
The first problem I got was because installing twitteR on Ubuntu is not that simple ! You have to install properly RCurl… But you before install the package in R, it is necessary to run the following line in a terminal
$ sudo apt-get install 
then, launch R
$ R
and then you can run the standard
> install.packages("RCurl")
and install finally the package of interest,
> install.packages("twitteR")
Then, the second problem I had was that twitteR has been updated recently because of Twitter’s new API. Now, you should register on Twitter’s developers webpage, get an Id and a password, then use it in the following function (I did change both of them, below, so if you try to run the following code, you will – probably – get an error message),
> library(twitteR)
> cred <- getTwitterOAuth("ikzCtYif9Rwoood45w","rsCCifp99kw5sJfKfOUhhwyVmPl9A")
> registerTwitterOAuth(cred)
[1] TRUE
> T <- userTimeline('freakonometrics',n=5000)
you should also go on some webpage and enter a PIN that you find online.
To enable the connection, please direct your web browser to:
When complete, record the PIN given to you and provide it here:
It is a pain in ass, trust me. Anyway, I have be able to run it. I can now have the list with all my (recent) tweets
> T <- userTimeline('freakonometrics',n=5000)

Now, my (third) problem was to extract from my tweets the url of references. The second tweet of the list was

But when you look at the text, you see

> T[[2]]
[1] "freakonometrics: [textmining] \"How a Computer Program Helped Reveal J. K. 
Rowling as Author of A Cuckoos Calling\" https://t.co/wdmBGL8cmj by @garethideas"
So what I get is not the url used in my tweet, but a shortcut to the urls, from https://t.co/. Hopefully, @3wen (as always) has been able to help me with the following functions,
> extraire <- function(entree,motif){
+	res <- regexec(motif,entree)
+	if(length(res[[1]])==2){
+		debut <- (res[[1]])[2]
+		fin <- debut+(attr(res[[1]],"match.length"))[2]-1
+		return(substr(entree,debut,fin))
+	}else return(NA)}
> unshorten <- function(url){
+	uri <- getURL(url, header=TRUE, nobody=TRUE, followlocation=FALSE, 
+       cainfo = system.file("CurlSSL", "cacert.pem", package = "RCurl"))
+	res <- try(extraire(uri,"\r\nlocation: (.*?)\r\nserver"))
+	return(res)}

Now, if we use those functions, we can get the true url,

> url <- "https://t.co/wdmBGL8cmj"
> unshorten(url)
[1] http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=how-a-computer-program-helped-show..
Now I can play with my list, to extract urls, and the address of the website,
> exturl <- function(i){
+ text_tw <- T_text[i]
+ locunshort2 <- NULL
+ indtext <- which(substr(unlist(strsplit(text_tw, " ")),1,4)=="http")
+ if(length(indtext)>0){
+ loc <- unlist(strsplit(text_tw, " "))[indtext]
+ locunshort=unshorten(loc)
+ if(is.na(locunshort)==FALSE){
+ locunshort2 <- unlist(strsplit(locunshort, "/"))[3]}}
+ return(locunshort2)}
Using apply with this function, and my list, and counting using a simple table() function, I can see that my top four (over more than 900 tweets) of reference websites is the following:
             www.nytimes.com         www.guardian.co.uk 
                          19                         21 
      www.washingtonpost.com             www.lemonde.fr 
                          21                         22
Nice, isn’t it ?

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Arthur Charpentier (August 26, 2013). R, Twitter and URLs. Freakonometrics. Retrieved September 11, 2024 from https://doi.org/10.58079/our0

12 thoughts on “R, Twitter and URLs”

  1. This is exactly what I’ve been looking for but I am going to use cvs file not Twitter list. Any suggestions?
    This might be a basic questions but I started learning R recently..

  2. Bonjour,

    Quelques petites coquille se sont glissées dans le code :

    #les modifications a apportées sont :

    }else {return(NA)}}


    Au final, lorsque j’utilise la commande lapply(T$text,exturl) tout est renvoyé en NULL. 🙁 ( je suis novice sur R, je ne code pratiquement que sur SAS ) Pourriez vous eclairez ma lanterne?

    Bien a vous .

      1. Bonjour,

        Merci pour votre retour. Oui je suis bien connecté sur mon compte twitter. et la commande T$text, me renvoie bien tout les twittes. Seulement lorsque je tape exturl(35) (35 etant le 35 eme twittes contenant une http/t.co) il me renvoie bien le unshorten url. Mais au niveau du lapply tout les twittes renvoyés sont NULL même ceux contenant une http/t.co.

        Merci encore.

  3. I would sugest:

    (1) Rather than using

    cainfo = system.file(“CurlSSL”, “cacert.pem”, package = “RCurl”))

    in getURL, it might be better to set globally (resulting in fewer extra lines of code in larger programmes because you don’t have to explicitly use the cainfo parameter anymore):

    options(RCurlOptions = list(cainfo = system.file(“CurlSSL”, “cacert.pem”, package = “RCurl”)))
    # rest of your code

    (2) To extract the a URL from a tweet, one method might be:
    gsub(“.*(http://t.co/%5B%5B:alnum:%5D%5D+).*”, “\\1”, tweet)
    # send to unshorten

  4. Hi Arthur, i was wondering if you could help me to understand, in tweeters developers website in this new OAUTH processes , what to insert into “website”? (after the application name & description), because I’m just tiring to get tweets into R and not into a website.

    thank a lot.

  5. Hey couldnt you simply used gsub or grep, to remove everything that does not start with http or basically is not an URLs? . Agreed not very elegant but I guess number of lines of code would be less.

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